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New Equipment (2008/02/19)

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  • #16
    Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

    By new "equipment" I thought they were talking about ... clothes. Armors and stuff. Maybe the WoTG version of endgame is coming out and I need to spend yet another 2 hours + of my life trying to get the newest l33t gear.

    But just a couple of weapons is pretty disappointing to someone who pretty much only uses 8 staves ... all ... the ... time ...
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • #17
      Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

      Aye i'm still waiting for the day the elemental staves can be stored away forever.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #18
        Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

        ITT: People complain. Because they can.

        If SE releases new items that aren't as good as existing ones (or even the same as existing ones), people complain that SE wasted time adding useless items. If SE releases new items that are better than existing ones, people complain that their current items have just been devalued and the hard work they put into obtaining them has been wasted.
        lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
        Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
        Fishing 60

        Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
        Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
        Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
        Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


        • #19
          Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

          True true, such is nature.

          Everyone's being so judgemental simply because SE's pic didnt show us anything new.

          1st, its not how pretty a weapon is thats gonna help me decide if i want it or not.
          2nd, no picture wouldve been worse.
          3rd, SE's obviously not gonna add things that already are ingame, sillyness.
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #20
            Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

            Normally the new equipements are for what level? Do they only update the game for HIGH LEVEL characters?


            • #21
              Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

              Been in love with Square since before the integration.. They are just teasing us because I believe i've seen that picture before lol and they even make a note on the website "to our valued thread viewers" which makes me think they are just tossing it there so see how we react. Ha, if they are just making the same weapons with new stats, how about one handed Algol that is nin/rdm/thf... that would be nice. Anyways.. ^^


              • #22
                Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                I hope that's not the most exciting equipment they are adding.


                • #23
                  Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                  Originally posted by Guernica View Post
                  Normally the new equipements are for what level? Do they only update the game for HIGH LEVEL characters?
                  More than likely, they'll be putting in some gear for DNC and SCH at the low and intermediate levels since the gear options for those jobs is somewhat lacking. As with ToA and CoP, I imagine we'll see some craftable gear for lower levels from WotG materials soon enough. They'll cover a fair amount of the level spectrum.

                  In fact, most of the Campaign gear sets added in with the expansion were for levels 45 and 55, so they're thinking about the intermediate levels.

                  Also keep in mind that there's quite honestly a ton of gear pre-30 and some of the best sets are at 25, 29 and 30. The CoP sets around that level still get a fair bit of milage, sometimes all the way to 50+. Bounding boots are still a hot item, and very low level, PCC is 33 and highly sought after still. There's a lot of good stuff out there now at low levels, just gotta learn how to get it.

                  And really, the majority of players are high level now, you can't expect SE to not cater to the majority.


                  • #24
                    Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                    Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
                    ITT: People complain. Because they can.

                    If SE releases new items that aren't as good as existing ones (or even the same as existing ones), people complain that SE wasted time adding useless items. If SE releases new items that are better than existing ones, people complain that their current items have just been devalued and the hard work they put into obtaining them has been wasted.
                    Actually my only real complaint is that every other time they show off new gear and's just that. Brand new, never before seen gear with unique graphics to reflect the expansion they're being released with. This one is showing off common armor, an AF set, and three outdated and highly under used weapon types that have rather solid job restrictions. Not only that, but they're models from a previous expansion that totally do *not* fit with the current expansions theme. One of my friends suggest that these are Nyzul relic related...and I can only hope so...though barely cause they don't even have unique graphics...

                    Plus, Amoods suck =(

                    Originally posted by Blaez View Post
                    Been in love with Square since before the integration.. They are just teasing us because I believe i've seen that picture before lol and they even make a note on the website "to our valued thread viewers" which makes me think they are just tossing it there so see how we react. Ha, if they are just making the same weapons with new stats, how about one handed Algol that is nin/rdm/thf... that would be nice. Anyways.. ^^

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    More than likely, they'll be putting in some gear for DNC and SCH at the low and intermediate levels since the gear options for those jobs is somewhat lacking. As with ToA and CoP, I imagine we'll see some craftable gear for lower levels from WotG materials soon enough. They'll cover a fair amount of the level spectrum.

                    In fact, most of the Campaign gear sets added in with the expansion were for levels 45 and 55, so they're thinking about the intermediate levels.

                    Also keep in mind that there's quite honestly a ton of gear pre-30 and some of the best sets are at 25, 29 and 30. The CoP sets around that level still get a fair bit of milage, sometimes all the way to 50+. Bounding boots are still a hot item, and very low level, PCC is 33 and highly sought after still. There's a lot of good stuff out there now at low levels, just gotta learn how to get it.

                    And really, the majority of players are high level now, you can't expect SE to not cater to the majority.
                    This is a very true statement.
                    Last edited by Ziero; 02-19-2008, 11:58 AM.
                    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                    • #25
                      Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post

                      Also keep in mind that there's quite honestly a ton of gear pre-30 and some of the best sets are at 25, 29 and 30. The CoP sets around that level still get a fair bit of milage, sometimes all the way to 50+. Bounding boots are still a hot item, and very low level, PCC is 33 and highly sought after still. There's a lot of good stuff out there now at low levels, just gotta learn how to get it.
                      Along with that, a lot of the best lower level gear (seer's, eisen) is stuff that was added within the last couple years. It's more rare but they definitely toss out some quality lower level gear from time to time.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • #26
                        Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                        It really is a Catch-22 situation. People complain because RoZ gear is still for many if not most situations, the best gear there is. But if every expansion brought new hellah-better gear, people would complain about that, too.
                        Look at WoW. Every expansion ups the level cap and makes old gear completely worthless. Sometimes I wonder why still try to get better gear, when they've already announced a new expansion where all I've worked for in the last year becomes entirely pointless.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #27
                          Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                          nice looking stuff!
                          Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                          (have fun MMO players ^^)
                          Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                          • #28
                            Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                            Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                            It really is a Catch-22 situation. People complain because RoZ gear is still for many if not most situations, the best gear there is. But if every expansion brought new hellah-better gear, people would complain about that, too.
                            Look at WoW. Every expansion ups the level cap and makes old gear completely worthless. Sometimes I wonder why still try to get better gear, when they've already announced a new expansion where all I've worked for in the last year becomes entirely pointless.
                            That's pretty much the reason why SE won't change this lvl cap for a long while. But they're getting real good at adding *options* to the gear choices that trade availibility for effectiveness or down right make it a decision about which stats would be better over other pieces of Armor. Which imo, is the way it should be done. So while we most likely won't see any big "ZOMGWTFBBQAWSUME" gear, we will see stuff that competes with items currently ingame.

                            However, my biggest gripe about this teaser info is that it still shows no new gear. Honestly, I'm tired of the whole arabian themed armor and want to get back to my solid, flat, clanking plate mail and simple-but-effective doublets, jupons and such. But this update shows off older armor and weapons that have nothing to do with the setting we're currently involved in and it just makes me wonder wtfm8 =(
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #29
                              Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                              "I'm sure they'll have amazing hidden stats (maybe) while eating a certain kind of food (possibly) on a specific day (allegedly) while standing in an undisclosed location (probably) on one leg (definitely)."

                              Dont forget you will have to be doing assault.


                              • #30
                                Re: New Equipment (2008/02/19)

                                Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                                However, my biggest gripe about this teaser info is that it still shows no new gear. Honestly, I'm tired of the whole arabian themed armor and want to get back to my solid, flat, clanking plate mail and simple-but-effective doublets, jupons and such. But this update shows off older armor and weapons that have nothing to do with the setting we're currently involved in and it just makes me wonder wtfm8 =(
                                Keep in mind SE fell behind on getting ToA content out there on the timeline the originally planned, some of the aspects of ToA never came to be or got shelved because they ran out of time to do them. There's probably not only some gear left over and still waiting to get out into the game, but also content as well.

                                While ToA didn't leave much of a cliffhanger storywise, there still remains some unfinished business there and I feel ToA's content isn't entirely over with yet.

