Re: New Campaign Elements (02/07/2008)
My PC is getting a little long in the tooth. â—€/blushâ–¶
At least some of the time, I don't see the dead body until the crowd stop stomping on it. Or, I see a dead body, but it's taking a long time trying to target it and--opps, AoE took down stoneskin. â—€Run away!â–¶. Rebuff! ... A few minutes later, I remember the dead body, and go back to check...
Then there are times I see a dead body, but I'm the only person on a monster. The carcass simply had to wait in that case, unless I didn't DoT my target. (RDM soloing is buff-buff-debuff-swing!-buff-debuff-buff, in case you forget--very busy.)
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If you campaign battle is supposed to be group activity, invite people, form parties. ^_^b (Otherwise, don't complain about not getting help.)
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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At least some of the time, I don't see the dead body until the crowd stop stomping on it. Or, I see a dead body, but it's taking a long time trying to target it and--opps, AoE took down stoneskin. â—€Run away!â–¶. Rebuff! ... A few minutes later, I remember the dead body, and go back to check...
Then there are times I see a dead body, but I'm the only person on a monster. The carcass simply had to wait in that case, unless I didn't DoT my target. (RDM soloing is buff-buff-debuff-swing!-buff-debuff-buff, in case you forget--very busy.)
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If you campaign battle is supposed to be group activity, invite people, form parties. ^_^b (Otherwise, don't complain about not getting help.)