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The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

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  • #91
    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

    Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
    If there's no skill, do you think it might be Charm-based like BST and BRD? I could certainly see BST/DNC supplanting BST/WHM to an extent if that were the case...
    I too have considered this, I will definitly try it.

    With Jug pets, dancing to heal myself, perhaps drain samba helps too and what other abilities DNC gives me, and incase I get too much hate, Snarl!

    But is it enough to replace /whm or /nin? I'm dubious but hopefull.

    I wanna dance!
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #92
      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

      Originally posted by Karinya View Post
      Although, as Richie pointed out in another thread, you don't really need staves to land enfeebles on a merit mob when you have A+ skill, at least +22 skill gear (that's just af body and enf torque; earring, af2 hat, nashira pants, sea cape etc. go on top of that) and enf merits too. At least with our current crop of pansy-ass merit mobs.
      Some things I wouldn't risk, though, such as Silence on Imps and mage type Mamool Ja. Not all of us have all those gears, either. =/

      Originally posted by Karinya View Post
      (To say nothing of colibri, which you don't really want to enfeeble all that much even if you *can* land the spells.)
      Silence and Gravity aside, it's not that hard to land most enfeebs on them. (With staves--I'm a back line lurker, thank you.)

      The trouble is, you'd have to remove almost every enfeeb you put on Greater Colibri from somebody. With NIN tank, I've tossed in Dia II and Paralyze when I'm not in fear of running out of MP. With Paladin, no Paralyze, since they don't have Utusemi to absorb it. (Slow can always be used when the front line is fully hasted.) Of course, only RDM/WHM can do this.

      Short of that, the only other enfeeb I'd feel safe to use is Flash from /PLD. If it hits a Paladin, well... The party isn't counting on their damage anyway. NIN would have Utsusemi ready, and trade one shadow for great evasion for maybe 10+ seconds. That time they are not using to cast Utsusemi is the time they are hitting the critters.

      The trouble is, with merited people and two-handers (before the latest adjustments), the Greater Colibris die way too fast for much more than a Dia II. (Heck, I'd even skipped Dia II as well when low on MP.)

      Originally posted by Karinya View Post
      The most interesting possibility IMO is whether you will be able to get enough benefit out of your TP with /DNC that it outweighs +10% cure potency from light staff. Currently there isn't much to *do* with your tp - 200 damage savage blades anyone? - so there isn't much reason to care that you're giving it up. But if you can turn your TP into extra cures, debuffs (there is no dancing skill, so /DNC might not have that much trouble sticking the sambas they have) etc...
      This is a very interesting question to me as well.

      Drain Samba seems pretty nice to start with; instead of casting my pitiful Regen I on DDs who were slapped once or twice before the tank had gotten control back, I can just do a little dance, and let the DDs fix their own minor scrapes and bruises and add a little damage, too.

      Seems like this would benefit MNKs and NINs more than anyone else, except maybe some unlucky THF/NINs who kept getting fried by -ga spells on pulls.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #93
        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

        It depends on the mechanics. I hope SE has the sense to make the amount drained related to dmg, or delay, or *something* that keeps it from being "oh, this pwns for thf and mnk, but drk gets 5 hp a minute". It's really not that hard to anticipate that low delay weapons, haste/DW and multihit weapons are going to break it unless you do something.
        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


        • #94
          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

          WOW!! There's just so many posts on this already that it will take me too long to find out if anyone has mentioned anything about the question I have. I guess I'm just a bit late in posting.

          Anyway.... along with a few other things, I'm rather liking the new gobbie bag quests for extra space/slots in your inventory. (only 10 extra in total though. Hmm... not sure what to think about it right now) I have already completed all the original ones, and because I have 60 spaces/slots, I was able to view and read up for what new items Blufnix in Lower Jeuno wanted, to increase inventory size yesterday.

          But out of the items he mentioned, I feel like one of them might be missing from the game right now.
          The item is "Lynx Leather"

          If this item has already been mentioned, then I'm sorry.
          I'm just a bit confused on why I can't find it in the game right now.
          Is it possible that it will be one of those new ones to be in the new WotG expansion at all? Is that why I can't find it on any AH right now?

          Anyhow, the prices of some of them are quite expensive right now.
          On Fenrir, the price of rainbow cloth was about 70-80k (roughly) when I checked in Jeuno yesterday, (and that's just for 1 piece too! I dreaded the thought of how much a complete stack would cost! /sigh!) so I think I'm going to have to wait for a while until I have managed to earn more gil for my character.
          (\ /)
          ( . .)


          • #95
            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

            I believe the lynx hides (which make lynx leathers) are not in the game yet. Noone has a link on where to get the hides and I can't find any mention on the AH yet. I'm guessing its a new mob.
            As for the gil required to buy these items, give it a while. Unless you're really short on space and need the 10 more spots asap, give it a month or two and let prices return to normal. The same thing happened when TAU was released with the items for moghouse exit. They'll return to normal soon and it won't be so expensive.
            Side note: you only need one rainbow cloth, not a stack.
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #96
              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

              Originally posted by Caspian View Post
              I believe the lynx hides (which make lynx leathers) are not in the game yet. Noone has a link on where to get the hides and I can't find any mention on the AH yet. I'm guessing its a new mob.
              Ahh... I see. Well I'd kinda guessed that there had to be some reasonable explanation for it at least. The hides drop from a new mob in the new expansion - WoTG, whch is why it doesn't appear in the game as yet.

              I expect that after a while of the expansion being out and lots of players have completed quests and whatnot in it already, that other sites will get updated with it too, to help you know how to get the items I hope! (sites such as ''somepage,'' 'allakhazam,'' the FFXl Wiki site and others too)

              As for the gil required to buy these items, give it a while. Unless you're really short on space and need the 10 more spots asap, give it a month or two and let prices return to normal.
              The thing with rather sky high prices on things always seems to happen when they a bring out a new expansion, doesn't it? I'm not sure why this happens to be honest, but regardless..... yes, I am able to wait a few months for prices to lower a bit. I'm not really in any big rush to get the upgrade just yet, as I'm not quite overflowing (off the top of my head, I think I'm roughly about 10 spaces short of 60 in my inv right now, and with the help of mog house and storage space too, so not too bad) enough to be quite that desperate yet. So yeps.... I'm surely going to wait this one out.

              The same thing happened when TAU was released with the items for moghouse exit. They'll return to normal soon and it won't be so expensive.
              Haven't got round to doing that one yet. I have the moghouse moogle in Sandy (my starting city) asking me to trade it an imperial bronze piece. Does that have anything to do with the Aht Urghan mog house exit, or was that for the number of mog house spaces you can get over there?

              I'll have a check on this one from one of the FFXl sites in a minute I think.

              Side note: you only need one rainbow cloth, not a stack.
              Yeps, I know that! Was just saying though.
              And it's a good thing you don't need a whole stack for it either. There'd be no point I guess.
              Last edited by Snowball; 11-22-2007, 07:43 AM.
              (\ /)
              ( . .)


              • #97
                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                They're there. They're likely up north in the frozen regions of the world or something, as there are Lynx Hides up for Auction.

                Besides that, SE wouldn't have made it a requirement for part 7 of the gobbie bags if you couldn't get any.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #98
                  Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                  Yes the version update has arrived and the Registration server has crashed and is having major problems, plus currently doing the updates, only 20238 files to check and thankfully only 67 files to go


                  • #99
                    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                    Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                    Yes the version update has arrived and the Registration server has crashed and is having major problems, plus currently doing the updates, only 20238 files to check and thankfully only 67 files to go
                    Someone in my LS mentioned they were having trouble with the registration of the WoTG expansion this evening. I didn't realise there was a problem until a 2-3 hours ago. I ordered mine about a couple of days ago, and I think it will be arriving either tomorrow or day after. Ill see how things go when I install it.

                    I presume the installlation will still let you play the game without any technical hitches, even though you can't, and haven't registered with the codes and such I hope.

                    I'm not sure why there is a problem with registering though. Any ideas?
                    Hopefully they will sort it all out sometime soon, then everyone can get into exploring the new areas and other things that WoTG has to offer. (like, the new dancer job, and new quests and things)

                    P.S. - I'm quite amused by that turdis joke in your sig. I ROTF LMAO the first time I saw it from your "youtube" link.
                    I'm not really a massive Rik Mayall fan though, but that clip in your link just really got me and I couldn't stop laughing for ages. Hehe.
                    Last edited by Snowball; 11-23-2007, 10:10 PM.
                    (\ /)
                    ( . .)


                    • Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                      Originally posted by Snowball View Post

                      P.S. - I'm quite amused by that turdis joke in your sig. I ROTF LMAO the first time I saw it from your "youtube" link.
                      I'm not really a massive Rik Mayall fan though, but that clip in your link just really got me and I couldn't stop laughing for ages. Hehe.
                      Yeah it was a great show, I saw it in Nottingham when they played there, the whole show is just hillarious, you hurt from laughing so much, especially when the ad lib when rik fluffs up his lines or they answer a heckle.

                      Any hows I managed to finally register and get dancer and in the Starter thread i ahve posted my "sightings" of mobs from a 43 PLD's poitn of view and was suprised at some of the results.


                      • Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                        Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                        I presume the installlation will still let you play the game without any technical hitches, even though you can't, and haven't registered with the codes and such I hope.

                        I'm not sure why there is a problem with registering though. Any ideas?
                        Hopefully they will sort it all out sometime soon, then everyone can get into exploring the new areas and other things that WoTG has to offer. (like, the new dancer job, and new quests and things)
                        You can still play, you just won't be able to access anything from the expansion until its registered. You'll just have what you do now.

                        They're working on the problems at the moment, the sooner they fix it the better. I'm trying to register my code.

