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The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

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  • #16
    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

    Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
    ...yeah. I wonder if this will be the issue that keeps most Windower users from seeing the official option as at all viable as an alternative. Seems SE is still letting third-party tool paranoia take precedence without any real consideration to how actual users will respond to the resulting misfeatures. Some Windower users claim to prefer true-fullscreen and consider the biggest advantage Windower has to offer as not booting them out of FFXI any time something pops up.
    When I started it was always a fullscreen error -1 So yea, windower saved me from all those random d/cs ~.~
    Now, its just the convience of having it not take up the full screen and being able to surf/chat.
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #17
      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

      Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
      ...yeah. I wonder if this will be the issue that keeps most Windower users from seeing the official option as at all viable as an alternative. Seems SE is still letting third-party tool paranoia take precedence without any real consideration to how actual users will respond to the resulting misfeatures. Some Windower users claim to prefer true-fullscreen and consider the biggest advantage Windower has to offer as not booting them out of FFXI any time something pops up.
      That's pretty much what I use windower for. I mean the TP thing is nice and all, and expwatch is great, as well as distance. I'll use the official a couple times, but if I can't browse the forums while playing, or watch youtube, then I'm going to continue to use the "illegal" one, simply out of preference and compatibility.

      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


      • #18
        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

        Yeah, same here espically with a Dynamis - Xarcabard tonight ~_~;
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #19
          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

          New titles:

          Schultz Scholar
          Knight of the Iron Ram
          Fourth Division Soldier
          Cobra Unit Mercenary
          Lady Killer
          Troupe Brilioth Dancer
          Cait Sith's Assistant
          Ajido-Marujido's Minder
          Sandworm Wrangler

          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


          • #20
            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

            Thank goodness I don't have to speak to the npc again before moving to a rent a room!

            Originally posted by SE
            *Disbanding or leaving a party will not expel party members that are already in your Mog House. Selecting “Close Mog” from the Mog House menu will, however, expel all characters besides the owner.

            Originally posted by SE
            Many new monsters have been introduced along with the Wings of the Goddess areas.
            Some of these creatures will react aggressively to the use of job abilities and weapon skills.
            Does this mean mobs will link if you do a WS or use a Job Ability? @_@.
            Originally posted by SE
            The following changes have been made to two-handed weapons:<
            â—‹Bonuses from attributes have been reduced.
            â—‹The method for calculating damage has been readjusted.
            Sad face Too bad for all you 2handers
            Originally posted by SE
            A new white magic spell “Repose” has been added.
            â—‹Repose (Level 48)
            Puts an enemy to sleep.
            All right! level 48 no subbing that.
            Originally posted by SE
            A new thief job ability “Accomplice” has been added.
            â—‹Accomplice (Level 65)
            Steals half of the target party member's enmity and redirects it to the thief.
            Only high level thief's will be getting that? DAMN I was hoping it would be less than level 60 so we could use it on BCNM's or Hero's Combat, Mercenary Camp, etc.
            Originally posted by SE
            A new beastmaster pet command “Snarl” has been added.
            â—‹Snarl (Level 45)
            Transfer enmity to a pet invoked with the "Call Beast" ability.
            /welcome Beastmasters to exp parties! lol, sorry bad joke.
            Originally posted by SE
            A new ranger job ability “Velocity Shot” has been added.
            â—‹Velocity Shot (Level 45)
            Increases attack power and speed of ranged attacks, while reducing attack power and speed of melee attacks.
            /welcome back Rangers!
            Originally posted by SE
            New text commands have been added:

            Individual macro books or sets can be selected by combining the “/macro“ command with the “book” and “set” subcommands.<>

            To select Book 15
            /macro book 15

            To select Set 3
            /macro set 3

            â—‹/campaignmap, /cmap
            This command opens the “Campaign” map under “Region Info” in the main menu.
            Wait what!?!? We can put macro commands to macro commands to select new palettes and books quickly?! Hold on a sec...
            Hacked on 9/9/09
            FFXIAH - Omniblast


            • #21
              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

              Mmmm, muffins.

              The Scholar spells at least sound interesting. Sound a lot like geomancer-y spells.


              • #22
                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                Originally posted by Eiyoko View Post
                It'll come on the 22nd. Register expansion and poofity.
                My guess is we get sucked in there first thing, almost like CoP
                You have always had to do a quest or a mission to get access, well, except for maybe some Zilart areas.

                Zilart - Kahzam Keys.
                CoP - CoP Missions, Chapter 1
                ToAU - Trade some items to a guy in Jeuno.

                I wonder if this will be the issue that keeps most Windower users from seeing the official option as at all viable as an alternative.
                No, most likely they won't want to give up their cheats. Technically, the game crashing is a danger with every DX windowed game so they just warned you about it. If you have a good video card with good drivers it probably won't be a problem.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #23
                  Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                  Ah, my bad.

                  Man this Christmas is going to be action packed with stuff to do again ^ ^


                  • #24
                    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                    Did the SMN elemental MP regen ability didn't make it into this patch, or is it just not listed? got another 8 hours till get out of work
                    75SMN\5XWHM\37BLM\37RDM\the rest 15+

                    80 PLD\80 DRU\60Mage\60 Shamen\the rest 30+

                    lvl 75 - EE\CMPE\CMPSCI


                    • #25
                      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                      The effects of the following weapon skills have been adjusted:
                      Tachi: Yukikaze
                      Tachi: Gekko
                      Tachi: Kasha

                      Heart jumped when I first read that, missed "the effects".
                      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                      Woodworking 91.9+2
                      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                      • #26
                        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                        You have always had to do a quest or a mission to get access, well, except for maybe some Zilart areas.
                        Not really. Zilart you could access Altepa and Zi'tah without completing quests, as was as Gustav. Only thing you couldn't access was Kazham (actually, that's not even true, you could be teleported there for summerfest, but that's a minor thing) and Sky.

                        COP you could access places like Carpenter's Landing and Attowah Chasm without quests

                        TAU is the only one I can think of where you have to do a quest to access any expansion areas, but that's because it's on a completely different continent.


                        • #27
                          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                          Technically, the game crashing is a danger with every DX windowed game so they just warned you about it. If you have a good video card with good drivers it probably won't be a problem.
                          I hope you are right about this only being a warning about a stability caveat. My concern was that it sounded like they were changing the automatic bailout condition from losing Fullscreen to detecting an application launch, presuming that the chance they may be 3rd-party cheat programs outweighs the inconvenience of losing FFXI every time you launch a program. Hopefully that interpretation is just me being paranoid.

                          I do wonder if the updates will do anything about the SMP issue I've had with sound. Only solution I've found (aside from downgrading the sound drivers) is to restrict pol.exe to a single CPU core.
                          Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                          Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                          Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                          Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                          All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                          Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                          Clothcraft 24
                          Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                          • #28
                            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                            Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
                            I hope you are right about this only being a warning about a stability caveat. My concern was that it sounded like they were changing the automatic bailout condition from losing Fullscreen to detecting an application launch, presuming that the chance they may be 3rd-party cheat programs outweighs the inconvenience of losing FFXI every time you launch a program. Hopefully that interpretation is just me being paranoid.
                            I can't imagine even SE would be stupid enough to think that releasing a windowed mode that still didn't allow any other application to be started would be a wise business decision. They're just covering their asses on the DX thing.
                            Ellipses on Fenrir
                            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                            . . .


                            • #29
                              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                              Well, I will try this new windowed mode and if it gives me shit, I'll go back to the other one. I just want an easy vehicle for looking up quests, working on homework while LFP, and running Vent.

                              I always planned to run the official one as soon as it came out, but I really don't want something that's gonna be fucking broken. I guess while the "unofficial" windower is broken I'll be giving the official one a trial run.

                              I will miss knowing mob % though, that's a nifty feature.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • #30
                                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                                Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                                You have always had to do a quest or a mission to get access, well, except for maybe some Zilart areas.
                                Zilart - Kahzam Keys.
                                CoP - CoP Missions, Chapter 1
                                ToAU - Trade some items to a guy in Jeuno.
                                No, most likely they won't want to give up their cheats. Technically, the game crashing is a danger with every DX windowed game so they just warned you about it. If you have a good video card with good drivers it probably won't be a problem.
                                To gain access to RoZ and CoP areas, all you needed was the expansion registered. To *start* those missions, all you needed to do was

                                RoZ: Get rank 6, walk into Norg
                                CoP: Walk into Delkfutts
                                ToAU: Do the Quest in Jeuno

                                ToAU was the first with an actual quest to start the missions and access new areas, and as stated, that's because it was a different continent. My guess, Cavernous Maws will be floating around and we'll have to do a few randomly found CS to be able to go through em into the past.
                                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

