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The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

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  • #31
    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

    Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
    The following changes have been made to beastmaster pet commands:
    ○”Heel,” “Stay,” and “Leave” now share the same recast time.
    ○The recast time for ”Heel,” “Stay,” and “Leave” has been reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
    Ok, this section just caught my eye. The wording seems a little strange to me. What exactly does it mean for 3 abilities to "share the same recast time"? Couldn't these two points have simply been compacted down to: "The recast time for "Heel", "Stay," and "Leave" has been reduced to 5 seconds."

    Unless they mean that those 3 abilities share the same timer. i.e. If you use Heel, you must wait 5 seconds before you can use Stay.
    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
    Fishing 60

    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


    • #32
      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

      Originally posted by Ziero View Post
      To gain access to RoZ and CoP areas, all you needed was the expansion registered. To *start* those missions, all you needed to do was
      RoZ: Get rank 6, walk into Norg
      CoP: Walk into Delkfutts
      ToAU: Do the Quest in Jeuno
      ToAU was the first with an actual quest to start the missions and access new areas, and as stated, that's because it was a different continent. My guess, Cavernous Maws will be floating around and we'll have to do a few randomly found CS to be able to go through em into the past.
      It's true there were more areas that you had immediate access to then I first remembered. However, while maybe you will just have large mouths hanging around all over Vana'diel, Wings is much closer to ToAU in that it's all 'new' areas, not areas being added to the existing land masses. While it would be handy not to have to do a quest or something to get there, it's not going to surprise me if there is.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #33
        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
        It's true there were more areas that you had immediate access to then I first remembered. However, while maybe you will just have large mouths hanging around all over Vana'diel, Wings is much closer to ToAU in that it's all 'new' areas, not areas being added to the existing land masses. While it would be handy not to have to do a quest or something to get there, it's not going to surprise me if there is.
        Yea, I sorta agreed with that aspect, I was just saying that it wasn't 'always' needed for past expansions. >.>
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #34
          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

          Unless they mean that those 3 abilities share the same timer. i.e. If you use Heel, you must wait 5 seconds before you can use Stay.
          Fairly sure it means that.


          • #35
            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

            Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
            Unless they mean that those 3 abilities share the same timer. i.e. If you use Heel, you must wait 5 seconds before you can use Stay.
            That's probably the case.
            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
            Rockman - Fairy

            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
            Currently Playing:
            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


            • #36
              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

              A character’s 2-hour ability will now wear off when changing areas.

              Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

              I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


              • #37
                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                Extends the effect of your next healing or enhancing white magic spell to party members within range. MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.

                Exclusive Scholar Spells
                White Magic
                Sandstorm (Level 41)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "dusty."
                Rainstorm (Level 43)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "rainy."
                Windstorm (Level 45)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "windy."
                Firestorm (Level 47)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "hot."
                Hailstorm (Level 49)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "snowy."
                Thunderstorm (Level 51)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "thundery."
                Voidstorm (Level 53)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "gloomy."
                Aurorastorm (Level 55)
                Changes the weather around target party member to "auroras."
                Looks like a Scholar would be an excellent choice for Manaburn situations. Accession + Thunderstorm while wearing a Rairin Obi? OMGWTFBOOMSPLOSIN! "Divine Might <Do you need it?> <Scholar> <Can I have it?>"

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #38
                  Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                  ugh, the official window-mode is total fail

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #39
                    The New Jobs [ Dancer ]


                    Dancer Job Abilities
                    Trance (Level 1)
                    While in effect, lowers TP cost of dances and steps to 0.

                    These dances imbue melee attacks with special enhancements.
                    Drain Samba (Level 5)
                    Aspir Samba (Level 25)
                    Drain Samba II (Level 35)
                    Haste Samba (Level 45)
                    Aspir Samba II (Level 60)
                    Drain Samba III (Level 65)

                    These dances cure and remove ailments from party members.
                    Curing Waltz (Level 15)
                    Divine Waltz (Level 25)
                    Curing Waltz II (Level 30)
                    Healing Waltz (Level 35)
                    Curing Waltz III (Level 50)
                    Curing Waltz IV (Level 70)

                    These dances enhance your own abilities.
                    Spectral Jig (Level 25)
                    Chocobo Jig (Level 55)

                    These dance steps enfeeble enemies while granting access to finishing moves.
                    Quickstep (Level 20)
                    Box Step (Level 30)
                    Stutter Step (Level 40)

                    Flourishes I
                    Powerful dance steps that can only be used after earning finishing moves.
                    Animated Flourish (Level 20)
                    Desperate Flourish (Level 30)
                    Violent Flourish (Level 45)

                    Flourishes II
                    Powerful dance steps that can only be used after earning finishing moves.
                    Reverse Flourish (Level 40)
                    Building Flourish (Level 50)
                    Wild Flourish (Level 60)

                    Dancer Job Traits
                    Evasion Bonus (Level 15)
                    Resist Slow (Level 20)
                    Subtle Blow (Level 25)
                    Accuracy Bonus (Level 30)

                    Job Ability: Dances
                    Dances are divided into three categories: Sambas, Waltzes, and Jigs. Each of the dances within these categories is acquired at a different level, and requires a certain amount of TP to use.

                    Each category has its own recast time, and using a dance will prevent the use of other dances within the same category until the recast time has expired. In addition, the effect of a Samba dance will be overwritten by other dances within the Samba category, regardless of the remaining duration.

                    Job Ability: Steps
                    Steps are used to enfeeble an enemy, while at the same time generating the “finishing moves” required to perform Flourishes.
                    Steps require TP to use, in the same manner as dances.
                    The enfeebling effects produced by Steps can be stacked up to five times. The more times an effect is stacked, the more powerful it becomes.

                    *Finishing moves are generated at a different rate depending on whether dancer is set as your main job or support job.
                    *Up to a maximum of five finishing moves can be stored at one time.

                    Job Ability: Flourishes
                    Flourishes are used to produce various powerful effects by consuming the finishing moves generated by Steps. Each type of Flourish requires a certain number of finishing moves to perform.

                    Flourishes are divided into two categories: Flourishes I and Flourishes II. Each of the Flourishes within these categories is acquired at a different level.
                    Each category has its own recast time, and using a Flourish will prevent the use of other Flourishes within the same category until the recast time has expired.

                    Flourishes I
                    Animated Flourish Provokes target. Requires at least one finishing move.
                    Desperate Flourish Weighs down a target with a low rate of success. Requires one finishing move.
                    Violent Flourish Stuns target with a low rate of success. Requires one finishing move.

                    Flourishes II
                    Reverse Flourish Converts remaining finishing moves into TP. Requires at least one finishing move.
                    Building Flourish Enhances potency of next weapon skill. Requires at least one finishing move.
                    Wild Flourish Readies target for a skillchain. Requires at least two finishing moves.

                    Building towards a Flourish
                    Build TP with weapon attacks until a Step can be used
                    Earn finishing moves by using Steps
                    Consume finishing moves to perform a Flourish

                    Scholar Job Abilities
                    Tabula Rasa (Level 1)
                    Optimizes both white and black magic capabilities while allowing charge-free stratagem use.
                    Light Arts (Level 10)
                    Optimizes white magic capability while lowering black magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to divine, enhancing, and healing magic.
                    Dark Arts (Level 10)
                    Optimizes black magic capability while lowering white magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to enfeebling, elemental, and dark magic.
                    Methods of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of magic.
                    Displays grimoire abilities available when using Light Arts or Dark Arts.

                    White Grimoire
                    Penury (Level 10)
                    Celerity (Level 25)
                    Accession (Level 40)
                    Rapture (Level 55)

                    Black Grimoire
                    Parsimony (Level 10)
                    Alacrity (Level 25)
                    Manifestation (Level 40)
                    Ebullience (Level 55)

                    Modus Veritas (Level 65)
                    Increases damage done by helix spells while lowering spell duration by 50%.

                    Scholar Job Traits
                    Resist Silence (Level 10)
                    Clear Mind (Level 20)
                    Max MP Boost (Level 30)

                    Job Abilities: Light Arts and Dark Arts
                    When a scholar reaches level 10, he or she gains access to the job abilities Light Arts and Dark Arts.
                    Using Light Arts gives a scholar access to abilities that enhance white magic, while Dark Arts give access to abilities that enhance black magic. However, while Light Arts may shorten casting times or reduce MP costs for white magic, casting times and MP costs for black magic will be increased. The reverse holds true when using Dark Arts to enhance black magic.

                    Job Abilities: Stratagems
                    When a scholar gains access to Light Arts and Dark Arts at level 10, he or she will also acquire new abilities called “Stratagems.” The abilities available within Stratagems will correspond to the type of Arts the scholar currently has activated. No abilities will be displayed if neither Light Arts nor Dark Arts has been selected.

                    Stratagems do not have a recast time. However, the use of these abilities is restricted by the number of “charges” available, with each ability consuming one charge per use.

                    *When using the “/recast” text command, it is necessary to nominate a specific Stratagem to which the scholar currently has access, such as “/recast Celerity”. This command will display the amount of time remaining until a new charge will be generated, as well as the current number of charges available.

                    The number of charges available depends on the level of the scholar.
                    When set to the main job, a scholar will have one charge available at level 10, two at level 40, and the maximum of three at level 70. When set to the support job, a scholar will always have a maximum of one charge available, regardless of level.
                    Charges will be regained at four-minute intervals, meaning twelve minutes are required to regain three charges.

                    White Grimoire
                    Reduces the MP cost of your next white magic spell by 50%.
                    Reduces the casting time of your next white magic spell by 50%.
                    Enhances the potency of your next white magic spell.
                    Extends the effect of your next healing or enhancing white magic spell to party members within range. MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.

                    Black Grimoire
                    Reduces the MP cost of your next black magic spell by 50%.
                    Reduces the casting time of your next black magic spell by 50%.
                    Enhances the potency of your next black magic spell.
                    Extends the effect of your next enfeebling black magic spell to targets within range. MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.

                    Exclusive Scholar Spells
                    White Magic
                    Sandstorm (Level 41)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "dusty."
                    Rainstorm (Level 43)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "rainy."
                    Windstorm (Level 45)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "windy."
                    Firestorm (Level 47)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "hot."
                    Hailstorm (Level 49)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "snowy."
                    Thunderstorm (Level 51)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "thundery."
                    Voidstorm (Level 53)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "gloomy."
                    Aurorastorm (Level 55)
                    Changes the weather around target party member to "auroras."

                    Black Magic
                    Geohelix (Level 61)
                    Deals earth damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Hydrohelix (Level 63)
                    Deals water damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Anemohelix (Level 65)
                    Deals wind damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Pyrohelix (Level 67)
                    Deals fire damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Cryohelix (Level 69)
                    Deals ice damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Ionohelix (Level 71)
                    Deals lightning damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Noctohelix (Level 73)
                    Deals darkness damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Luminohelix (Level 75)
                    Deals light damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.
                    Last edited by Kafeen; 11-19-2007, 12:07 PM. Reason: Improved formating


                    • #40
                      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                      Anyone know if the new Phantom Rolls for Dancer and Scholar have been found?

                      ugh, the official window-mode is total fail
                      You were seriously expecting it to do something more than window the game?


                      • #41
                        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                        Are the new jobs unlockable after the update? All the info hurts my eyes.
                        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                        Woodworking 91.9+2
                        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                        • #42
                          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                          No, the new jobs won't be unlockable until Wednesday when the Expansion Content goes live.
                          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                          Rockman - Fairy

                          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                          Currently Playing:
                          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                          • #43
                            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                            Nope, not until the expansion goes live, which is (as SE put it) sometime Wednesday.

                            EDIT: I fail at posting information first.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • #44
                              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              You were seriously expecting it to do something more than window the game?
                              no, but even then it fails. what's up with the no screenshots and being kicked out of playonline?

                              Thanks Yyg!


                              • #45
                                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived! (11/19/2007)

                                Is anyone else hoping for different but similar music for the starting areas? The music is half the reason I play this game and I'm hoping they went all out on some awesome new themes.

