Announcement for players planning on buying Vana'diel Collection 2008 (11/06/2007)
All of the Vana'diel Collections up until now have included separate registration codes for PlayOnline, FINAL FANTASY XI, and each expansion pack, but Vana'diel Collection 2008 will include a single registration code integrating PlayOnline and all FINAL FANTASY XI contents into one code.
Players will only have to enter the registration code once, making expansion pack registration code entry unnecessary.
Restrictions on Registration Code Usage
The Vana'diel Collection 2008 registration code combines multiple contents into one, but may only be used once for a single PlayOnline ID.
If you have just joined PlayOnline, you cannot use that registration code for another PlayOnline ID's expanded services registration or Content ID purchases.
Also, if you have used your registration code for expanded services on a pre-existing PlayOnline ID, you cannot use that registration code to join PlayOnline with a new PlayOnline ID.
In previous Vana'diel Collections, unused registration codes could be left over, but because of the way the new registration code works, these unused registration codes cannot be used separately. Please keep this in mind before purchase.
Expanded Services One-time Registration
If you use the registration code when purchasing a new Content ID or registering expanded services, you will be given the option on each completion screen to perform one-time registration for the unregistered expansion packs: Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urhgan, and Wings of the Goddess.
By using the one-time registration feature, you will not need to individually register each expanded service.
*If you do not intend to use one-time registration, please register from "Expanded Services Registration" under "Membership."
*It is not necessary to input your registration code into both one-time registration and individual registrations.
The "FINAL FANTASY XI: Wings of the Goddess" expansion pack that is being sold separately will include a single registration code only for use with Wings of the Goddess. If you are currently using a PlayOnline ID that already has Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan installed and registered, we recommend only purchasing the "Wings of the Goddess" expansion data disk.

All of the Vana'diel Collections up until now have included separate registration codes for PlayOnline, FINAL FANTASY XI, and each expansion pack, but Vana'diel Collection 2008 will include a single registration code integrating PlayOnline and all FINAL FANTASY XI contents into one code.
Players will only have to enter the registration code once, making expansion pack registration code entry unnecessary.
Restrictions on Registration Code Usage
The Vana'diel Collection 2008 registration code combines multiple contents into one, but may only be used once for a single PlayOnline ID.
If you have just joined PlayOnline, you cannot use that registration code for another PlayOnline ID's expanded services registration or Content ID purchases.
Also, if you have used your registration code for expanded services on a pre-existing PlayOnline ID, you cannot use that registration code to join PlayOnline with a new PlayOnline ID.
In previous Vana'diel Collections, unused registration codes could be left over, but because of the way the new registration code works, these unused registration codes cannot be used separately. Please keep this in mind before purchase.
Expanded Services One-time Registration
If you use the registration code when purchasing a new Content ID or registering expanded services, you will be given the option on each completion screen to perform one-time registration for the unregistered expansion packs: Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urhgan, and Wings of the Goddess.
By using the one-time registration feature, you will not need to individually register each expanded service.
*If you do not intend to use one-time registration, please register from "Expanded Services Registration" under "Membership."
*It is not necessary to input your registration code into both one-time registration and individual registrations.
The "FINAL FANTASY XI: Wings of the Goddess" expansion pack that is being sold separately will include a single registration code only for use with Wings of the Goddess. If you are currently using a PlayOnline ID that already has Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan installed and registered, we recommend only purchasing the "Wings of the Goddess" expansion data disk.
