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Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

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  • #61
    Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

    Oh yes

    ? AkA: KenKen ^_~


    • #62
      Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

      ....worse than any galka
      Last edited by Ziero; 10-24-2007, 09:51 AM. Reason: Grammer Nazi's are onto me! D=
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #63
        Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

        "Than", but thanks for playing.

        Don't worry though, we've got a wonderful consolation prize for you.


        • #64
          Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

          It both, disturbs me and makes me lol....
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #65
            Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            "Than", but thanks for playing.
            Don't worry though, we've got a wonderful consolation prize for you.
            Psh, like yous never accidentally done grammer bad >_>
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #66
              Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

              My grammar mistakes are intentional, always.


              • #67
                Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                Oh my, that's a disturbing image. It wouldn't kill SE to make the guy dancer AF just a little less frilly. I mean COR BLU and PUP are all kind of girly but not even touching the level of girliness of DAN AF. Hell, it's a damn skirt, FFS!
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • #68
                  Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                  It looks to me as though there are two possibilities here: either Dancer will as gender-specific as it's been made out to be between the AF and the wholly female presentation and there'll also be a male-specific job for a total of two, or as others have said there'll be one job corresponding to each of the three starting nations without actually being nation-restricted. I doubt they'll do both and throw in another unisex job to round it out. My personal hope is the national jobs option, and different DNC AF for men.

                  And I still think Time Mage has no substansive evidence -- and has going against it that RDM already has one of the most obvious spells to give it as a merit spell, so it can't really be taken away -- and that we're more likely to get Atomos as a summonable avatar filled with temporal goodness, if anything. -- Pteryx


                  • #69
                    Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                    They dont allow gay marriage in the game but they are introducing Drag queens?

                    That was the most disturbing image I've ever seen.
                    Party building will be fun
                    Person 1: " camp where?"
                    Person 2: " Well there is a transvestite over there"?
                    Person 1: "Thats camp enough for me"

                    Last edited by Satori; 10-25-2007, 05:07 AM. Reason: Spelling error

                    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                    • #70
                      Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                      Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
                      It looks to me as though there are two possibilities here: either Dancer will as gender-specific as it's been made out to be between the AF and the wholly female presentation and there'll also be a male-specific job for a total of two, or as others have said there'll be one job corresponding to each of the three starting nations without actually being nation-restricted. I doubt they'll do both and throw in another unisex job to round it out. My personal hope is the national jobs option, and different DNC AF for men.
                      I'm going to go with option C) They're only adding two jobs and Dancer will be available for all genders and races like every other job they've ever added.

                      And I still think Time Mage has no substansive evidence -- and has going against it that RDM already has one of the most obvious spells to give it as a merit spell, so it can't really be taken away -- and that we're more likely to get Atomos as a summonable avatar filled with temporal goodness, if anything. -- Pteryx
                      Anything can be taken away in this game, just ask Bsts and Rngs.
                      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                      • #71
                        Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                        Oh my, that's a disturbing image. It wouldn't kill SE to make the guy dancer AF just a little less frilly. I mean COR BLU and PUP are all kind of girly but not even touching the level of girliness of DAN AF. Hell, it's a damn skirt, FFS!
                        I don't see how BLU and COR AF are "girly." PUP AF just reeked of a bizarre lovechild had by Kefka and Gogo. COR AF was 90% pirate, 10% Setzer Gabbiani.

                        BLU didn't really have a classic visual archtype to draw from and the FFV one would have been hokey as hell, so they drew on the design of the one from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance since it fit the "near east" theme best.

                        As for Dancer, its pretty clear they did decide to draw on FFV's styling and go from there, so once again, I present to you Bartz, the Dancer.


                        Note similar green sash on waist, yet no skirt. He wears pants! Imagine that!


                        • #72
                          Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                          Didn't RDM have one of the higher level cure spells for a short time, or WHM having a spell that only RDMs have now, or something like that?


                          • #73
                            Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                            I think Cure V was available to RDM very early into the NA release, but had it taken away along with Flash and Diaga 2...

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #74
                              Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)


                              (Cropped out from a larger Dancer picture. Ask if you wanna see the full image.)

                              If they took this guy's vest as a starting base for the entire AF, they'd actually make it look pretty decent... albeit the coloring scheme would be a tad bit emo-ish. Then again, that'd help the whole "Tango de la Muerte" thing.
                              Last edited by Nandito; 10-25-2007, 05:40 PM.
                              Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                              Originally posted by Nandito

                              You make me want to hurt things.


                              • #75
                                Re: Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

                                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                                Didn't RDM have one of the higher level cure spells for a short time, or WHM having a spell that only RDMs have now, or something like that?
                                Cure V never belonged to RDM. Before the level cap raise, Cure V sat in the ether with both RDM and WHM on the spell list. When the cap was raised and the spell became available, RDM was taken off the list and *poof*... the spell was WHM only.

                                Regen 2 and 3, however, were posessed by RDM, but later went to WHM.

