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The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

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  • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

    Originally posted by Murphie View Post
    How much low level content do we need, exactly? There is already a considerable amount, and most of it goes unused anyway. Adding more isn't going to make people linger in the lower levels, or stop going to the dunes and Kazham.
    Alot more than present, as it stands there is very little for returning/new players to do besides just lvl as fast as possible to 50+ so that you can finally start playing the game. I'm not a really fast leveler and neither are alot of ppl. Give us something to do besides sitting on our butt in town LFG 24/7!

    Why not make a low lvl style of dynamis!


    • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

      /sigh new jobs more fuel for people to complain not all jobs are equal.

      The size of WotG does look nice, being a standing area where you "can chose to be from" has me very happy tho. I love how they admit they dropped the ball on ToAU missions.

      lol smn with a scythe
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

        oits not like there aren't things to do low lv..

        EF - I've never seen anyone do an EF!
        Missions (ok not as long as it could be)
        Crafting isn't just a high lv thing
        Questing (noone seems to quest unless its for soemthing big like area access)

        Compareing it to lv 75 stuff ok there isn't much, buy considering that 75% of players are 75 (yes se i know you like your cencus oir what ever, but allmost all those lv1's are mules!)

        on anther note SMN with a scythe... I demand my COR gets a GAX!


        • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

          I demand war gets guttler!
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

            Originally posted by Katashi Takishiro View Post
            Alot more than present, as it stands there is very little for returning/new players to do besides just lvl as fast as possible to 50+ so that you can finally start playing the game. I'm not a really fast leveler and neither are alot of ppl. Give us something to do besides sitting on our butt in town LFG 24/7!

            Why not make a low lvl style of dynamis!
            While I would like to see more low level solo content, I simply don't see a reason for more low level content. There is already tons. People use a tiny fraction of it in their leveling. It's not SE's fault that people don't utilize more.


            • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

              Originally posted by Kuro View Post
              I demand my COR gets a GAX!
              I was thinking handaxe, really, perhaps with a B- or C+ rating. Not unheard of for pirates to have axes, the brigands in the Fire Emblem series usually do.

              But then, I'll have full merits on sword and marksmanship by then, so there's really no point for me to go with an axe.

              Originally posted by Sev
              I demand war gets guttler!
              Maybe if you're good WAR and start using the weapon you have an A+ in at times


              • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

                If PLDs got Great Axe I'd drop my shield in a heartbeat.


                • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

                  Armando, your avatar is cool looking and all, but seriously. It's like 8x as large as your post. ><;


                  • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                    I was messing around with the GAX thing heh.

                    Making cannons a differn't type of weapon would be funny, animation of a moogle dumping a massive cannon infront of you and you fireing it *warning overactive imagination!*

                    Some new weapon choices would be interesting, but they don't really matter, people won't change unless its a big difference.


                    • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Maybe if you're good WAR and start using the weapon you have an A+ in at times

                      I have great axe capped and all but the relic is a huge let down.
                      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                      • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                        Originally posted by Katashi Takishiro View Post
                        Why not make a low lvl style of dynamis!
                        It exists, its called an Expeditionary force and the Eco Warior Quests.

                        Good luck finding people to do them. There is very little reason to add low level content because no one ever does what currently exists.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                          EF could be made so much more popular with R/EX equipment for the lv of EF you're doing.


                          • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                            I am really interested to see what the new jobs are. If SE stays true to form, they'll probably pick up the most highly-demanded classes that are left from the pantheon of jobs FF has.

                            I'm placing my bets on Geomancer, Chemist/Alchemist and some "new" job class they totally made up. If they did add Time Mage, PUPs would have someone to beat up for having more stupid-looking AF than they do

                            Really, its screams "Kill me now."


                            • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                              Originally posted by Kuro View Post
                              EF could be made so much more popular with R/EX equipment for the lv of EF you're doing.
                              No it couldn't.

                              Question: Biggest complaint about CoP missions

                              Answer: Level Caps.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                If SE stays true to form ...
                                If they stay true to form, Wings is going to be easier then ToAU and really break things.
                                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


