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The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

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  • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

    Oh fuck, I want to see kid Ajido-Marujido being schooled by in-her-prime Shantotto.

    Being able to meet Karaha-Baruha could be cool.
    Read my blog.
    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
    Entry 32: Death to Castro


    • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

      New Trailer

      We got more new info out of the stills than this new video, sadly


      • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

        You've got to be kidding me...... that trailer was wack.

        I hope the POL site gives actual info...


        • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

          Well, there's still a couple days left for E3, so maybe a little more info will come. I know some of the FFXIlopedia crew is there, so there should be some info.


          • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

            Hey guys I take what I said back... this video actually may give more info than I thought.

            Did you notice at the beginning it said "Are these the echoes of a buried past?" ..... "Or the shadows of an impending future?"

            Why would they suggest that those new areas might be the future?? we all know the expansion has something to do with the war.... but what exactly did they mean by "impending future?"

            I'm slow... so one of you FFXI geniuses please break it down for me 5th grade style.. thanks. Maybe I'm missing something.


            • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

              I think they meant that something took place in the past, something overlooked, something forgotten that could spell bad things for the present. Probably something also triggered by the not-so-subtle appearance of that comet.

              And someone just pointed this out to me, but the SMN in the video had a scythe.

              Looks like we may see some jobs getting other weapon types opened up to them.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-11-2007, 11:49 PM.


              • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

                What I think could be a cool thing is Instead of just going back in time, your spirit goes and takes over one of the Gryphons and as you gather gear, you can put it away and regain it as your main character. Make it like Rare/ex RSE for random levels.


                • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  And someone just pointed this out to me, but the SMN in the video had a scythe.
                  Looks like we may see some jobs getting other weapon types opened up to them.
                  Suddenly, my whm scythe idea a while back doesn't seem so far out of reach.... Oh oh, please open ex sword to thf =x
                  Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                  • Re: The OFFICIAL "Wings of the Goddess" @ E3 2007 Thread!

                    Here's your new jobs info:

                    <Sadpanda myself ;(
                    ~~ Tarutaru~~


                    • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                      OMG!!! THERE WILL BE NEW JOBS!!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      LOL .. what in the world could these new jobs be??? ... Now I'm really curious.

                      Oh and 30 NEW AREAS!! Nice!!!
                      Last edited by Vonlock; 07-12-2007, 02:49 AM.


                      • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                        So, as many areas as there were in the game pre-zilart. Mostly because of recycling, but that's still cool.

                        And new jobs. Well, here's hoping for another BLU or COR.


                        • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                          I think the coolest thing is that you'll be able to stay in the past if you want... and make it your main area.. like people do Whitegate.

                          Kinda sucks that it's only gonna be for super high level characters..... so that means it's gonna be CoP difficulty + 1

                          But it's nice that the high lvl folks now have their own little world to camp in... that's neat!


                          • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                            Originally posted by Vonlock View Post
                            But it's nice that the high lvl folks now have their own little world to camp in... that's neat!
                            Uh, every exp has been targeted at high lvl players, its always been a high lvl world; besides the starter areas. Where is the low lvl content, or even some mid range content, and CoP doesn't count anymore since nobody will ever help anyone get through the crags anymore, and the....well it just sucked!

                            I'm quite disappointed that yet again its all about high lvl only! Everywhere below lvl 50 is dead damnit.....give ur fans a reason to return to the game or new players a reason to start!


                            • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                              I just had multiple nerdgasams!

                              too bad I don't think I'll every play new jobs. just cor GOt to 58 (almost 59 im on a brake) I'll try my hardest to get 75 COR for WotG, and then thats it for my high leveling days

                              But damn, 30 areas... I don't care if they are recycled i love all the differnt looks will erm... look.

                              And you can be sre I'll be getting ym partys killed horribly while i gawk and explore the zones when i should be fighting


                              • Re: The OFFICIAL &quot;Wings of the Goddess&quot; @ E3 2007 Thread!

                                Originally posted by Katashi Takishiro View Post
                                Uh, every exp has been targeted at high lvl players, its always been a high lvl world; besides the starter areas. Where is the low lvl content, or even some mid range content, and CoP doesn't count anymore since nobody will ever help anyone get through the crags anymore, and the....well it just sucked!

                                I'm quite disappointed that yet again its all about high lvl only! Everywhere below lvl 50 is dead damnit.....give ur fans a reason to return to the game or new players a reason to start!
                                How much low level content do we need, exactly? There is already a considerable amount, and most of it goes unused anyway. Adding more isn't going to make people linger in the lower levels, or stop going to the dunes and Kazham.

