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Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

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  • #76
    Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

    I made the mistake of browsing the all update thread after post 3 it became why taj should have let all use his site debate god dumb people. And his site went down so we dont have full updates and there is still time for more gear people relax.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #77
      Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

      yeah. apparently people were expecting valkyrie to have 'all jobs' or something.
      yah, WAR and DRK already have better alternatives though (Adaman hauberk), and they are not the only melee jobs in the game.

      75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


      • #78
        Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

        Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
        Where was the shaft (I'm being serious alot of people are saying this I'm missing the point I think)
        No, I'm serious. Two hour freaking download and for what? >< I mean sure, we got a few cool things, but the beastmen got two whole new mobs! I don't see any new jobs for us in this patch. D:<


        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #79
          Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

          I'm just puzzled how SE continues to make "Question and Answer" endgame zones. 6 of 15 jobs get god gear, then the Sea gear goes to 10 others, there's really no armor in sea for PUP or COR. Sky has abjurations for everyone, but then two abjurations were taken from each set are split between the three kings.

          Meanwhile you have Dynamis and Salvage with something for everyone and sea and limbus with a collection of accessories to persue.

          COR don't get the shaft in this update armor-wise - THF, RNG, COR, BST, SAM, DRG got the shaft there. At best, there's one accessory for each that's nice, but not all of them are what'd I'd consider desireable.

          DRG did get a hot trident to go after, though.

          I just think its odd that SE almost seems intent on driving a wedge between particular classes with these instances. You have Dynamis, Salvage and Assault with something for everyone (Mages are indifferent to Salvage, however). Then you have Sky, Sea, Limbus and Einherjar where these instances might not be attractive to every class.

          If a zone has nothing for mages, how do you motivate mages? If a zone has nothing for DD, how do you motivate DD?

          COR's best gear lies in Zyzul Isle and Salvage at present. I've no issue with that, but how do I movitvate people to go do Salvage for my Skadi gear and gear for other melee players?

          You put them elsewhere, who camps Defending Ring, Ridill or BB items for the jobs that need em? Its just odd design to me.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-05-2007, 03:39 PM.


          • #80
            Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)


            are you saying BLM, RDM, and BLU don't want Morrigan? Marduk isn't that great, but I figure it isn't horrible either.
            Read my blog.
            Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
            Entry 32: Death to Castro


            • #81
              Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

              Originally posted by net.drifter View Post
              SH was always an overrated item.
              Try this for a big 'wtf'

              I'm only posting to give Net.Drifter props. I totally remember this post and i laughed my ass off. Man those were the days. Good work on digging -that- out of the archives


              • #82
                Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                If a zone has nothing for mages, how do you motivate mages? If a zone has nothing for DD, how do you motivate DD?
                It's funny, when I first got in to the HNM scene I spent a good year on the three kings gearing LS members up when there was absolutely zero on them for my ninja. Maybe I was still of the "LS before personal need" mindset from my time in EQ but I gradually came to realise that I was in the minority and most of the other folks were selfish pricks who would only attend events where items dropped for them. I think the problem really doesn't lie so much with S-E's design, moreso the character of the people playing their game.


                • #83
                  Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                  I've been in linkshells that lacked lootwhores... It's nice.
                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro


                  • #84
                    Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                    It's funny, when I first got in to the HNM scene I spent a good year on the three kings gearing LS members up when there was absolutely zero on them for my ninja. Maybe I was still of the "LS before personal need" mindset from my time in EQ but I gradually came to realise that I was in the minority and most of the other folks were selfish pricks who would only attend events where items dropped for them. I think the problem really doesn't lie so much with S-E's design, moreso the character of the people playing their game.
                    The design feeds that kind of character though. If FFXI were 1 job per character and armor acutally had to be repaired "need" would work. But FFXI doesn't do that and it attracts kids and that's a problem FFXI shares with WOW. That adds a whole other dimension to it.

                    So getting people to do different things to benefit others is kinda hard. Now that ground abjurations can be obtained from Einherjar, that is going to change mages' attitude towards ground. Just wait and see.


                    • #85
                      Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                      Wow lots of love to War/Pld/Drk and mage on the gear...


                      • #86
                        Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        If a zone has nothing for mages, how do you motivate mages? If a zone has nothing for DD, how do you motivate DD?
                        In our LS, you'd just... ask. Quite simple, really, as long as you are willing to do the research and organize the event.

                        Of course, it's a small-ish social LS, so no HNM hunting possible.

                        I imagine this is S-E's poking stick; "Yo! HNM/endgame LS bunch! Shape up and do a variety of stuff together to benefit everyone, instead of just camping one or two monsters for months at a stretch."
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #87
                          Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                          yup good for war/pld/drk, mages, cor, pup, blu ,drg

                          oh also all the jobs that got perdu weapons,

                          oh also gratz to all the people who moaned about king camps,

                          oh gratz to all mages and all melee on more merits,

                          oh gratz to everyone who wanted more missions,

                          oh gratz to everyone who wondered if it was odin,

                          oh gratz to everyone who ever set foot in aht urghan,

                          oh gratz to everyone who owns/will own ToAU,

                          oh gratz to all pups for new attachments,

                          do I have to keep going or do you get the point where everyone gets something, yes plds got new tanking gear but most of the ppl complaining did post about pld end game tanking needed to be fixed and it happened so (you all can sit down). Cor who think they got the shaft you have tier 2 merits they didnt have to give ne one shit lol. No one got screwed over you just fail to see the data mined gear showed those jobs, The new event gear isnt even 100% yet and its well known there is still 1-2 updates for it relax.
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • #88
                            Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                            Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                            No one got screwed over you just fail to see the data mined gear showed those jobs, The new event gear isnt even 100% yet and its well known there is still 1-2 updates for it relax.
                            I think you're the only one here overreacting. Only one person has really complianed about COR not getting anything and they've barely levelled it. I got enough gear to chase down for RNG and COR, but that Xbow is an afterthought if there ever was one.


                            • #89
                              Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                              BQkitten got his wish. I hear the first new mission fight is pretty diffucult (by ToAU standards anyway), I am still outside the cave door.


                              • #90
                                Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                                So, can you now get multiple CoP rings, like have a Sattva and Rajas ring or can you only exchange one for the other? Mildly confused on the wording.

                                And good lord, have you guys seen the stats on the Valkyrie's Fork?

                                Valkyrie's Fork lvl 75 damage 95 Rare/Ex
                                Double Attack +3%
                                Store TP +3

                                For Dragoon, ONLY!

                                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.

