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Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

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  • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

    I agree. I don't use those AT place names that much though so I didn't even notice until it was pointed out. I was much more annoyed when they added the "the" back in to "The Eldieme Necropolis" and "The Boyahda Tree." Why don't they just pick a format and stick with it?
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      But, it just seems so stupid that the name of the area you zone into doesn't match the auto-translator's name for it. To me, anyway.
      Nah, not just you. I agree.

      To a new player, when they see Ctdl., I don't think Citadel will be the first word they think of. It can be "Garlaige Cathedral" for all they know.

      Edit/ Update/ Whatever:

      When you do a search on an area, say the zones mentioned above (Southern San'Doria, Ports, Garlaige Citadel, The Eldieme Necropolis), they don't match up with the new Auto-Translate system. The search function still has the old formatted names. :-\

      Shouldn't they atleast match so they both (search and auto-translate) look the same?


      • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

        I just discovered the new place names tonight...

        WTF is wrong with SE? Also, it seems we've run out of space lol! Now there's a {Place Names (2)} in the AT with the various Einherjar chambers heh.



        • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

          I noticed that crap i was like.... wtf i gotta put ( south ) ( Sandoria ) ? thanks for the heads up I just thought they took it out.


          • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

            I thought it looked wierd last night when I tabbed to complete Bostaunieux Oubliette, and it showed up as "Bostaunieux Oub.", or something like that.

            I can only see one advantage in shortening names which appear in auto-translated text: to convserve space in search comments. Don't you hate it when you pull up someone's search comment, and each line ends with "..." ? Apparently, we have more room to enter text then there is room to display it.
            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
            Fishing 60

            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


            • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

              as if I could ever spell Oubliette before... now I don't stand a chance.

              BBQ believes that Sushi is the ideal for ranged combatants, since dual minuet is so much better than dual madrigal/preludes and haste doesn't affect ranged attacks. The game wasn't designed for Meat to always be the end-all-be-all, methinks. It was supposed to be route that could be taken. What we, the playerbase, have done in an effort to label something as "the best" isn't what the game should be built to capitalize or... something.

              And for Crimson gear: What you have to realize is that the disadvantage is that it sucks. Few pieces are worth the effort (for most of the jobs, none of the pieces are worth wearing). They made that set as a "net" so to speak. It caught all the jobs who didn't end up somewhere else.
              "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


              • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
                And for Crimson gear: What you have to realize is that the disadvantage is that it sucks. Few pieces are worth the effort (for most of the jobs, none of the pieces are worth wearing). They made that set as a "net" so to speak. It caught all the jobs who didn't end up somewhere else.
                Let's face it, the Hecatomb stuff isn't much better. Why bother making a full set of armour that only gets macroed in for weapon skills?


                • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                  I can understand heca and only using for weapon skills because, let's face it - it's something everyone should build towards. The THFs who'd say "why would I want something that I'd only use on WS?" just leave me stammering because they're a job that needs their special attacks to have a vastly different layout than "white damage" swings. After all this time, the gap between Heca and alternative pieces lessens but it's still quite the gap. No one wants it all, but for any job that has no close alternatives for certain slots; I say those are the jobs that should learn to accept the inventory-1.

                  EDIT: looking at their stats now on FF wiki and... honestly, I think Hecatomb is the only Abjuration gear I'd give two shits about. No matter the job, most abjuration gear is at best "slightly better than any alternative" but Hecatomb is still the weapon skill gear.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • Re: Version Update Complete! (06/05/2007)

                    Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
                    BBQ believes that Sushi is the ideal for ranged combatants, since dual minuet is so much better than dual madrigal/preludes and haste doesn't affect ranged attacks. The game wasn't designed for Meat to always be the end-all-be-all, methinks. It was supposed to be route that could be taken. What we, the playerbase, have done in an effort to label something as "the best" isn't what the game should be built to capitalize or... something.
                    (ignoring a bard for a moment, since the bonuses can be looked at in the same sense that food bonuses can be)

                    the game was designed with 'only' meat in mind. (sushi was added much later, and most +acc foods in the earlier game were 3hours and only gave ~+10 at best)

                    sushi was added later, significantly alleviated overhunting accuracy issues, and allowed the player base to hunt in the style that most servers had come accustomed to (hunting 10+ levels over yourself, instead of the 5-6 that the system seems to be geared toward)

                    meat is labeled as 'the best' because the bonuses are bigger. that is, the overall +acc and +att you get by loading out in +acc gear and eating meat is greater than the overall +acc and +att you get by loading out in +att gear and eating sushi.

                    but it's all situational, in some cases, you'll get the best performance with mostly attack gear and meat, and in some cases you'll need +acc and sushi if you're going to hit close to accuracy cap.

                    but excluding extreme cases, it is typically true that you will have more +att and similar accuracy with acc gear and meat than you otherwise get with att gear and sushi.

                    and since most melee end up getting haste for at least one song slot in merit, having a near optimum setup in vaccuum is more important since the bard effect is less. (and is almost always accuracy in either case)

                    rangers are a slightly different case, since there is so much more ratt gear available, and significant racc can be fit into a comparatively few slots, it's possible to build a hybrid gear set, get your attack from your bard, and get your accuracy from your food, and end up with very high numbers in both. (you could go the other way too, with slightly more racc in gear, att from food and accuracy from bard. but the end result would be virtually the same for ranger, I suspect.)
                    Grant me wings so I may fly;
                    My restless soul is longing.
                    No Pain remains no Feeling~
                    Eternity Awaits.

