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Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

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  • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

    Hmm reading the rest of these posts, I'm sad there should be no drama in these post just a discussion everyone who is going back and forth BBQ and who ever else is going back and forth YOU'RE BOTH OVER REACTING!

    If done right the promies Are Easy, will a group w/ no clue be able to walk into the "easier" promy and kill it? We will have to find out, my guess is they may make aggro range a little smaller so its a bit easier but leave the bosses intact, or we could simply see that the bosses being easier is what S-E plans to do with making the animas easier to get. Ill be farming some animas for my LS CoP blitz (telera you better be on for CoP blitz =P), And I'm going to sell the extras now. Wanna know some cool trick with current Promys i can climb the whole zone and kill the boss in under an hour, reraise earring + willing to sack pull the entire floor is so great. Simply stop letting something we have no control over make people so bitchy.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

      I can climb a prommy in under an hour and kill boss without sack pulling anything, this is why it doesnt need to be easier. We do have the ability to change it, look at the ask SE forums. They have started listening, wether it be to stupid or good idea, they are still listening. We "do" have the power to get things changed to a certain extent.
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

        Free Ridills its too hard claiming and killing!!!! (i joke, i joke)
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

          And Murphie's taru avatar is back!

          PS> I think it's time for the already traditional thread split to send drama to general discussion or something.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

            Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
            And Murphie's taru avatar is back!
            PS> I think it's time for the already traditional thread split to send drama to general discussion or something.
            He must have created a new character somewhere.

            This needs a firefox plugin like the Abe Vigoda Status extension.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
              PS> I think it's time for the already traditional thread split to send drama to general discussion or something.
              I'll see about it when I get my lunch break, but it might not happen. With a thread like this were the drama is threaded into the on-topic conversation and people are replying to multiple posts and ideas per post it's practically impossible to make a clean split. Besides, this thread is huge. O_O That's a lot of posts to weed through.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                Maybe just close it? Not much more to say anyway, other than "Wow, cool" or "Damn that sucks." Just a suggestion though, I don't really mind.

                In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


                • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                  I can see why they plan on doing this, but at the same time, it seems somewhat pointless.

                  I did all my CoP missions up to Snoll with my LS. Only reason I didn't do snoll was because I was only lvl 52. Of course, now this means that they all have sea while I have Snoll to go through. I'm sure it'll be a bit of a relief to be able to get some help for the mission now, but at the same time, I highly doubt it'll be enough, and I'll still end up /shouting so I can get a decent party setup.

                  I think that an actual judgment of difficulty adjustments would be a good idea first. if something practically dies, that's just BS. However, I'll gladly welcome an adjustment that results in me not having to spend time and/or money to level BLM or WHM or another job I can't stand in order to PROGRESS IN THE GAME. That is not fair to anyone and any attempts to relieve such pressures is welcome to me.


                  • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                    Lol i have 2 extra 70+ jobs because of CoP did i enjoy the jobs at first HELL NO, but after i got thru cop and played the jobs for fun, i really love having them at 70+. People are never going to see eye to eye when 50% (alot lower on ifrit tho) of the player base feels cheated that the "newer/lazy" players now get and "easy" road thru cop. Its drama but its all about the topic so asking a mod to try and pick what is on topic enough to stay out of drama posts etc. Hell I would love the exp o lost not on my own CoP runs but on the runs that i helped out on. Ya I'm one of the few people who helps on CoP runs. I could have an easy 2-3 more 75s with the exp I have lost on cop.

                    No matter what the issue is /crying about omg they not seeing eye to eye its drama! isn't helping it they stay on topic and argue, everyone has the right to thier own opinion and the right to defend their view.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                      I'm glad for this update/downgrade

                      I'll prolly be able to get the rest of my promies done easily for my 2nd account without spending almost 200k for medicines on top of the optimal gear for every fight.

                      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                      • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                        He must have created a new character somewhere.
                        It's a long story. Or really, not. I've learned my lesson about joining a server where the only people I know are dating.


                        • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                          It's a long story. Or really, not. I've learned my lesson about joining a server where the only people I know are dating.
                          What server is that so i can avoid it ?

                          Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                          • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)



                            • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                              Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                              People who can't handle FFXI should quit, I agree. I take it you have? Let it be the last of it's kind while WoW and WoW clones(LotR) remain popular with the mainstream.
                              So... just because a game doesn't make me take it on as a full-time second job means it must *naturally* be too easy and a WoW clone? Okie dokie. Well, let me be blunt with ya, so long as I enjoy a game, I couldn't give two shits how easy or hard it is. And anyone who isn't some form of power gamer, or kid seeking validation of life through pixellated accomplisments would say the same. Maybe that's why I've gone back more towards Nintendo lately, who knows. (And no, I haven't quit, actually, though I am currently debating the issue, especially in light of the sheer idiocy this thread has brought on. I'm more in a hiatus, active acounts, but seldom logging on.)

                              There's some games that I've played so many times I could do them in my sleep (figuratively), and you know what? I still play them because the *game* is fun, not because this is hard, or that isn't hard. Crystalis, Faxanadu, Shadowgate, DQ5, any Zelda under the sun...

                              I'd gladly take XI for whatever it was, easy or hard, if it was still fun. But the sheer nature of things, largely due to just the stubbornness and attitude of the community, drain that fun from it. When I started, this game was great. As I've progressed, it's paled down to nothing. Do you see how everyone is so rabid over something that in the grand scheme of things is very small? The few times I get up the spark to try it again, all I do is look at threads on this forum, nevermind KI or Alla, and suddenly feel sucker-punched all over again. The sad thing is, few of you are happy anymore. This isn't fun to you, it's a job. (If it was fun, none of this would matter half as much to you.) And you're all afraid of someone else climbing the corporate ladder in a different method than the one you had to use. And newbies, returning players, when we want to come back to the game and all we see is a cross-server fire fight over mere missions, we start to question the nature of the people left in the game.

                              I sent a girl a link to this site, as she was thinking of starting XI. I pray she hasn't even looked at this thread, because if she has, you've all just changed her mind, and who knows how many identical threads across communities are doing the same?

                              I don't know if you've even played LotR, but it really isn't that easy. Easy to level perhaps, but that only matter for people who take their level as some kind of status symbol. I've progressed in both level and story at about an even rate to what I did in XI at the start. The only easy part is the fact that I can do most all of it alone w/o some asshat telling me what gear I need to optimize for my characters.

                              Irregardless, for me, MMOs are about my friends, and the fun we have. And whether its the game, the updates, the people, I don't know, but XI doesn't have any 'fun' to it anymore. Everyone's too busy trying to be on top of the dogpile to enjoy it. And the few of us that do get burned out by the rest.

                              Maybe the question isn't the changes to the game. Maybe its if you play it for fun, or just play it to keep 'achieving' things to add to your name. I don't know about some of you, but if I *force* myself to play a game, make it a chore, just to 'accomplish' things, I never finish it. MMO or Offline.

                              I've lost alot of friends in the 2+ years I've been in this game, and when I asked them why they were going, the answer always boiled down to problems that stemmed from the *people* in the game, not the game itself. Largely, this sort of general attitude. Selfish, self-absorbed, greedy people. If it's not in gear or using others, its in emo'ing over changes and who had it harder.

                              Sure, there's nice people. There's some of you here I wish I'd had a chance to play with. And the friends I did make were great, but save very few, are all long gone.
                              "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                              ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                              • Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                It's a long story. Or really, not. I've learned my lesson about joining a server where the only people I know are dating.
                                We've all learned that lesson to some degree.

                                That said, still amazed about the people with thier panties in a wad over this update. Seriously, calm the hell down.

                                Glad I only read about it here, I don't want to think what the about the Alla, KI and BG threads contained. Gas prices are nearing $3.19 to @4.50 per gallon or more across the US and this is what you're PMSing about? Christ.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-22-2007, 07:06 PM.

