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Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

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  • #31
    Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

    Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
    Hmh....interesting...i wonder what the explaination is behind this adjustment.....
    People are babies
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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    • #32
      Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

      I actually do kind of miss some of the noob trains. Especially the Dunes where people who would stand afk by the Selbina entrance were eaten by a truckload of goblins and a couple Bogies.
      CN reminds me why the fix was a good thing, though.


      • #33
        Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

        I've grown to accept that there are some people, no matter how hard you try, that will never get through a promy. It is these people that SE is targetting with the update. With proper setup and stealthiness, you can get through it. Although I can see some adjustment to level 4 mob placements. That place is a {death} {hole}, and 8/10 times you get through it by making a mad dash. Though there have been some occasions where there is no aggro on the way. I have made it from entrance to spire with no agg several times, but I appear to be special in that respect. It's nice being SMN though because I get one free aggro per run that carby handles for me.

        A promy party must be trained to do promy. The more green pickups you have, the more likely you are to lose and in my experience there is often 1 green pickup. I have always been willing to spend xp to get people through the promys.

        The less anima you have the more likely you are to die. Now that you can buy anima, there should be no reason why anyone should ever fail promyvion. With 6x Hystero and 6x Psycho, you have 3 full minutes of complete lockdown. That's long enough for two SMNs to fully blast off all 3 pacts and never have the WHM throw a single cure. 6 Astral Flow Pacts, 2 Mighty Strikes, and 1 Eagle Eye Shot... without even the slightest notion of disapproval from the monster. It is unlikely that you even need that much power with full anima.
        Last edited by Sabaron; 05-18-2007, 06:23 AM.


        • #34
          Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

          There's still plenty of other challenge in CoP. If they start nerfing snoll to have less hp or a longer timer or something then maybe I'd be pissed. Promies are BS now, but they're just the first mission so meh. The other fights still take skilled players, and removing the exp penalty and adding an incentive makes it more likely that people will help others out once they've been through them.

          I like CoP completion being a badge of skill and dedication, but really it's becoming less of that just from age. I see shouts for CoP mission pickup parties all the time now. It's just bound to happen, I guess, as time goes on. Remember when AF was a prestige symbol? Maybe the new expansion will add another tier of challenging content to take CoP's place.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #35
            Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

            Meh the snoll was us trying to make sense of the right set up for our static group. Took us a while, especially with a ninja tank.

            The pots was just bloody annoying. I swear it is the worst fight in CoP (unless you manaburn it, which of course we didn't).

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #36
              Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

              When i first did promys there were no maps on the net. No concrete strategy guides. Nobody had a clue what to actually do with the anima. Not to mention we basically had to fight from the start of the floor to the end.

              Nowadays you can take a bunch of people thru all the missions an never have to fight 1 mob. I kid you not. The last time i took the Ls tru promys the only time we fought was a couple of aggros while running around the graveyard with the maze of damn fences. >< Come to think of it. We won all 3, and i don't think anyone ever thru a Anima. hmmm maybe 1 guy did.

              Yeah C.N an G.C were horrible for noob trains. But that made the game fun, and dangerous. Nowadays the worst thing that happens to ya is a little lag spike. But some of my best memories was being in the second jungle an instead of a mandy someone would pull a gob. Then you'd get a call for help an about 6 parties and a bunch of players LFG jumping in an mauling the gobs to death..

              Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


              • #37
                Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                See, that's the thing - many people talk and talk and talk about the challenge of CoPs and yet what was their grand strategy to getting sea access?

                Manaburn. These missions weren't hard if you had an army of BLMs or SMNs.

                Past, present and future I have more respect for people who beat CoP missions without manaburning them than those that have and will still get them manaburned.

                If you got to sea by manaburn, you really can't talk about challenge or sense of accomplishment.


                • #38
                  Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                  I have to agree - Manaburn is nice (I've participated in enough), but nothing beats a good ol' fashioned skillchain and MB. Hell, we dragged a drg though to sea in our static. That took a bit of doing (though him main healing Buggby after I was dropped by AM was hilarious).

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi
                  "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                  • #39
                    Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                    Although due to real life events I stopped playing (lack of money, got married, college, etc), I kinda like these changes. I enjoyed helping with CoP missions aswell as this also encourages people to get Sea Access. Now granted, just like most updates prior to this one, its taking away some of the prestige people got when they complete these tasks... but self gratification aside, this update will help alot of people.

                    yay! my first post in a very long time!



                    • #40
                      Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                      This actually kind of sucks. Just started my run through CoP back up again and completed 3-5. I don't want to have to do the later missions as watered-down dilapidated travesties of what they once were. So now I have to rush through them. Time to go beg my LS to drop what they're doing and help me >_>

                      And yeah that was probably only the second time I've ever used the word "dilapidated" in casual conversation.
                      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                      Which FF Character Are You?
                      Originally posted by Balfree
                      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                      • #41
                        Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                        While they have lessened the reward for those of us who completed the original CoP missions, (I had to do them with just PLD and THF as options... imagine the fun in that.) they are not just handing out Rajas Rings. There are still difficult fights with Omega/Ultima, NMs in Sea, the Palace, and so forth. For me the true test of Zilart and CoP is Apocalypse Nigh. You cant really have that one handed to you.

                        I compare these reactions to when SE changed the SMN fights to level 20 instead of having to have a job in the 60s. A lot of the old timer SMNs felt cheated like the right to a SMN was earned through leveling a job into the 60s first in order to do the Avatar fights. I dont think either should make people feel cheated. Having to wait until the 60s to be a SMN was dumb back then, and having to drudge through a stupid hard expansion has caused a lot of resentment towards SE and CoP. While I understand the loss of reward, I still think CoP was an utter failure, and Id rather just be able to get returning players through that bullshit quickly.

                        Originally posted by dejey View Post

                        this happened last update or the one befor that. they stoped the exp you lose in all BCNM fights in CoP. in other words if you got gil now. you can just do something like RR 100 times without loseing exp and in the end now GET EXP!. WOW I AM GOOD!
                        There was a nerf on CoP Promies a few months after CoP came out. They reduced the number of mobs, the aggro range and weakened some of the NMs in CoP. This is the third or fourth nerf CoP. I think they adjusted the Mirthran Trackers fight at some point... but I am not sure.

                        75 BLU | THF | PLD


                        • #42
                          Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                          Personally, I'm not worried too much about lessened "status" or whatever. I just don't quite understand why these changes were necessary in the first place. Any one of the changes they are going to make would be shocking enough, but the combination seems kind of crazy.

                          I'll wait and see though.


                          • #43
                            Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                            Particularly challenging Chains of Promathia battlefields, such as those that appear in the Promyvion areas (Holla, Dem, Mea, Vahzl), and the missions "Flames for the Dead" and "The Warrior's Path", will have their difficulty level toned down.
                            So what, these bosses are getting another nerf? Mildly disappointed there, the Promies where a cakewalk with a competent group of people. The floors in the Promies were easy to get through as well, I had no trouble with the fences in which was it, Promy Dem?

                            I like the no exp loss on death in the main battlefields, and the changes to some of the rare/ex items, but the rest?

                            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                            • #44
                              Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                              This makes myself particularly sad. I mean I play on and off and enjoy that the battles are intense and difficult. SE has nerfd so much and missions should stay difficult. I have not completed a single promy and the only reason being. Gathering a party for them does not seem to happen often these days. But I do not complain they are hard. And want them to become easy. I just roll through the game waiting and looking for the chance to take them down. I mean RMT is the only grip i have about this game. I cannot camp most mobs for items i would like without RMT being all over it. Oh! One last thing. I always loved the trains of mobs to the zone it was like saving a partner in battle. All of you members rush over and tackle the mobs, some die some live. But it was all fun.
                              "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"
                              MC Scooter.


                              • #45
                                Re: Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments (05/18/2007)

                                heh. Trying to get players that quit/lost their character back I guess.
                                They won't get me.
                                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                                - Pablo Picasso

