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June Version Update (04/27/2007)

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  • #61
    Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

    I think it's a little presumptuous to start talking about merits for all jobs; I think the obvious addition is BLU/COR/PUP Group 2 merits.

    The new battle system sounds interesting, considering we just got Salvage a few months ago.


    • #62
      Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

      speaking of salvage, here's to hoping they make some of the adjustments people have been clamoring for lately.
      Grant me wings so I may fly;
      My restless soul is longing.
      No Pain remains no Feeling~
      Eternity Awaits.


      • #63
        Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

        Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
        I just read the first page of this thread:

        They are not talking about Besieged, they are talking about a new end-game activity. Whenever they say:

        They mean something like Dynamis or Limbus.

        { the more you know ~*}
        Yeah I think its "something like" Dynamis just like Salvage was.

        They said "new" though, so we can safely bet it is not Dynamis... I don't want more Dynamis, we have enough Dynamis and not all of it we like :x

        In fact I'm hopeing the new jobs' v2s drop in one of these "new, large-scale" battle systems. At least SE is churning out more high level content for the kids to play with and die in.


        • #64
          Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post

          In fact I'm hopeing the new jobs' v2s drop in one of these "new, large-scale" battle systems. At least SE is churning out more high level content for the kids to play with and die in.
          I think it would be hard to implent new jobs AF2 in a seperate endgame activity. Why would the other 15 jobs go to it, if it's going to require large groups.

          Personally I would like to see more Dynamis type events in aht urhgan areas. Instancing would be nice, but I'm not overly concerned with that. Out of all the dyna groups on my server, I can only think of one time I had to wait because someone was in there before us.

          I've got clears on all the dyna's, I want more Interloper titles now ; ;


          • #65
            Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

            Possible ideas for new RDM spells:

            - The classic spell from FF1, a straight forward attack boost. Since it's magical, it should have it's own icon and stack with Minuet. They could also make it negate mob level penalties or increase damage by a % rather than boosting attack.


            - Refresh, but for TP. In FF8 it was used to make limit breaks occur more often. Well, since we don't have limits in this, I figure increasing TP gain in some way is better. Should be 3 TP/tic same as refresh is MP. Stacks with meditate. TP/Tic is subject to change I suppose, either by public opinion or enhancing skill lv.

            Haste II

            - While I was thinking WHM should get this to increase their PT invites at end game, it probably should go to RDM since enhancing magic is their domain.

            Poison III

            - Self explanatory. High end DoT spell.

            Refresh II

            - 5/6 MP/tic, does not stack with Refresh.

            Enfeebling Seal

            - Doubles the potency of your next enfeebling magic spell.

            Example; Dia III goes from -15% defense to -30% and the DoT doubles.

            Bind II

            Gravity II / Graviga

            I could go on but I think that's enough for now. Off topic, but I really do hope SE adds Mystic Knight to game at some point as we still don't have a job that has an A- or A+ in enhancing magic, and targeted enspells would be fun! AND WE NEED A NEW TANK ANYWAY!

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #66
              Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

              BLMs can't enfeeble as well as RDM can. That isn't an issue.
              Read my blog.
              Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
              Entry 32: Death to Castro


              • #67
                Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                No, they can't Enfeeble on par with a RDM. But in exp situation, you'll agree it works well enough wouldn't it? And with a natural leaning toward INT, they might get a better proc rate on Blind than we would with the same gear. Same with a WHM casting Paralyze or Slow. Every RDM has had a story of one of the previous jobs, to include SMN or DRK, casting one of their own spells and getting a better proc rate. At normal exp levels, you don't really see a clear difference in anything other than accuracy, and sometimes not even then. In endgame situations, mobs are so resistant, you spend all your macro space trying to land a spell, which becomes a Pyrrhic victory, since it procs so rarely that it's not even noticeable.

                But it's not just Enfeebling, it's the same with Healing skill. It's obvious that no one does it better than a WHM, but at C rating, a RDM or SMN does it just fine for everyone's purposes. The difference isn't clear enough that people are forced to stare a WHM's healing superiority in the face.

                I could go into a whole tirade on what I think RDM ought to get(in any update, not just the next), but I'll leave that for a thread in the specific forum. But I will say...

                Enlight. Endark. Give 'em. NOW.
                Last edited by BurningPanther; 04-27-2007, 06:38 PM. Reason: Small stuff to make it more comprehensive.


                • #68
                  Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                  Enlight and Endark should be released, but they should go to PLD and DRK and based on Divine and Dark Skill.

                  Maybe RDM can get them too.
                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro


                  • #69
                    Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                    Yeah yeah yeah, DRK and PLD should have them... but not before RDM. Though, I think that if the current En-spells are Enhancing based, they would make Enlight or Endark any different,unless they perhaps changed En-spells to perhaps elemental or some such wackiness.


                    • #70
                      Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                      I agree that healing skill needs to be changed.

                      Either that, or WHM and PLD should gain a new trait similar to MAB but for healing magic.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #71
                        Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                        I bet that when they said New Merit JAs they just mean for the new jobs (PUP, BLU, and COR)


                        • #72
                          Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                          June, this update is more than a month or maybe even almost two away...

                          I'll just forget I read this, wake me up in 6-8 weeks.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #73
                            Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                            The point that I think is being overlooked is that the jobs are becoming to interchangable. I would like to see each job with a necessary uniquiness. Each mage job should have it's own set of spells(like blu does). Why does blm need slow(I consider slow an enfeeble). If anything, SE should make rdm's healing and nuking a little worse, as they should do with whm's enhancing and blm's enfeebling. If each job is supposed to have there own unique qualities then why don't we make them that way. Another thing that bothers me(along the same line) is why does rdm get to raise(how is that enhancing or enfeebling). I realize rdm can use both whm and blm spells, but in a way that makes rdm no different than whm/blm(with a few stat boosts)
                            u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


                            • #74
                              Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                              Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                              I think it would be hard to implent new jobs AF2 in a seperate endgame activity. Why would the other 15 jobs go to it, if it's going to require large groups.
                              Because Salvage, Limbus and and Nyzul had nothing for other jobs, right? Limbus was the answer to the jobs that did not get god gear in sky, but even those other jobs got something, just like other jobs still had abjurations to go for in sky while BRD/NIN/RNG/BST/WAR/MNK got the goods there.

                              There's no hard rule that says ToA jobs v2s can't drop in the old zones, but there's no hard rule that says v2s can't be elsewhere. We can try to play the story card to say otherwise, but both sides could.

                              Personally I would like to see more Dynamis type events in aht urhgan areas. Instancing would be nice, but I'm not overly concerned with that. Out of all the dyna groups on my server, I can only think of one time I had to wait because someone was in there before us.
                              Instancing is a given, I'd think. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't care if it wasn't instanced.

                              We've already seen Dynamis-like events. I'd like to see something NEW that isn't Dynamis or Dynamis-like. Salvage and Limbus are Dynamis-like enough.

                              I've got clears on all the dyna's, I want more Interloper titles now ; ;

                              Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
                              The point that I think is being overlooked is that the jobs are becoming to interchangable. I would like to see each job with a necessary uniquiness. Each mage job should have it's own set of spells(like blu does). Why does blm need slow(I consider slow an enfeeble). If anything, SE should make rdm's healing and nuking a little worse, as they should do with whm's enhancing and blm's enfeebling. If each job is supposed to have there own unique qualities then why don't we make them that way. Another thing that bothers me(along the same line) is why does rdm get to raise(how is that enhancing or enfeebling). I realize rdm can use both whm and blm spells, but in a way that makes rdm no different than whm/blm(with a few stat boosts)
                              That's another good point. If we're going to talk about RDM getting exclusives, then we should talk about all magic-based jobs getting exclusives (beyond merit, anyway).

                              Paladin has no exlusive spells at all, that far more a point of concern to me than RDM not having exclusive enfeebles. You'd think they'd at least have Stoneskin on top of Rampart and then exclusively have Stoneskin II. World of good could come of that for PLD. They shoud have Enlight and DRK should get Endark, too.

                              DRK has already moved to having exclusives, BLU has them in abundance.

                              I have always been somewhat bothered by the fact RDM only gets Tier III Nukes, but Tier IV White Magic. If you can get a RDM/WHM, you don't really need a WHM and that's pretty damaging to WHM, as few as there are.

                              And RDM/WHM would have raise anyway. RDM could stand a little nerfing if they really want spells of their own. Taking away T4 white magic would never really affect thier ability to solo, especially considering the range of subjobs RDM can viably use.
                              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-28-2007, 01:41 PM.


                              • #75
                                Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                                Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                                Tier IV elemental spells for RDM!
                                No I'm not really serious.
                                if I was still a RDm i'd say that with ya.. But I only want blue Mage Gear love...
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