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June Version Update (04/27/2007)

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  • #46
    Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

    Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
    SMN needs Merit Pacts for Diabolos and Fenrir.
    That's one I hadn't considered at all. Good catch.


    • #47
      Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

      Originally posted by nanatsu View Post
      BLU has what RDM has and more. Disease, Stun, and Terror as well as every single enfeeble RDM has, plus a couple of stat down moves thrown in for good measure. They've even got Bad Breath. That's not meant as a cheap insult.
      Whether it was meant as such or not is irrelevant, the more you look at it you see BLU is exactly what RDM was supposed to be and it is a little insulting. SE obviously could have made RDM what it was billed as, but didn't.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #48
        Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

        Well, given RDM two best skills, with enfeebling in first and enhancing second, people are just taking RDM's second best and near last ones with team up with BRD's almighty C+ ranked skills for ToAU parties. Two solutions comes to my mind. 1) As i posted before, make healing magic skill level, SERIOUSLY affect Cures. 2) Like Mhurron stated, give RDM more unique line of enfeebles. Add like Negation which temperory negates status enhancements that are not disable-able, duritation would be 2 seconds for every enfeebling magic skill level. Modifiers both mnd and int, and same mp cost/recast as refresh, level 70.
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #49
          Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          Whether it was meant as such or not is irrelevant, the more you look at it you see BLU is exactly what RDM was supposed to be and it is a little insulting. SE obviously could have made RDM what it was billed as, but didn't.
          Well I do agree. With all the power BLU has got it makes me laugh to think that A rank skill in sword would've taken RDM over the edge for the developers at SE.
          My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

          Which FF Character Are You?
          Originally posted by Balfree
          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


          • #50
            Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

            One nice adjustment would be to give Ninjutsu Enfeebs their own icon like bard songs so that they stack with magic...

            Yes, I realize this would have a huge impact on things like HNMs and other events but still, it'd be a nice start (and would give us a major edge against mobs)

            I agree that's sill for RDM to have the highest Enfeebling skill (and Enhancing) but not a whole lot of superiority. How about some more unique RDM enfeebs and buffs? If SE isn't going to add Mystic Knight in the future (and I wish they would) they should just go ahead and give RDM tier 2 (and maybe 3?) enspells, along with some new enfeebs.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #51
              Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

              The large Scale battle area is more than likely Hazhalm Testing Grounds. A currently unused zone, has 10 floors. The last image in the pics is one of the Elevators in the zone.

              And why is everyone complaining about RDM. Slow II is the only spell that can hit 37% slow. Para II, which the right gear can proc very often. (Wish I had a pic, but with only Assassins Drink, Aquilio's Staff, and Yigit gages, had Para II proc on Long-Bowed Chariot almost every one of its attacks for its duration). The only Merit spell that sucks is Blind II, which is on Par with Kuriyama: Ni. Sorry that other jobs can do it, but still atm, RDM can do it best.

              So what if BLU can use Disseverment to give a stronger poison, they also give the mob 50 TP. And OMG BLU gets Terror!!! what should we do! Oh wait, it lasts <1 sec. Bad Breath costs a staggering 212 MP+its Earth based. So its a complete waste of MP to get crappy effects unless stacked with Burst Affinity and ES. Lowing is so pathetic, Virus is gonna wear off fast. You can say that BLU gets everything and more that RDM has, but BLUs version are much more gimp (example: BLU's strongest slow caps at 25%, Slow I caps at 30%) that RDM still do it better.

              Anyway, New Merits is surely BLU, COR, PUP group 2. Would be nice to get more merits for other jobs (Cacodemonia for Diabolos would be fun, though probably impratical in most situations)

              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


              • #52
                Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                ) they should just go ahead and give RDM tier 2 (and maybe 3?).
                Ummm.... with the ways things go, people are even more less likely to have a DD rdm anymore, so what use would there be. If anything, its more of a play toy for pld/rdm in ballista imho....
                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • #53
                  Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                  hmmm time to work on nin sub....


                  • #54
                    Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                    Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                    Whether it was meant as such or not is irrelevant, the more you look at it you see BLU is exactly what RDM was supposed to be and it is a little insulting. SE obviously could have made RDM what it was billed as, but didn't.
                    Red Mage

                    "Capable of using both white and black magic; adept in swordsmanship. However, red mages take far longer to master powerful spells than white or black mages due to their broad range of abilties."

                    Blue Mage

                    "Employing the legendary arts of Aht'Urghan, these formidable fighter-mages employ elegantly curved blades for close combat, while decimating their enemies from afar with fell magic mastered from their opponents."

                    Seems SE billed them properly, don't fault SE for how the community wants/expects them to be played. In every game BLU and RDM have appeared, BLU has been more powerful.


                    • #55
                      Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                      Lets play a game, Guess the Job:

                      These fighter-mages can utilize ... magic, as well as the arts of the sword.
                      Let me see, what job is not only allowed but expected to use magic as well as a sword and which one is expected to never use their sword if the battle is important, and restrict the use of spells to the point that really poor players can level faster then a speeding bullet?
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #56
                        Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                        Lets play a game, Guess the Job:
                        Let me see, what job is not only allowed but expected to use magic as well as a sword and which one is expected to never use their sword if the battle is important, and restrict the use of spells to the point that really poor players can level faster then a speeding bullet?
                        red mage
                        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                        • #57
                          Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                          There are only so many things to affect:

                          Attack Speed: [Slow]
                          Accuracy: [Blind]
                          Evasion: [Gravity]
                          Attack: [Bio]
                          Defense: [Dia]


                          Locks spellcasting: [Silence]
                          %-chance to block any action: [Paralyze]
                          Decrease Movement Speed: [Gravity]

                          So let's take a look at terrain where RDM hasn't tread yet:

                          Stat downs: BLM and BLU have these.
                          Block TP Moves/Inhibit TP Gain: [Amnesia]

                          Remove resistance or create vulnerability to certain types of weapons.

                          Remember also that RDM is a master of Enhancing magic too lest we forget the Aura spell.


                          • #58
                            Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                            Both Enfeebling and Healing magic have both needed a serious overhaul, anyone who's been to Alla or KI knows my rant. The basis of it is that while there are jobs that are supposed to excel in those skills(RDM in Enfeebling and WHM in Healing), the scale of efficacy on these jobs is such that in normal(exp) situations, you don't need the master of the skill, anyone with C rating or better will do. And in special situations(endgame), those skills don't cover enough areas, and said specialists struggle to keep up.

                            I'll explain it through Enfeebling: the skill itself determines spell resistance, with INT/MND determining proc rate. However, I've noted that for all but the most resistant mobs(pretty much anything under IT+), little more than C rated Enfeebling skill is needed to land a spell. For jobs like WHM, BLM, and DRK, this means they can land most spells just fine on most mobs, and that they already have the natural leaning toward INT or MND to enhance proc rates, whereas we must pour on more gear to compensate. For anything IT and higher? Fugeddaboudit. We're too busy pouring on +SKill just to make the spell stick, nevermind the fact that we're so under-equipped in MND and INT that the proc rate will be about nonexistent.

                            However, this really only applies to three spells in particular, but three very significant spells: Blind, Paralyze, and Slow. These three in particular need as much Accuracy as they do potency, as they all need to stick and proc to be considered worthwhile. Most everything else in our inventory requires mostly just Accuracy. It just doesn't balance to me.

                            I think that for Enfeebling skill, an alteration is in order. Something that allows for skill to dictate both Accuracy and improved potency at higher skill levels. Let's say... 200 and higher. This way, we can have confidence that a spell can land and proc respectably to make up for the potency gear we have to sacrifice at higher levels, all the while making the Enfeebling prowess clear between us and everyone else.


                            • #59
                              Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                              I just read the first page of this thread:

                              They are not talking about Besieged, they are talking about a new end-game activity. Whenever they say:

                              new, large-scale battle system
                              They mean something like Dynamis or Limbus.

                              { the more you know ~*}
                              Read my blog.
                              Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                              Entry 32: Death to Castro


                              • #60
                                Re: June Version Update (04/27/2007)

                                Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                                Remember also that RDM is a master of Enhancing magic too lest we forget the Aura spell.
                                I feel like Aura will be more suitable for paladin.
                                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                                - Pablo Picasso

