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(3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

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  • (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

    Presenting the New Player's Guide! (03/30/2007)

    For all of you who have just started your new lives in Vana'diel as adventurers, as well as for those of you who may be interested in learning about FINAL FANTASY XI, we present the New Player's Guide, a collection of informative pages filled with fun movies and tips to aide in your adventurer's life.

    In the first movies available on the site, you can learn about basics such as conversation, fighting, using your Mog House, and making money. We hope that the guide helps you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XI to the fullest.

    Click here for the New Player's Guide.


    In this section, you’ll find an explanation of all the basic actions required to play the game. You’ll also find a chart of the commands necessary for these actions for all three platforms (PC, PS2, Xbox 360).

    Once you’ve learned how to move your character around, what can you do next? Participate in your first quest, learn how to use all the facilities in town (such as auctions and the Mog House), converse with other players, or fight with monsters! There’s always plenty for you to do, so take your time and enjoy the learning experience!

    The "Other" section is dedicated to players who are getting used to the game, providing useful information such as in game configuration, troubleshooting, joining player based communities to further enhance your gaming experience.

    | Setting up the game | Troubleshooting | Joining Communities |

  • #2
    Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

    Hey wow, smart move from SE! However, this should have been the first thing they wrote when they released the game.

    Better late than never, but it makes me wonder how many new players are there?

    Art done by Fred Perry.


    • #3
      Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

      I still see new players fairly often, and I think this will go a long way to retaining these new players by giving them a little guidance. Let's just hope it is not the Brady Guide...
      FFXIV Balmung Server
      Tenro Matashi


      • #4
        Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

        aww but the brady guide so rocks, it helps breed stupid player so we can lol =/ trying to take away the fun ; ;
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #5
          Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

          About freaking time!

          Even those cheesy free-to-play Korean MMOs have better instructions than FFXI.

          Given FFXI's relative complexity, it really should have a New Player Guide and Tutorial to rival EVE-o


          • #6
            Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

            SE could stand to contract a guidemaker again.

            There are soooo many crafting recipies and NMs to keep track of that sometimes I just fell like having the book on my couch instead of pulling up some webpage.

            Just don't contract Brady ever again, DoubleJump Books ftw.


            • #7
              Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              SE could stand to contract a guidemaker again.

              There are soooo many crafting recipies and NMs to keep track of that sometimes I just fell like having the book on my couch instead of pulling up some webpage.
              I second that. Guides like recipe books and the like would be nice. Recipes change, yes, but not as drastically as some of the stuff an all encompassing guide would try to detail. I still bust out the ol Atlas if I ever get somewhere without a map.


              • #8
                Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                SE already has, it's a matter of getting them translated to engrish.

                EDIT: On another note, Brady Games isn't ALL bad. I was rather pleased with my FFXII guide, except for a few mistakes (such as turn to p.???, typos, etc. caused by having to release the guide in time for the game's release)

                EDIT2: Honestly, the original brady game guide for FFXI wasn't even that bad, it just had a few major oversights. Much as we mock it, it's main flaw is the fact that it's impossible to keep a book up to date with an MMO, not any huge flaws in the makers.


                • #9
                  Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                  Originally posted by Hantz View Post
                  I still bust out the ol Atlas if I ever get somewhere without a map.
                  Which is another book that needs updating.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • #10
                    Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                    Word. Those guides sure were purty. @Feba's post.

                    Mhurron is so right as well. Does the Atlas even have CoP areas? I don't think it does. And that, my friends, is crap.
                    Last edited by Hantz; 03-30-2007, 07:59 AM. Reason: Mhurron is that fastest key in the west.


                    • #11
                      Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                      The atlas was really incomplete and is extremely outdated now.

                      Honestly, I think an online guide is the way to go, as it's far easier to update and change without having to spend 40$ on each new edition (And they do do this in japan, to some extent)

                      What I WOULD like to see, is a "making of" book for FFXI. Talk about some of the ideas, concepts, struggles, breakthroughs, etc. of FFXI. Talk about the original intention of the SAM job, for instance. Tell us what it was meant to do, what role it was meant to fill. Talk about what SE's original plan was for the green teleporters, given that it took years before they were added. Talk about what SE wants to add in FFXI. Talk about all the stuff going on behind the scenes. Explain some unclear parts of the story. Talk about what people were going to do in Lower Promyvion. Include a full size poster of those Y.Amano panels of Vana'diel (people who got the program from Dear Friends know what I mean)

                      Just overwhelm us with goodies and factoids that won't instantly be copied onto a dozen different fan sites and leave the books unsold. Give us stuff worth buying.


                      • #12
                        Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                        Hey this really helps alot! I am watching it right now thanks for posting it!!
                        Only the sick and twisted piss me off, but they also turn me on when they hurt me.



                        • #13
                          Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                          These guides are an awesome addition, I checked out a few, like about the AH, Signet, etc. These will help so much for new players, as tons don't understand the AH, or even know to grab Signet before leaving. I totally wish these had come out before I had started playing...wouldn't have sold all my crystals to NPC's. x_x

                          And LOL at the "Preparing for an Adventure" video...they have a replay of their taru mascot dying in slow motion XD!

                          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                          • #14
                            Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                            I've seen a lot of the guides in book stores in Japan, the only reason I didn't buy them is because I can't read Japanese, and I don't know anyone who I could bug to translate them for me (they're pretty hefty). Otherwise, I'd love to grab a few of them (they have versions for various different expansions) and use that knowledge at my fingertips (sometimes I get extremely lazy and don't feel like searching the net while I'm playing).

                            This site coulda been more welcome about a year ago or two, but it's good that they brought it out at least. Very nice.


                            • #15
                              Re: (3/30/2007) Presenting the New Player's Guide!

                              I giggled at the money making tutorial. Was hoping for more in-depth on how to camp HNM's for hours on end to make the bucks.
                              Played since Japanese release.....been trying to quit ever since...

