OFFICIAL FFXI Windowed Mode Support Confirmed!
02 MAR 2007 - El Segundo, CA
At the Final Fantasy XI Premier Site Summit today, the Vice President of Community Relations of FFXI announced that they have confirmed that they will soon be implementing and making available the option to run Final Fantasy XI in Windowed mode without the use of any illegal third party programs. However, no specific timeline or time-table for the implementation was available.
The additional features comes after vocal support and demand by the community (YOU) to allow a built-in window mode option, announcing to the Premier Community Sites that the FFXI Team hear your requests and opinions and have responded.
Further coverage information of the FFXI Premeir Site Summit is available here.
02 MAR 2007 - El Segundo, CA
At the Final Fantasy XI Premier Site Summit today, the Vice President of Community Relations of FFXI announced that they have confirmed that they will soon be implementing and making available the option to run Final Fantasy XI in Windowed mode without the use of any illegal third party programs. However, no specific timeline or time-table for the implementation was available.
The additional features comes after vocal support and demand by the community (YOU) to allow a built-in window mode option, announcing to the Premier Community Sites that the FFXI Team hear your requests and opinions and have responded.
Further coverage information of the FFXI Premeir Site Summit is available here.
