Re: User Agreement Violators Terminated (Dec. 20)
I don't think it's a one-or-the-other; it's both. There are more gilsellers PLUS S-E is being a lot more aggressive at tracking and banning them.
Well, people complained when S-E left the RMTs alone, and now people complain because they're taking a more active stance. If you haven't done anything wrong, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about (and there's an appeals process in case you get somehow caught in the net - though I'll note that probably 95% of people saying they were banned or suspended unfairly are lying through their teeth).
Originally posted by Vyuru
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Still, as long as SE only bans the cheaters and leaves the legit players be I'm happy, I don't want them to be more like Blizzard and with the number of banned accounts growing that is a small concern of mine.