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Dec.19 Update.

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  • #16
    Re: Dec.19 Update.

    Originally posted by Aeolus View Post
    I hope its not a rare/ex Kraken club. BC Kraken Club like the PC would be cool but then RMT would just farm BC seals and BC all day. No one has bought any of the RMTs stuff on hades for like a month now tho, they are all wearing the drops and soon wont be able to carry any more Rare items mwhahahahahaha.
    Talking about RMT, when my LS is up on sky, couple of my LS members start getting /t from RMT if we want any sky items. Now it would be nothing if it stopped there but no, they keep sending tell to us every other day : /
    I blist some, then I got kinda lazy and just ignore em.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #17
      Re: Dec.19 Update.

      The text command [/blockaid] will no longer turn off in the event a player has fallen in battle. Also, players will now be able to adjust the [/blockaid] settings while they are KO’d.
      That's interesting.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: Dec.19 Update.

        Im sorry if thios IS posted somewhere but have they announced an eta on finishing the maintenance?

        I HAVE looked but I must be blind or just plain stupid...


        • #19
          Re: Dec.19 Update.

          Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
          nice changes... the K club thing is cool. I've always wanted to play with one but its never been that feasible.


          New BC: Onzozo Cometh

          Up to 36 members may enter the battlefield. No level cap.

          The fight will be against a beefed-up version of LoO. During the fight he will summon the Sea Horror, Charbydis and Peg Powler. They will be assisted by four Sahagin NMs as well.

          The Kraken Club will be about a 5% drop.
          Nah, 18 people, regular LoO, 100% drop rate. Really kill the price of it so everyone that payed 100 mil plus is now left with a 5k weapon.


          • #20
            Re: Dec.19 Update.

            Originally posted by Karinya View Post
            Big news about LoO. For the best IMO, but don't they realize Ridill, Aegishjalmr and several abjurations suffer from the same problem? (Or maybe they *do* realize that but are starting small...)
            I'm disappointed that a list of the new blue magics wasn't provided, but I guess we'll know in a few hours once people look through the autotranslator lists.
            The rest was pretty much what the advance info said.
            No details on what conditions you have to meet to use the new way to sky - hopefully it will be something simple like "complete ZM12 and far enough along in PMs to enter the Halls of Transference".
            I agree I would have loved a list of the new blu spells. Then experimented on obtaining them, would have been great. i'm updating now so will data mine when I get home.

            EDIT Update complete but since it's still maintennance cant online for the time being.
            Last edited by tazirai; 12-18-2006, 11:38 AM.
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
            それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
            A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

            BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


            • #21
              Re: Dec.19 Update.

              Originally posted by hongman View Post
              Im sorry if thios IS posted somewhere but have they announced an eta on finishing the maintenance?
              I HAVE looked but I must be blind or just plain stupid...
              [Date & Time]
              Dec. 18, 2006 from 9:00 to 14:00 (PST)
              * Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.
              TaruPrime Powah!
              Chocobo Raising Diary:


              • #22
                Re: Dec.19 Update.

                Now for some reason I read it STARTED at 14:00

                Worst thing is this isnt the first time. >.<


                • #23
                  Re: Dec.19 Update.

                  I'm also really excited about Kraken Club. I never thought I could get it without some extreme farming, but it will be interesting if the average player has a legitimate shot at it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Dec.19 Update.

                    Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
                    Nah, 18 people, regular LoO, 100% drop rate. Really kill the price of it so everyone that payed 100 mil plus is now left with a 5k weapon.
                    lol, that would be evil

                    I like

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • #25
                      Re: Dec.19 Update.

                      A buddy of mine just passed along this information to me about BLue Magic Spells....

                      -Mind Blast - Lv73 BLU - 82MP - 3sec cast - 30sec recast - Deals lightning damage. Add effect: Paralysis.
                      -Wild Carrot - Self/PT Member - Lv30 - 37MP - 2.5 sec cast - 6 sec recast - Cure
                      -Zepheyr Mantle - Lv65 BLU - SELF ONLY - 31MP - 7sec cast - 1min recast - Utsusemi
                      -Exuviation - Lv75 BLU - 40MP - SELF ONLY - 3sec cast - 1min recast - Restores HP and removes one detrimental effect- possible amnesia cure
                      -Blank Gaze - Enemy - Lv38 - 25MP - 3 sec cast - 10 sec recast - Dispel
                      -Magic Hammer - Lv74 BLU - 40MP - 4sec cast - 52sec recast - Steals an amount of enemy's MP equal to damage dealt. Ineffective vs Undead


                      • #26
                        Re: Dec.19 Update.

                        Originally posted by Runricky View Post
                        -Zepheyr Mantle - Lv65 BLU - SELF ONLY - 31MP - 7sec cast - 1min recast - Utsusemi
                        .... oh my god.

                        Slap Dat Ho! ^^


                        • #27
                          Re: Dec.19 Update.

                          What it should have said:

                          Due to the extreme popularity of the following items and trouble arising as a result of a large number of players attempting to acquire the item, the monsters that previously dropped them will do so no longer.

                          Kraken Club
                          E.Body Abj
                          Heca.Legs Abj
                          Heca.Head Abj
                          Z.Mitts Abj
                          Defending Ring
                          Pixie Earring
                          Strider Boots
                          Serket Ring
                          Dal.Body Abj
                          (blah blah insert all other overcamped HNMs items etc)

                          A new method of obtaining these items is currently under consideration and will be implemented shortly. There are no plans on changing the drop rate of the items in question. However, the development team would like to grant players more opportunities to obtain it after making them enjoy the holidays without spending hours of standing in laggy overpopulated areas so they can enjoy the new features weve added this patch.

                          75 BLU | THF | PLD


                          • #28
                            Re: Dec.19 Update.

                            Originally posted by tdh View Post
                            Was the Kraken Club a complete surprise to everybody else as well? I didn't even know this was something they were thinking about.
                            Personally, I only want a Kraken Club so I can cap Club. I don't see myself soloing Gods as DRK/NIN with it any point, so I just want it to Cap Club skill. I don't even know anybody personally who has one. lol
                            I never thought about it, but I'm also surprised that Mog Locker wasn't in the auto-translator until this update. Just odd that didn't add that to the translator at the time they added the Locker in the first place.
                            Wasnt really a surprise to me really, i mean on my server theres about 90 people packed into that little pond area when his window is up. It's total chaos... and when he does pop, people try to mpk and interfere as much as possible. It's like that ps3 opening where that guy got shoved and trampled... damn animals.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #29
                              Re: Dec.19 Update.

                              Originally posted by Deeman View Post
                              .... oh my god.
                              I second that.. time to head to mamook ^^
                              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                              • #30
                                Re: Dec.19 Update.

                                I love these ambiguous notes SE puts in the update. They'll tell us how to beat AV, but not how to get the teleport to sky. That's just strange to me. Yes, lets ruin the megaboss but not tell you how to get to sky more easily.

                                No reason why you'd be able to toggle blockaid on and off while KO'd now
                                No reason given as to why they're adjusting mob placement in Mire or Thickets.

                                But I think we can guess.

                                Blockaid deactivating could potentially let a rival HNMLS get on an HNM's hate list by raising you and curing you quickly after before you could toggle Blockaid back on. From there, they could spam Mazurka or Job Abilties to generate more hate and claim could be lost to the rival LS.

                                Mob placement changes could potentially affect the state of TP burn in Mire and Thickets, they mentioned placement, but nothing in regards to respawn. This could mean they moved Qutrub and Lamia into the places imps commonly are or expanded the areas in which imps and flys could be found. One would discourage TP burn a bit, the other possibility would allow more PTs to enjoy Mire for EXP. If it's the latter, it doesn't really answer the question of Thickets, tho.

                                LoO no longer drops what he's famed for. This is really just another strike against RMT, but this time they can't merc the drop, its just plain gone. Probably to be moved to a BCNM, KSNM or ISNM. That or something comprable to be made available as rare/ex. But if we're going to do this to LoO, shouldn't the same be done to Charbidys? I know more people that want Joytoys than K Clubs and RMT go after Charby, too.

                                PUP and PLD got nice updates. I think the COR and DRK ones aren't much to write home about.

                                Yeah, yeah, I'm sure some are giddy about Dark and Light Shot being Dispel and Sleep, but its a pointless update without Evoker's Roll being adjusted as well.

                                As it stands here's how Evoker's Roll pans out now per tick:

                                1 = 1MP
                                2 = 1MP
                                3 = 1MP
                                4 = 1MP
                                5 = 3MP (lucky)
                                6 = 1MP
                                7 = 1MP
                                8 = 2MP
                                9 = 1MP (Unlucky... just as unlucky as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7)
                                10 = 2MP
                                11 = 4MP (best possible)

                                Now, with SMN, RDM or BRD in PT, the results here aren't much to complain about. SMN's Autorefresh gives a bonus to the roll, which is why we want them in PTs. But with the absence of any of those three as well as the absence Sanction Refresh, Vermy or Parade Gorget for PT memebrs (it still happens a lot), I have to take issue with 6 and 7 being merely 1MP a tick.

                                The trend for other rolls is more progressive the higher you get, with the obvious exception of Unlucky numbers, which is no better than rolling a really low number (with the exection of lucky). I think Evoker's should be adjusted to 2 MP on 6 and 7 (or at least 7) to reflect the trend in other rolls. This would also leave CORs more confidant to be the sole support class in a party. Healer's Roll (+hMP buff) typically can pull us out of this problem, but its useless in a roaming PT situation.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-18-2006, 12:11 PM.

