I think this one is important.

Oct. 24, 2006 09:00 [PDT] From: PlayOnline
Billing Reminder to PlayOnline Users

Thank you for your continued use of PlayOnline service.
We would like to remind all of you that the registration server maintenance will be held in the near future.
Please be advised that you will not be able to register or unsubscribe PlayOnline accounts, review or update your member information, or review, purchase, cancel, or reactivate Content IDs during the maintenance period.
You may also be disconnected from PlayOnline services during the maintenance if there is a problem with your payment method. To avoid this, please complete all necessary billing changes in advance.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
From Playonline

Oct. 24, 2006 09:00 [PDT] From: PlayOnline

Thank you for your continued use of PlayOnline service.
We would like to remind all of you that the registration server maintenance will be held in the near future.
Please be advised that you will not be able to register or unsubscribe PlayOnline accounts, review or update your member information, or review, purchase, cancel, or reactivate Content IDs during the maintenance period.
You may also be disconnected from PlayOnline services during the maintenance if there is a problem with your payment method. To avoid this, please complete all necessary billing changes in advance.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
From Playonline