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The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

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  • #76
    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

    The new metrit in this update are the job balance changes everone has been expecting? This means that with the exception of Absorb TP and knive changes, the road to 75 is going to be unchanged in most cases?


    • #77
      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

      Man... this update looks awesome. It looks like it will change how some people play their jobs.


      • #78
        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

        Originally posted by durecellrabbit
        The new metrit in this update are the job balance changes everone has been expecting? This means that with the exception of Absorb TP and knive changes, the road to 75 is going to be unchanged in most cases?
        Missed BRDs new spell Raptor Mazurak, it's a lv. 37 spell increases movement speed of party. Probably like Chocobo Mazurak but not as fast.

        So BRD parties can move around faster >.>

        Wonder if Chocobo and Raptor can be stacked. >.>

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #79
          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

          I beleive the update notes say that Raptor and Chocobo Mazurka do not stack.


          • #80
            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

            Originally posted by Macht
            Missed BRDs new spell Raptor Mazurak, it's a lv. 37 spell increases movement speed of party. Probably like Chocobo Mazurak but not as fast.

            Wonder if Chocobo and Raptor can be stacked. >.>
            How much of an effect will this have? Brd are already very popular, although there might be a increase of brds leveling to 37 as a shopping sub.


            • #81
              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

              Originally posted by Macht
              Wonder if Chocobo and Raptor can be stacked. >.>

              It says "The effects of Raptor Mazurka and Chocobo Mazurka are not cumulative" on the update page.

              edit: beaten!
              guh :D


              • #82
                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                Originally posted by durecellrabbit
                How much of an effect will this have? Brd are already very popular, although there might be a increase of brds leveling to 37 as a shopping sub.
                Not much really, most of the stuff along the way is unchanged in this update. It's an update mostly for the lv. 75 jobs.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by McBride

                It says "The effects of Raptor Mazurka and Chocobo Mazurka are not cumulative" on the update page.

                edit: beaten!
                Yeah, they did it in red. Only color that when in contrast to black my mind seems to always filter out. I mean I looked at that Update stuff 5 times already and it was only this 6th time I noticed there was red text all over the place.
                Last edited by Macht; 07-24-2006, 01:51 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #83
                  Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                  This is an awesome update! I love that raise I has been increased to 50% xp regained. I'm stoked about the tier II enfeebles for rdm although i'm a really long way away from 75. One item does worry me a little bit though.

                  "The harvesting yield for certain produce has changed." - Hmm, I fear they might have nerfed gardening of rice. If thats the case then expect sushi prices to increase a bit. I really hope they didn't reduce tarutaru rice's yield, i've been making some excellent money growing that lately.


                  • #84
                    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                    Originally posted by Anishia
                    I really hope they didn't reduce tarutaru rice's yield, i've been making some excellent money growing that lately.
                    Uhh... that doesn't make any sense.

                    Nerfing the yielded amount drives prices up and demand as well (scarcity of the good) which is good as a seller, bad as a buyer.

                    Besides, I view it as a good thing. The market is flooded with rice now and yet the price of sushi hasn't gone down all that much either (I think has a lot to with the GREED of fishermen)


                    • #85
                      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                      I am the only one reallt interested in this:

                      Ability - Shikikoyo
                      Ability - Blade Bash
                      Job Trait - Ikishoten
                      Job Trait - Overwhelm

                      That sounds really interestig to me =D

                      DRK also gets Dark Seal. That's obvious, increases potency of next Dark Magic spell. Wonder how well, that'll work on some Absorbs.

                      I'll also be interested in what the WHM ability Martyr will do.

                      Seems everyone's focusing on the new Tier 2 spells, and looking over some job traits and abilities.

                      ^^ It's Ironic, I'm a mage, and I'm more excited by some of these Melee things!

                      If I ever am turned into a rat, I want one of those wheel thingys.


                      • #86
                        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                        Originally posted by Revitozu
                        I am the only one reallt interested in this:

                        Ability - Shikikoyo
                        Ability - Blade Bash
                        Job Trait - Ikishoten
                        Job Trait - Overwhelm

                        That sounds really interestig to me =D

                        I'll also be interested in what the WHM ability Martyr will do.
                        Ikishoten (SAM)
                        - Increase amount of TP gained with a Zanshin attack.
                        Overhelm (SAM)
                        - Grants an attack bonus to weapon skill preformed face-to-face with an enemy.
                        Shikkoyo (SAM)
                        - Share TP above 100 with party member.
                        Blade Bash (SAM)
                        - Delivers an attack that can stun the target and occasionally causes plauge.

                        Martyr (WHM)
                        - Sacrifices HP to heal a party memeber double the amount.



                        • #87
                          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                          Yea im excited about the melee stuff too and im primarily a mage, all of the additions sound quite refreshing, some seem more usefull than others but everything sounds great
                          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                          • #88
                            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                            OOH! Thank you very much for that link! =D

                            Chivalry (PLD)
                            - Converts TP to MP.

                            THAT sounds nice. But I wonder how it'll work, since TP uses percentages.

                            If I ever am turned into a rat, I want one of those wheel thingys.


                            • #89
                              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                              probably works on units, so max 300 mp... i doubt you could get 300% mp o.O;
                              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                              • #90
                                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                                Originally posted by Balfree
                                probably works on units, so max 300 mp... i doubt you could get 300% mp o.O;
                                Lol, what if it worked similar to how Spirits Within does. 300% = Full HP damage equivalent. 150% = Half HP damage equivalent.

                                So 300% TP = 100% MP? That would probably be overpowering if that was true.
                                Last edited by Macht; 07-24-2006, 03:50 PM.

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

