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The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

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  • #16
    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

    to the first monster in the first pic, GO BACK TO PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN.

    Anyway, looks awesome, but all I really have to say is "LOL, SE RIPPED OFF THE DAT MOD FOR SANCTION ICON ROFLOL"


    • #17
      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

      TIER TWO ENFEEBLES! HELL YES! I just hope they're not prohibitively expensive...

      RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
      Image by Askannyi


      • #18
        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

        Teir II enfeebles should be 3p, if they follow the same format as SMN teir II.


        • #19
          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

          Originally posted by Balfree
          Puppetmasters are now capable of using the weapon skills "Howling Fist" and "Dragon Kick."
          75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
          Woodworking 91.9+2
          ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


          • #20
            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

            I finally get the game... install it, let everything update.. and what next?!?! THE SERVERS ARE DOWN!!! somone hold me down! lol i bet they planned this!


            • #21
              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

              I meant in terms of MP cost, Feba.

              RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
              Image by Askannyi


              • #22
                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                Originally posted by Macht
                To me it sounds like SE is fixing some sort of cheat that was happening.
                The way they stated it sounded like people would reserve a dynamis, but not show up causing anyone else who wanted to go to not be able too. I'm not excatly sure how dynamis reservation works, but I assume people would intentionally reserve days to prevent others from entering for whatever reason.

                Just a guess

                And they said all merited JAs/JTs will cost 1 point to unlock and all additional points spent on them will reduce recast/increase effectiveness if I'm not mistaken.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #23
                  Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                  TP Drain ... omgz. O_O About time.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                    And they said all merited JAs/JTs will cost 1 point to unlock and all additional points spent on them will reduce recast/increase effectiveness if I'm not mistaken.
                    But didn't the screenshot for SMN show "NEXT 3p" for all of them? And they were at 0.


                    • #25
                      Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                      Originally posted by Ziero
                      The way they stated it sounded like people would reserve a dynamis, but not show up causing anyone else who wanted to go to not be able too. I'm not excatly sure how dynamis reservation works, but I assume people would intentionally reserve days to prevent others from entering for whatever reason.
                      Well, some big dynamis LS don't want to play nice and would want more than just one opportunity every three days. Also, this prevents RMT from "farming" in Dynamis as well as a few players who are doing it to get the relic upgrades really quickly. According to SE, it's an honor to get the final stages of the relic weapons and one shouldn't be able to get it in just a matter of weeks...


                      • #26
                        Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                        There are new items available in several shops:
                        Anyone else notice this? They didn't have any list after it.

                        I wonder what the items are, what they forgot to add.


                        • #27
                          Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                          Originally posted by Aeni
                          Well, some big dynamis LS don't want to play nice and would want more than just one opportunity every three days. Also, this prevents RMT from "farming" in Dynamis as well as a few players who are doing it to get the relic upgrades really quickly. According to SE, it's an honor to get the final stages of the relic weapons and one shouldn't be able to get it in just a matter of weeks...
                          Well there you go, people were cheating the design.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          Anyone else notice this? They didn't have any list after it.

                          I wonder what the items are, what they forgot to add.
                          Who ever typed that up did some bad spelling in the whole thing if you look. They missed "T" in a few areas saying "The", in some parts it almost sounded like Yoda typed it up.

                          You know the DRKs "Muted Soul" sounds like it would be a silent casting of Souleater. Method for DRKs to draw less hate to them?
                          Last edited by Macht; 07-24-2006, 10:18 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #28
                            Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                            Out of curiosity - what benefit do XBox 360 players get from "Achievements"? Does it give them credits they can apply to online purchases? Or perhaps it unlocks other games in an online library? If it is nothing more than a list of e-peen growth, then that is really sad. All that bitching for completely useless bragging rights? And here I thought Nintendo was the system for the kiddies...

                            Also, why do their maps get the black border and no other platform does? Those numbers are hard to read on all platforms. Seems completely bizarre to create a special set of map graphics for one platform only.

                            Quality over Quantity.


                            • #29
                              Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But didn't the screenshot for SMN show "NEXT 3p" for all of them? And they were at 0.
                              That was probably just to give people an idea of what it looked like, and to make every SMN cream their pants cause of the Prime BPs.

                              If PUP gets decent stats of their AF (like +melee crap) I might actually lvl it. the Addition of Howling Fist and Dragon Kick are nice. At least they can make Distortion and Light now.

                              I wonder what most of these new merits do. Looks like every job got at least 1 good thing.

                              Oh and Yay for MindFlayers. We all will be "Rub"ed to death.

                              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                              • #30
                                Re: The Version Update Has Arrived!(07/24/2006)

                                Originally posted by Macht
                                You know the DRKs "Muted Soul" sounds like it would be a silent casting of Souleater. Method for DRKs to draw less hate to them?
                                You probably hit the nail on the head. I think this was one of the biggest concerns many DRKs were vocal over, because there's no other job class I can think of that would pull so much hate just "activating" a job ability outside of using "provoke", which is insane to say the least.

