In the next version update, we will be adding all new Assault missions that continue in the spirit of providing casual gameplay for busy players. We also plan to adjust the number of Assault Points received for existing missions.
New Assault Missions
In conjunction with the release of the two new mercenary ranks, we will be introducing additional Assault missions. Five new missions will be available at the rank of Lance Corporal, and another five missions at the rank of Corporal.
A wider range of options and the necessity for unique strategies will accompany these new missions, so don't let your mercenary skills grow rusty!

Adjustments to Existing Missions
The development team designed the Assault missions to provide a large number of options for parties of various sizes and job compositions.
However, with the difference in the number of Assault Points earned depending on party size, players began leaning towards attempting certain missions with very specific jobs.
With the aim of creating an even more flexible and enjoyable system, the following adjustments will be made in the upcoming version update:
- Assault Point Adjustment 1
When participating in an Assault mission with 4 or more people, the penalty on the number of Assault Points earned per person will be decreased.
- Assault Point Adjustment 2
The number of Assault Points earned for each Assault mission will be adjusted to better reflect the level of difficulty.