Official service for the FINAL FANTASY XI expansion disc "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" has finally begun!
In order to play "FINAL FANTASY XI Treasures of Aht Urhgan" you will need to register the "Expanded Services" besides installing the expansion disc.
In order to register your "Expanded Services" first goto the FINAL FANTASY XI section in PlayOnline. Select "Content ID" then "Expanded Services" and follow the instructions on screen.
The new features included in the "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" will be unavailable until you register your expansion disc, so don't forget to complete this process!
You will need your PlayOnline ID and password in order to register the "Expanded Services."
-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline ID:
Your PlayOnline ID is displayed above the member list on the top screen of the PlayOnline Viewer when you login.
-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline password:
Please call the Square-Enix Information Center
- When calling about your PlayOnline ID or PlayOnline password, we ask that the account holder call directly. Substitute calls will not be accepted.
-If you do not remember your PlayOnline password, we will have to reissue you with a new password. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Please contact the PlayOnline Information Center
Monday through Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Pacific Time at
858-790-7529 (PLAY).
Official service for the FINAL FANTASY XI expansion disc "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" has finally begun!
In order to play "FINAL FANTASY XI Treasures of Aht Urhgan" you will need to register the "Expanded Services" besides installing the expansion disc.
In order to register your "Expanded Services" first goto the FINAL FANTASY XI section in PlayOnline. Select "Content ID" then "Expanded Services" and follow the instructions on screen.
The new features included in the "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" will be unavailable until you register your expansion disc, so don't forget to complete this process!
You will need your PlayOnline ID and password in order to register the "Expanded Services."
-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline ID:
Your PlayOnline ID is displayed above the member list on the top screen of the PlayOnline Viewer when you login.
-In the event you forgot your PlayOnline password:
Please call the Square-Enix Information Center
- When calling about your PlayOnline ID or PlayOnline password, we ask that the account holder call directly. Substitute calls will not be accepted.
-If you do not remember your PlayOnline password, we will have to reissue you with a new password. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Please contact the PlayOnline Information Center
Monday through Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Pacific Time at
858-790-7529 (PLAY).