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Update (April 17 2006) Details

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  • #76
    Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

    Originally posted by ultimaknight
    I would hope so, because that ship does look cool.

    And the Yigit gear is equally impressive. Between that and the PLD's new auto-refresh ability, I am starting to worry about the future usefulness of the RDM job. Though I still plan on leveling
    All I see is one less person to refresh . As far as the MPK issue, I think its mostly for BST's. If a beast starts a fight with the mob and pulls it out of its "circle" and runs far enough away, the mob disappears (please correct me if I am wrong). Maybe this way a BST can do as I described, and run far away (to zone maybe) and still not have the mob disappear on him (so he can finish it off), as well not get people killed at zone. I also think if your leveling and someone pulls a mob and runs near you and someone from your party AOE's, the mob wont come after your party and continue on the person who first generated the hate. I could be wrong. Just my thoughts.

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #77
      Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

      No, I don't think there's anything in this patch for BST yet. I think we're still waiting on our "fix"
      I just started up my BST again. Haven't messed with it since I've been back (i.e. Post MPK patch) I've been fighting bombs in garlaige so I haven't really noticed the effects of the "nerf" yet since when you fight bombs you just marathon throw pets at it.
      Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
      Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
      BST AF: 6/6
      RDM AF: 6/6
      "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


      • #78
        Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

        no zerofighter777, that MPK patch was last time in Nov-Dec. This one is new and addresses a different problem (which task and I described much already).

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #79
          Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

          A new command "/blockaid" has been added.
          "/blockaid" has the following effect:
          Magical assistance (such as "Cure" and "Protect"), trades, party invites etc. from non-party/alliance characters will be blocked.
          The "/blockaid" effect will be canceled if the player temporarily logs out to the PlayOnline Viewer, logs out, changes areas, or is KO'd.
          /blockaid on
          Activate the blockaid effect.
          /blockaid off
          Cancel the blockaid effect.
          Display current blockaid status.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #80
            Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

            Ah, kk thanks taskmage^^ There's still a bunch of stuff that was added while I had quit that I'm unaware of I geuss. lol

            Edit: You can't claim mobs as soon as they pop now? lol didn't know that either XD
            Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
            Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
            BST AF: 6/6
            RDM AF: 6/6
            "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


            • #81
              Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

              nice post thanks abunch
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #82
                Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                Ahh ok. Was just trying to make sense out of it. Thought mabye this would help BST. Have not had a chance to log in or played BST since MPK patch.

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #83
                  Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                  Let's look at the diagrams again:

                  I think the confusion is that, the next two picture 1 and 2, are not always from the same chain of events, but more likely from two different ones.

                  Case 1 would be that B is doing some small action that would get claim in the past, but not put him on the top of the mandy's "to-hit" list. (Example would be, say, casting Dia) With the new update, B will no longer get claim.

                  Case 2 would be that B is doing something that will put him on the top of the "to-hit" list. For example, landing Flare on the mandy. In this case, mandy will go after B, and B will get claim.

                  Note that for either case 1 or 2 to happen, the mob has to be yellow. If A already got claim of the mob (purple), this scenario will not apply. This is, like SE said, to prevent mob to being claimed by one party while beating up the other one.

                  Or, in short, you will get claim of an unclaimed (yellow) mob if you (1) perform an action that will claim the mob (in the past), and (2) put yourself on the top of its "to-hit" list.

                  I hope this should clarify things a bit ^.^;. I will test this with my friends tonight anyway.
                  Last edited by FortMan; 04-17-2006, 01:16 PM.
                  Feona - Leviathan Server - Bastok 10


                  • #84
                    Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                    oO After reading about Corsair I suddenly have the urge to level it, plus I can't wait to see what all those rolls do for the party :D


                    • #85
                      Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                      In response to the MPK issue... Using a 'very specific' example (this does not in any way shape or form say that this is the ONLY way that this anti MPK hate rebalance will work) - from what I understand so far, I think this is a good change.

                      Carmine Dobsonfly. Our LS has been there the first time and got the ToD and everything and we get first claim but 'ALWAYS' stolen by whoever else is there because we are unable to claim every single mob. Yet we were the first to get our -ga and astrals off enought to heavily damage all the flies.

                      So we end up killing half, and whoever else is there takes away the other half. When technically these NM flies that work as a 'single unit' should share hate for the original party who claimed it.

                      With the new hate they introduce, the first party to finish a 'ga' on these flies will have the initial hate of 'all' the flies and if the first party is able to get off their astrals and blm -gas faster, then first come first serve since the first party to do the most damage = most hate = will keep it on us. It will no longer be first come but get jacked by everyone else in the zone coz even though your -ga and astrals is what took out 80-90% of the fly HPs.

                      If you're confused by this example or have never encountered these nms, heres a link:
                      TaruPrime Powah!
                      Chocobo Raising Diary:


                      • #86
                        Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                        god i want the helm that fly drops lol

                        Which FF Character Are You?

                        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                        • #87
                          Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                          *sigh* no perpetuation / smn changes and we get our only defining job trait stolen from us *sigh*

                          <WHM> Should I sub smn or pld for auto refresh?

                          GTFO SE!
                          Hacked on 9/9/09
                          FFXIAH - Omniblast


                          • #88
                            Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                            I think they dealt with the biggest problem first, and Auto-refresh wont be attainable through subbing Paladin.


                            • #89
                              Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                              All I see is one less person to refresh
                              If the auto refresh for PLD is the same as auto-refresh SMN gets or /SMN gets then a PLD would still need a refresh cast on them from a RDM or Mage's Balad from a BRD.

                              Auto-refresh is weak, 1mp every 3 seconds is only 20mp per minute. RDM Refresh is 3mp every 3 seconds.

                              You still see RDMs casting refresh on WHMs subbing SMN wearing Noble's Tunics, so there is nothing to worry about for RDMs losing their usefulness
                              Sergeant Major
                              75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                              22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                              Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                              • #90
                                Re: Update (April 17 2006) Details

                                That 5 piece set where each piece gives auto-refresh is almost kinda like a perpetuation cost change.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

