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The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

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  • The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

    Is everyone enjoying the warm days? Even the carrion worms are wiggling out of their earthen homes to enjoy a little sun! That must mean that it's nearly time once again for the egg-citing Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

    The rules are simple. Just collect "initial eggs" and trade them with your friends for different "combinations" ! Each egg has a letter inscribed on it. Your goal is to mix and match these letters to spell out certain words.

    Rumor has it that a Windurstian hermit designed the game to repair his relationship with the Parliament of Patriarchs, which was very stern at the time...

    Well, the truth of the rumor is debatable, but the fact remains that the egg hunt, which seems to be a simple game at first, actually requires the keen insight, negotiation skills, and far-reaching personal connections that are said to be necessary for a job at the Parliament of Patriarchs.

    So get together with your fellow aspiring members of parliament (or adventurers) and gather the eggs for that perfect combination!

    How to Play
    Start by collecting initial eggs, each inscribed with a letter.

    The easiest way to do this is by speaking to one of the festival moogles in each area where the event is held, but you can only collect one egg each day using this method. If you are in a party when you speak with the moogle, you will have the opportunity to select the type of egg you want based on the initials of your party's other members.

    You can collect even more initial eggs by trading other types of eggs you may have on hand to any of the moogles in the three nations. Just remember that these egg exchanges are also limited to one per day (per nation). How many initial eggs you receive varies depending on the quantities and varieties of eggs you trade, so if you are not happy with what you get once, keep trying!

    Once you've collected enough eggs, start exchanging with other adventurers and try making a "combination." The most basic one is called a "First 3." When you have the three initial eggs necessary for this combo, trade them to one of the moogles and collect your prize!

    After a "First 3," try building an "Initial Straight 8" or a "7 of a Kind." The more you make, the more presents you'll take home!

    Don't forget that you'll have to trade in a "First 3" before you can trade in any other combos. Think of it as a sort of preliminary test!

    And for those of you who are looking for a real challenge, try discovering different, more exotic combinations. The moogles are usually reluctant to give out any of their classified information, but maybe if you are persistent enough, one will let you in on a secret or two! Make it a point to talk to them as often as possible!

    Please note that all "new adventurers" will be required to wait one Vana'diel day before being eligible to receive initial eggs.

    Combination Examples
    First 3:
    The first three letters of your character's name

    Event Locations
    Southern San d'Oria
    Northern San d'Oria
    Bastok Mines
    Bastok Markets
    Windurst Woods
    Windurst Waters

    Festival Duration
    The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza will begin at 17:00 on April 6th, and last until 0:00 on April 17th (PDT).

  • #2
    Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

    What are the prizes arnt they the egg's you put it your ammo slot and they give you stats? like Hp = 1% and Vit +1 or Mp +1% and Mnd +1???


    • #3
      Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

      looks like lamp eggs (furnishings in your MH) again.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

        I still have my fortune egg from when I first started playing equipped.

        I never was patient enough to go for one of the lamps though. Maybe this year.
        You know what, you can kiss my...

        Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

        RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


        • #5
          Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

          Not again...

          Nah Partyboy. This was the same event SE had this time last year. With the same prizes it seems. I only did this event to get free chocobo tickets.

          /em prepares for all the letter shout spams...

          Edit: Partyboy, looks like I was misrememberring. According to somepage, last year's event had the ammo slot eggs as prizes too. So, if you've accidently thrown them, then maybe you can get another.

          The red drops are always popular too.

          Edit edit: Neighbortaru beat me.
          Last edited by fastcart; 03-31-2006, 08:23 AM.

          Title: Sergeant Major
          SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
          Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
          Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
          Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


          • #6
            Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

            This is from Dyire's guide last year. It should be the same this year.
            Master List
            First 3 <- Required to do other combos
            The first three letters of your character's name
            Example: Dyire -> [D][Y][I]
            "Egg-cellent! Here's your prize, kupo!
            Now if only somebody would bring me a super combo... Oh, egg-scuse me! Forget I said that, kupo!"
            Reward: A colored drop or some chocobo tickets

            Initial Straight 8
            Starting with the first letter in your name and the 7 letters after that
            Example: Dyire -> [D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K]
            Here's your special prize, kupo!
            But where did you figure out the secret combination...?"
            Reward: Happy Egg

            7 of a Kind
            Seven eggs of the same letter
            Example: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X]
            Here's your special prize, kupo!
            But where did you figure out the secret combination...?"
            Reward: Fortune egg

            Regional Lamp
            First five letters of a region
            Example: Derfland -> [D][E][R][F][L]
            Here's your special prize, kupo!
            But where did you figure out the secret combination...?"
            Reward: Lamp of nation that owns that region (If no nation owns it, then you will be turned into a mob from that region like a yagudo or a orc etc)

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #7
              Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

              Thanks Neighbortaru, I think I will try to go for the happy egg and regional lamps this time around.
              You know what, you can kiss my...

              Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

              RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


              • #8
                Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                Every time they do an event I cross my fingers for them to bring back Cracklers and I'm always disappointed.
                Is there really nothing more to be gained this year that you couldn't get last year? Lame. Oh well, that means I don't have to go to the hassle of participating.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                  If there is nothin more then the lamps I wont do it since i alredy ahve the lamps


                  • #10
                    Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                    You could always get some eggs just for selling purposes. Some people get really into this (well they did last year), and are willing to pay surprising sums of gil for a lettered egg.
                    Change the swords to words and lift continents.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                      ah yes i remembered needing just 1 last A to complete a word and paid 100k for it xD
                      a few days later the price went down to couple k.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                        yes, for the enterprising individual, now would be a nice opportunity to make some quick, fast gil

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                          After I took my 5 month break, I promised myself to try and avoid unneccesary activities. I have enough gil for now, and it sad that people see these activites as a profit... a certain somone i know.. made like 10 mil last year.... wowo


                          • #14
                            Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                            Every time they re-use an event they always add rewards to it. The first easter event just gave out the ammo eggs, the next one gave out ammo eggs and lamps and I'm sure this one will give another new prize. The point of most of SE's major events is to give all players something new to do for a few weeks, older players will go after the new items while newer players can get things they missed. They did it with the christmas event and they did it with the halloween event, I doubt this one will be any different.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #15
                              Re: The Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

                              Mmmm you might be right. I will wait for somone else to discover if there is a new rewrad, if so.. ill go do it!

