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New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

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  • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

    Throat Stab seems like it'd be too broken, but if you can narrow it down to a single target, so does 1000 needles, and we've seen that one. *cringes at the thought of needle burn parties*

    I doubt blu will be able to learn avatar and "boss" abilities.

    Some more good tank abilities:
    Blood Drain/Blood Saber/Grave Reel
    Spectral Barrier

    TP Drainkiss ^^
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    • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

      Having the BLUE MAGE learn the abilities of the AA would be cool, but i never see that happening!

      I think the blu mage will be a good DD mage in the game! But from the footage we saw, he will be also a melee? who knows, only time will tell.


      • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

        I don't think Bluemage will learn avatar abilities, I fought a golem the other day and saw it use that big ice attack that everyone said was one of Shiva's attacks. It was a big AoE bind which seems to fit well with Blu's current bag of AoE status spells and such. It would also explain why it was the first spell cast as just like Blm, Blus would probably want their target standing still. Watching both Vids you can clearly see the Blus melee capabilities are not that great, most likely on par with or slightly above Rdms. Which means they're very low on the melee ladder anyway you put it. Also, the AAs two hours are the same JAs PCs use so Blu won't be learning them as PCs can already use them.

        As for learning abilities, I'd assume(and this is just a guess here) that as long as your alive when the battle ends you will have a chance to learn the ability. Much like you can die in a fight, raise up and still gain EXP. Then again they could make it so you can't learn things with weakness on similar to how thfs can't pick locks while weakend. And you can *learn* all the mobs abilities that they allow you to learn, but you can't *use* them all at once. You'll have to pick and choose which abilities you want in your MH or some such thing by allocating your skill points between the abilities. Similar to what was done in FFIX. That will give Blus a lot of customization capabilities and flexability in pts. They could potentially go from being a tank to a healer to a SC partner to a nuker depending on the needs of the PT.

        Edit: Just because they had the Blu meleeing doesn't make it a melee job btw, they had a Blm meleeing in that assault video too. Well until the cockatraice started chewin on him anyway.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

          Originally posted by Ziero
          Edit: Just because they had the Blu meleeing doesn't make it a melee job btw, they had a Blm meleeing in that assault video too. Well until the cockatraice started chewin on him anyway.

          True But dont pigeon hole a new job until we see what it can do, is all im saying
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          • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

            I dont care if the new jobs melee, cats or what not... I want the new jobs to be REALLY different and useful not just disguised version of the current ones...

            Any comments?


            • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

              Originally posted by Darkhound
              I dont care if the new jobs melee, cats or what not... I want the new jobs to be REALLY different and useful not just disguised version of the current ones...

              Any comments?
              Well that's of course a slight fear... People want to see new and interesting jobs. That being said, virtually all of the jobs that SE has had in previous games were unique in some way. There aren't currently any two jobs in FFXI that are the same. I feel their differences are obvious.

              However, we can't escape the fact that jobs have a limited number of roles to play in a party, and that it can't really change.

              A new job will inevitably fall into the role of damage, support, or tanking.


              • Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                That I understand, but it would be nice to see like a support job totally different that brd, or smn. I am very interested in blue mage so far.

