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New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

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  • New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

    One new Job has been revealed at the Festival also a Miriad of Updates to ALL Jobs.

    heres two videos of Aht Urghan In action.


    The True Aht urghan Trailer.

    Also I believe us Summoners will be getting at least two new Avatars according to the video. The Divinity of Light "Alexander"
    And the Divinity of Darkness Who bears a STRIKING resemblance to Odin ^^

    Some Chocobo Raising

    Info From Aht Urghan conference;page=1

    Developer Panel #1 -Focused on Ant Urghan
    They mention the two jobs that have been released "so far." Emphasis mine. There was much booing as they will not reveal any more jobs at this time. Team Minute Maid heard through the grape vine that a new job will be demod before each panel. TrueFeba covered the Blue Mage demo pretty well.

    There will be about as many new areas in Aht Urghan as in Chains of Promathia. This means around forty new zones, sweet!

    This is the conquest-type event for the new continent. They said "some of the towns will be open to attack." They only went into detail about the capital city, but they seemed to be hinting that there will definitely be more.

    They needed a reason for the Beastmen to attack. This is the 'Astral Candescence,' a treasure the defenders must protect. If this item is captured by the Beastmen, the players will have to sack the Beastmen city to retrieve it.

    Only about 10% of the besieged content is shown in the ToAU demo. (!!!)

    This is designed to be a more casual activity. Parties will generally be about three to six people, and they said the missions take about an hour to complete. There will be a number of different missions for different zones, party setups, and even levels.

    They mentioned 'Assault Points' but the rewards are not finalized. Potential things include items, experience, etc. Some drops may be unidentified and must be appraised in town before they can be used.

    As more Assault missions are taken, the player's Mercenary rank increases and new missions are opened up. Assumedly, more items will be available for purchase as well.

    Aht Urhgan Missions
    They did not say much here. There will be a mix of new and old characters. No zones will be level capped, but a few battlefields may be. They also mentioned that Mhaura is definitely the entry point to Aht Urghan, but that prerequisites will be required. Do not log out there, but possibly *near* there.

    Chocobo Raising
    They emphasized that this will not be a very time consuming activity. It will be on par with gardening. However, you must care for, feed, and interact with your chocobo. They mentioned letting your Chocobos 'meet' your friends' Chocobos and see what happens... They also hinted at Chocobo Racing as a future activity.

    Mog Locker
    This is bought in Aht Urghan and starts out at thirty slots. It can initially be upgraded to fifty slots, but future updates may increase the size limit. Incidentally, they verified the PS2 memory limitations as the reason for the current inventory/safe size. I guess we can put that argument to rest now...

    There will be a recurring fee to keep the locker, but no details on this are available yet. It could be gil, items, or even a repeatable quest. If you do not pay, your items are safe, but you must pay before you can access them again.

    The basics are monsters will fight monsters, and it will be independant of player level. In other words, anyone, regardless of level, can participate. No more information was available.

    Timeline of updates

    Job balancing
    Assault, besieged, mog lockers introduce

    June to August

    New areas, similar to Dynamis and Limbus
    Merit Adjustments
    New Assault stuff
    New Missions

    Sept to Nov

    Chocobo Circuit (???)
    Assault Updates
    New Story

    Tonight's developer panel will be focused on jobs, so no questions will be answered regarding those. I will get an update out as soon as possible after it.

    Q: Mithran Homeland in expansion?
    A: Not planned as of yet

    Q: Characters split to 2 accounts?
    A: undecided

    Q: Breed different colored Chocoboss
    A: Can only say: not limited to yellow

    Q: Is Besieged triggered?
    A: Besieged will just happen, not triggered

    A: New areas made specifically for PvP,

    Q: Abjuration drops increased?
    A: Drop rates only increased if economy not impacted

    Q: Level restriction for Chocobos?
    A: Anyone can raise a Chocobo, but wait and see about riding

    Q: Galka Female or Mithra male?
    A: No such thing as Gallia female, except on net
    Mithran Males "same day"

    Q: price caps on items?
    A: third panel addresses economy specifically

    Q: Does 'Besieged' automatically ally you?
    A: no XP loss
    everyone in town is simply put in the fight.

    Q: Quivers and Bolt cases for all bolts arrows??
    A: Potentially More items, but not all

    Q: Besieged experience gain, since none loss?
    A: Still under consideration
    Other types of points given

    Q: Speed belt in BCNM?
    A: everyone wants one, right?
    will take idea back & consider it

    Q: Hinted at raising and racing Chocobos, riding?
    A: good question
    future possibility

    Q: Other job requirements
    A: first buy expansion, clear quest, have it

    Q: Bahamut whisper purpose, maybe an avatar?
    A: Can't say anything about Bahamut as an avatar

    Q: Player look customization?
    A: Playstation 2 restrictions dictate no
    he did apologize

    Q: Can we 'bling' our Chocobos?
    A: No gear for them
    Shape of Chocobo may change depending how it's raised

    Q: Can we sell more items on AH?
    A: Would put a big load on servers
    AH is already biggest server load

    Q: What happens if you neglect your Chocobo?
    A: It will probably run away

    Q: Class specific solo quests?
    A: Solo quests, yes
    likes idea for race specific quests

    Q: Character server migration?
    A: 'technically' possible

    Q: New Nation missions past Rank 10?
    A: keep asking!

    Dev Panel # 2 - Jobs of FF XI !!!
    The main point of this panel was announcing changes for the current jobs followed by an explanation of the new jobs. A Q&A session followed. The Job Planner was stuck in Japan doing work on the new expansion so the Monster Planner was here giving the information.

    They notice that most warriors only use a few of the available weapons. They want to add in more ways to use the existing weapons so there is an actual benefit to it. They also want to add benefits to using subjobs other than Ninja. Finally, they announced a potential new job ability allowing the Warrior to throw his Axe.

    Currently, Monk is strictly an engage and beat on the mob kind of job. They want to add more skills so there are other uses for the job in a party. One potential idea is allowing the Monk to transfer some of his massive HP to party members.

    White Mage
    They want to make White Mages more specialized so there is more reason to invite a White Mage instead of a Summoner, Red Mage, or even Black Mage as a healer. They want to give more options than just cure botting. They gave two ideas for ability modifications. First, adding an ability to transfer HP and MP to party members. The other was enhancing Benediction so it cures status effects as well as healing HP.

    Black Mage
    They started out by recognizing how ungodly powerful Black Mages are. There are plans to make Manaburns less powerful. They want to make it so having more than one Black Mage in a party makes them less effective, or redundant maybe. There will be new spells, but they will not be announced. They did mention that we will definitely know when they are put in.

    Red Mage
    They also mentioned this is a pretty powerful job. They did not, however, say anything about reducing the power of this job. They mentioned new Red Mage only spells, but will not mention what they are.

    They made mention of how technical this job is, in terms of positioning. I did not get the idea that this would be change, but they *did* mention making abilities distributed among the party. They mentioned altering steal so it steals things other than items. (dot dot dot) Also, they mentioned improving the two-hour so it is useful for more than just running away. One possibility is making so when the two-hour is active, the thief does more damage from behind the mob.

    They made mention of how Paladin has been taking a distinct second seat to Ninja lately. They definitely want this to be changed, so they are on more even footing. Some possibile new abilities are Auto-Refresh, enhancing uses for shields, and gaining TP when the Paladin makes a succesful Shield Block.

    Dark Knight
    They notice that Dark Knights seem to forgo their Scythes to use mainly Great Sword. They want to make Scythe more effective so it is more desirable. They also mentioned adding more reasons to use absorb spells by adding effects to them.

    Beast master
    They have definitely heard the complaints about how the MPK change affected Beastmaster. They feel this change is fine as Beastmaster still has the potential to be incredibly powerful. They will not change it back, but they are looking into adding new abilities to the job to help it out.

    They made mention that they know Bards tend to use the same few songs over and over again. They want to make it so there is more variety to the songs. They also mentioned a lower level spell to "increase player speed." This is most likely a Mazurka as there is already a low level Haste song.

    They are trying to make more people pleased with the current distance requirements for ranged attacks. One potential modification is sharpshot removes the accuracy adjustment with range. They also mentioned adding more quiverable arrows.

    Since the main thing about Samurai is building TP, they want to add more ways for Samurai to use their TP. They also mentioned adding a trait so Samurai attacks lower the monster's TP.

    "The Ninja is very strong." This is an exact quote from the Monster Planner. They did make it very clear that they will not make the job weaker. This is one of their biggest problems in front of them and they are still trying to figure out what to do about it.

    They are still examining the effects of current changes, so nothing is planned in the near future for this job.

    They do not like that Avatars are summoned only for BPs. They want there to be more incentive to keep Avatars out during battle. They also said there are changes planned to make the strength and duration of BPs affected by summoning skill. They are looking into adding more avatars, but they made it very clear that Bahamut is not one of them. The main reason is he is very powerful and they would have to make him less powerful to preserve game balance.

    Blue Mage
    Acquisition of Spells

    Can only get new abilities with Blue Mage as main
    Must Defeat enemy before ability can be learned
    Must be able to get XP from a mob to learn a spell from it
    Can't learn it if you die
    Must be within a certain distance of the monster

    Setting Spells

    Must 'Set' a learned spell
    Blue Mage has 'set-up' points, based on level
    Each spell costs a certain number of 'set-up' points
    In addition to 'set-up' points, a maximum number of spells can be set

    All Blue Magic depends on monster types. If you learn a Bird Spell, you use it on monsters weak to Birds. Some abilities will be skillchainable and burst-able. Not all monster abilities will be available, but many will. More will be added with future patches.

    Main Abilities

    Random cards, 1 - 6, affects self or monster
    One card is chosen, an effect happens, next card is chosen, an effect happens, and then the two numbers are added. It is like blackjack with the break point being 11.
    Cards adding to 11 gives a best effect, a Bust gives a penalty
    Will give bonuses based on other jobs in the party. Examples given include a Warrior present gives everyone a double attack bonus, or a Blm present gives everyone a Magic Attack Bonus, etc.
    Other Traits/Abilities

    Card Shot - use a card to enhance a shot from the gun
    Increase potency of debuffs on monsters, such as Dia[li]
    [li]Lower recast timers of party members

    Q: How does Treasure Hunter work?
    A: Can't say too mach, but it has nothing to do with damage or the last blow. You simply must have it in the party.

    Q: Utsasemi: San & other tier 3 ninjutsu?
    A: It's on the table, but still in planning stages.

    Q: Addressing other burn types, such as Monks in KRT?
    A: Currently there are no plans concerning it, the want to leave players options in how to party.

    Q: Throwing WSs?
    A: This will be taken to the dev team as a suggestion.

    Q: Paladin reliant on Warrior Subjob?
    A: They actually want to give more jobs more options for subjobs, including Paladins.

    Q: Will Wyverns get armor?
    A: Hadn't even thought about it, getting pen!

    Q: A0E attacks for more jobs?
    A: Blue Mage has a ton of AOE attacks, though Corsair has none. The idea will be brought up for Drg, Sam, and Nin with the development team.

    Q: Lose Outpost Warps when nation change, remove?
    A: The idea is it encourages participation in conquest so you can get the warps for your new nation. If enough people ask it to be changed, however, it would be considered.

    Q: Enmity on Hp/MP transfer for the potential Whm ability?
    A: It will definitely add some enmity to the White Mage, but not a lot.

    Q: Does charisma affect Provoke at all?
    A: A big, fat, resounding NO.

    Q: Smn get AOE Refresh BP?
    A: He likes idea, and was picking up his pen, but the crowd was booing it...

    Q: Option to change your nation to Jeuno?
    A: There are no current plans for this... However! Surprises await in Aht Urghan related to this question.

    Q: Why is an "Invincible" Paladin still susceptible to Magic?
    A: It is specifically meant to be against physical only.

    Q: Whm spell to drain a monter's HP and give it to the party?
    A: No.
    Last edited by tazirai; 03-11-2006, 12:05 AM. Reason: typos, aded Pic
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

  • #2
    Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

    Gonna read everything but I wanted to say it, that new job is AWESOME!! At least, it looks awesome xD

    Chocobo Raising looks really interesting. Is that the only info avaible about it?
    Last edited by Sanim; 03-11-2006, 01:25 AM.
    I'm back! Sanim restored!


    • #3
      Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

      Already a thread on all of this =P


      • #4
        Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

        Enmity - on Benediction, yes please ^^..... also i'm scared how they're gonna tweak thf.....besdies that modification to the two hour. As for DRK, more scythes skills yes please, i just wanna focus on scythe cause i think great swords fugly, no offense to drks who like gs. Heh i can't wait for these new updates and really do hope blue mage can get the goblin bombtoss XD..... mmmm that'll be the new monk in ballista fun. Oh and monk, me thinks it should be made into more a tank job :/ I mean come on, they can steal hate easily. I should know Mithra Nekoai 42mnk on seraph, hehe, not even a pld that treis to and has been sata could keep hate off me |fun|
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #5
          Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

          this is so awesome


          • #6
            Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

            Originally posted by Akashimo
            Enmity - on Benediction, yes please ^^..... also i'm scared how they're gonna tweak thf.....besdies that modification to the two hour. As for DRK, more scythes skills yes please, i just wanna focus on scythe cause i think great swords fugly, no offense to drks who like gs. Heh i can't wait for these new updates and really do hope blue mage can get the goblin bombtoss XD..... mmmm that'll be the new monk in ballista fun. Oh and monk, me thinks it should be made into more a tank job :/ I mean come on, they can steal hate easily. I should know Mithra Nekoai 42mnk on seraph, hehe, not even a pld that treis to and has been sata could keep hate off me |fun|
            You must be partying with really bad PLDs.
            There is nothing a MNK could do to peel hate off me. >_>
            Well, maybe at level 42.
            But what you can do at that level doesn't really matter.
            All real discussion is based around engame.

            As for tweaking THF, there's nothing to be scared about. The job is broken and pretty useless except for TH3 (if you can afford to have a Thief's knife) and SATA.

            And finally, the enmity loss for WHM they were talking about isn't for benediction.
            It's to do with the spell/ability they plan to add to the job that will recover HP/MP for allies.
            Last edited by Tsikuro; 03-11-2006, 03:06 AM.


            • #7
              Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

              Originally posted by Tsikuro
              As for tweaking THF, there's nothing to be scared about. The job is broken and pretty useless except for TH3 (if you can afford to have a Thief's knife) and SATA.
              that hurt! /cry!

              personally, i wouldn't mind a boost...
              Last edited by aegina; 03-14-2006, 05:36 AM.

              ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
              Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
              I live to entertain!


              • #8
                Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                Also I believe us Summoners will be getting at least two new Avatars according to the video. The Divinity of Light "Alexander"
                And the Divinity of Darkness Who bears a STRIKING resemblance to Odin ^^


                • #9
                  Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                  Very cool, Im just wondering how the pupetmaster will work? will it be similar to DRG or BST but with puppets you need to summon, will the puppets need to be crafted (if they do then i bet woodworkers are going to jump for joy), personaly its going to be the first ToAU job im going to try to unlock, ive always been a fan of the "pet" jobs.

                  Paldins are oviously getting a massive power boost, more tp, auto refresh, better sheild *unlocks now so i can party with it after the expansion ^^*.

                  They say they are going to make manaburns less effective, i dont mind it too much aslong as i can still party the way i am now, getting nurfed sucks >.<.

                  Im delaying my BST lvling till the new update, even a small improvment helps, plus i like using job abilitys and blm dosent have much to offer in that department.

                  Bard is getting a low lvl movment increase song! *note to self: lvl bard*

                  The corsair card ability animation does look pretty cool, but if you bust your party will hate you, will CHR effect the job the most? i think they need more things to rely on it anyways.

                  I cant wait for the expansion!


                  • #10
                    Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                    *cough* only way thf is broken is not having Dodge as a job ability(stares at monks) and from drks subbing it at 60+.... umm, yea anyways, thf isn't broken unless you don't know how to play it right...rare bad case, thf tank entire fight
                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • #11
                      Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                      Yay for blm nerfs!!!111

                      I swear, people whine and bitch too much about effective manaburns that it all suddenly comes down to this. Instead of nerfing jobs, they should only make other jobs BETTER so we can continue to enjoy what we do and they can get an improvement.

                      All I can say is that this is a really bad choice on SE's part. A lot of the time, when I'm looking for a pty, there are a ton of blm's and whms seeking, as well. This nerf just doesn't make sense to me. Through forming manaburns, you eliminate the hassle of waiting for a pty or trying to find an effective tank if you're making a pty.

                      I better join a manaburn before the expansion comes out, because they sure as hell won't exist in a month from now.

                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                        Just to add, Cerberus is in fact featured in the trailer.

                        I didn't notice Alexander anywhere in there though. Did you spot him, Taz?
                        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                        Rockman - Fairy

                        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                        Currently Playing:
                        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                        • #13
                          so its a new pet job from the looks of it

                          Double Post Edited:
                          i sure hope pld is made more on a even seat so they are more usefull outside of pts, seeing as i plan to play 1 at 30
                          Last edited by Deltran; 03-11-2006, 08:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                          Which FF Character Are You?

                          And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                          • #14
                            Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                            The thing that irritates me is, as usual, they go against what they originally said. There was an interview where they asked about Manaburn pts and the person asked said something to the effect that they had NO PLANS to nerf blm and encouraged people to be as ingenious as the blms and form interesting new pt setups for exp. So ya..........there we go........I always tell people DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT DEVELOPERS TELL YOU AS FACT!
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • #15
                              Re: New Aht Urghan Videos And the new Job

                              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
                              Just to add, Cerberus is in fact featured in the trailer.

                              I didn't notice Alexander anywhere in there though. Did you spot him, Taz?
                              Pause the video right at about 1:16 And you see this giant looking thing casting Diaga.
                              With massive shoulders kind alike Alexander.
                              Also his role would be Light/Holy magic, SO maybe a tough BCNM.
                              Diabolos is darkness/dark magic.

                              Im assuming Odin will be be Darkness/ Dark abilities like a dark knight.
                              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

