The number of charges left on an enchanted item will display differently in the item description window after the February version update.
The FINAL FANTASY XI development team is continually examining measures to improve the clarity of the game's visuals, and is aware that some players buy enchanted items from bazaars without realizing how many charges are left on the item. Listening to the concerns of the players, we have decided to improve the way the number of charges left on enchanted items is displayed.
The next version update will introduce the following changes to number displays in the dispensing/enchanted items description window.
The color of the number of charges, the counter, recast time, and equip delay will change in the following manner.
Blue = The item is fully charged.
White = The item has been used (not fully charged, but some charges are left).
Red = No charges are left on the item.
These changes were decided based on comments received from a Japanese Premier Community site. We will continue to make announcements regarding updates and player feedback using the "Topics" section on the FINAL FANTASY XI main page and our Premier sites from around the world.
FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (02/06/2006)