Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job
Well first I got to say the new DRG changes are indeed intresting. As far as speculation on what the change will do, the most logical I could say is the 2hr likely giving the DRG all the +Stats as well as +att and +def the wyvern would have (Hence "imbued with the strength of his or her wyvern") may even be likely of a +haste effect which is common in the DRG latent active items.
The extra it does to jump I could see possibly being that the lance strike would give an additional damage effect, likely what it does changing according to Sub similar to how Wyvern's Breath functions.
As for the debate of people flooding to it and such that can't be helped, there are two classifications that have no area of grey that is Leaders and Followers. It's been tested through multiple studies and generally the results state only 20% of all the people in world have the capacity and ability to be Leaders, the rest are Followers.
Proof of this still holds true even on this game, look at RNG before that last update you could search and find 300+ on my server. Now when you look it's around 60+ roughly 20%. Followers are very easy to control through media sources (TV, Internet, Radio, Magazines, etc..). The media doesn't even have to state a truth and Followers will believe it without question. There is a way to also force a Follower to decide for themselves, in the same setup it is almost as easy. Just simply cut the followers off from media sources, allow them no bias responses, or purely only debate the good and bad to any small action.
As you read this thread though you see a lot of bias actions weather they realize it or not. People going to state a DRG will always find something bad, that isn't a nature of DRG that is just basic nature period. It known as the fear of the unknown, classic backing that leads much of religions.
Aside from that these changes are quite intresting. I'm curious to see what becomes of Spirit Link now, the HP loss from use of it seems to great now in comparison to the time it would take to just call another. Will they just take it out all together? Yeah, definatly will see DRG items get a boost in price but this is always a double edge. This means also crafts that have any hand in those items are likely to be able to use them as a source for skilling or money. Also a player who has already achieved DRG to it's max and decides to dedicate more of his space to another job if they wait a little are likely to make a decent profit for themselves to support which ever job they are going instead.
Even outside of that a DRG who stays a DRG is likely to have great gear for it that DRGs to come after the update are likely to have even less of a chance reaching due to rediculous price changes so giving those more dedicated players a nich to demonstrate their dedication to the job. In all aspects this isn't bad or good depending on what side of the fence you are, the change is quite wise however.
Well first I got to say the new DRG changes are indeed intresting. As far as speculation on what the change will do, the most logical I could say is the 2hr likely giving the DRG all the +Stats as well as +att and +def the wyvern would have (Hence "imbued with the strength of his or her wyvern") may even be likely of a +haste effect which is common in the DRG latent active items.
The extra it does to jump I could see possibly being that the lance strike would give an additional damage effect, likely what it does changing according to Sub similar to how Wyvern's Breath functions.
As for the debate of people flooding to it and such that can't be helped, there are two classifications that have no area of grey that is Leaders and Followers. It's been tested through multiple studies and generally the results state only 20% of all the people in world have the capacity and ability to be Leaders, the rest are Followers.
Proof of this still holds true even on this game, look at RNG before that last update you could search and find 300+ on my server. Now when you look it's around 60+ roughly 20%. Followers are very easy to control through media sources (TV, Internet, Radio, Magazines, etc..). The media doesn't even have to state a truth and Followers will believe it without question. There is a way to also force a Follower to decide for themselves, in the same setup it is almost as easy. Just simply cut the followers off from media sources, allow them no bias responses, or purely only debate the good and bad to any small action.
As you read this thread though you see a lot of bias actions weather they realize it or not. People going to state a DRG will always find something bad, that isn't a nature of DRG that is just basic nature period. It known as the fear of the unknown, classic backing that leads much of religions.
Aside from that these changes are quite intresting. I'm curious to see what becomes of Spirit Link now, the HP loss from use of it seems to great now in comparison to the time it would take to just call another. Will they just take it out all together? Yeah, definatly will see DRG items get a boost in price but this is always a double edge. This means also crafts that have any hand in those items are likely to be able to use them as a source for skilling or money. Also a player who has already achieved DRG to it's max and decides to dedicate more of his space to another job if they wait a little are likely to make a decent profit for themselves to support which ever job they are going instead.
Even outside of that a DRG who stays a DRG is likely to have great gear for it that DRGs to come after the update are likely to have even less of a chance reaching due to rediculous price changes so giving those more dedicated players a nich to demonstrate their dedication to the job. In all aspects this isn't bad or good depending on what side of the fence you are, the change is quite wise however.