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Changes to the Dragoon Job

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  • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

    Well first I got to say the new DRG changes are indeed intresting. As far as speculation on what the change will do, the most logical I could say is the 2hr likely giving the DRG all the +Stats as well as +att and +def the wyvern would have (Hence "imbued with the strength of his or her wyvern") may even be likely of a +haste effect which is common in the DRG latent active items.

    The extra it does to jump I could see possibly being that the lance strike would give an additional damage effect, likely what it does changing according to Sub similar to how Wyvern's Breath functions.

    As for the debate of people flooding to it and such that can't be helped, there are two classifications that have no area of grey that is Leaders and Followers. It's been tested through multiple studies and generally the results state only 20% of all the people in world have the capacity and ability to be Leaders, the rest are Followers.

    Proof of this still holds true even on this game, look at RNG before that last update you could search and find 300+ on my server. Now when you look it's around 60+ roughly 20%. Followers are very easy to control through media sources (TV, Internet, Radio, Magazines, etc..). The media doesn't even have to state a truth and Followers will believe it without question. There is a way to also force a Follower to decide for themselves, in the same setup it is almost as easy. Just simply cut the followers off from media sources, allow them no bias responses, or purely only debate the good and bad to any small action.

    As you read this thread though you see a lot of bias actions weather they realize it or not. People going to state a DRG will always find something bad, that isn't a nature of DRG that is just basic nature period. It known as the fear of the unknown, classic backing that leads much of religions.

    Aside from that these changes are quite intresting. I'm curious to see what becomes of Spirit Link now, the HP loss from use of it seems to great now in comparison to the time it would take to just call another. Will they just take it out all together? Yeah, definatly will see DRG items get a boost in price but this is always a double edge. This means also crafts that have any hand in those items are likely to be able to use them as a source for skilling or money. Also a player who has already achieved DRG to it's max and decides to dedicate more of his space to another job if they wait a little are likely to make a decent profit for themselves to support which ever job they are going instead.

    Even outside of that a DRG who stays a DRG is likely to have great gear for it that DRGs to come after the update are likely to have even less of a chance reaching due to rediculous price changes so giving those more dedicated players a nich to demonstrate their dedication to the job. In all aspects this isn't bad or good depending on what side of the fence you are, the change is quite wise however.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

      Originally posted by Battle Angel
      Please dont generalize >< I am working on taking drg to lvl 75 and have not complained about the task pre patch, nor will I post patch. I do what needs to be done to see my goal met.
      I apologize for generalising. There's the exception to every rule. Unfortunately from my experiences, the exception for whiney DRG's is like 1% of the populace.


      Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


      • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

        i sry if i have seemed to come of rude of whiney guys, i know everyone has one of those times were they just dont get partys for a while

        well i hope i didn't make any of you mad and i wanted to say sry for being rude and not thinking about your opinions also, althought it will be nice to "have" enought popele to make a drg ls, well with the update many poeple shall find drg a good job and i am gald for it. '

        thats all i wanted to say and i wish the best of you new Drg's fun adventures with your dragons ^^ have fun with the job ^^ its great

        wanna party? sure
        wanna do a bcnm? great
        leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


        • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

          Omni, If you would have actually read my post instead of paraphrasing it, you would have seen that I said that this was a great move on SE's part, and that it was beneficial to the FFXI community as a whole.

          However, I don't think anyone could argue that there is not a huge "bandwagon" mindset in the game.

          Indeed, before I restarted, I had a level 36 Dragoon on Bismarck. I had people send me tells demanding that I level a new job. I got passed for invites for more desirable jobs, sometimes when I made my parties, players would pass saying {Dragoon} {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass} and when I got invited, sometimes there were players who would complain about having a Dragoon in their party. Not that i'm sitting here whining, I knew what I was getting into when I leveled DRG, and I gladly accepted everything, not because I could do the omgwtf1337!1!! damage or I could get parties fast but because I loved the job.

          Okay, so fast foward to the Dragoon update. Now the same people who called you gimp and laughed in your face before, are now are killing themselves trying to level Dragoon. How would the hell would you feel? A bit pissed off? A little annoyed? Hell yes, you would be. People are going to finally give Dragoon a chance now, once agian, that's fucking great.
          But, It's still god damn pathetic that this is the only reason they're leveling it.


          • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

            Yeah I agree with you Auron.

            I also got my job pre-patch ( I take my time leveling up).
            Been hoping that the job would get a little boost and it finally did.
            Think I'm learning my job well (only lost my wyvern once in 25 levels).
            Have noticed an explosion in new Dragoons recently,I think it is a good thing.
            Even if half of them take it seriously,will be enough to organize one heck of a pt.
            Still the general population has'nt realized our DD potential.
            Mabye one day they will,mabye not.
            It still is nice to see all the Dragoons in the search or,
            Go into town and not be the only one with a pole/spear equipped.
            Anyway to all Dragoons,new and old,good luck,and happy hunting..............
            A Warrior's place is not to die,

            But to allow others to live.....


            • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

              Originally posted by Auron517
              Omni, If you would have actually read my post instead of paraphrasing it, you would have seen that I said that this was a great move on SE's part, and that it was beneficial to the FFXI community as a whole.

              However, I don't think anyone could argue that there is not a huge "bandwagon" mindset in the game.

              Indeed, before I restarted, I had a level 36 Dragoon on Bismarck. I had people send me tells demanding that I level a new job. I got passed for invites for more desirable jobs, sometimes when I made my parties, players would pass saying {Dragoon} {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass} and when I got invited, sometimes there were players who would complain about having a Dragoon in their party. Not that i'm sitting here whining, I knew what I was getting into when I leveled DRG, and I gladly accepted everything, not because I could do the omgwtf1337!1!! damage or I could get parties fast but because I loved the job.

              Okay, so fast foward to the Dragoon update. Now the same people who called you gimp and laughed in your face before, are now are killing themselves trying to level Dragoon. How would the hell would you feel? A bit pissed off? A little annoyed? Hell yes, you would be. People are going to finally give Dragoon a chance now, once agian, that's fucking great.
              But, It's still god damn pathetic that this is the only reason they're leveling it.
              Auron: i didnt paraphrase what you wrote. i quoted it.

              i agree it is lame that people are now possibly giving you a chance that before they probably wouldnt have but, i still dont see why its 'pathetic' to level it now.

              honestly, i thought about leveling drg a bit after reading this. why? b/c i felt i'd be more effective now. why didnt i lvl it before? well, i felt that drg lacked in areas. i felt it wasnt a complete job. i felt that it wasnt my cup of tea. for whatever reason it may be that i didnt lvl it before, if i wanted to lvl it now, am i pathetic? no. that's what i was getting at.

              like i said before, just because someone didnt suffer like you did, doesnt mean its pathetic for them to lvl it now. this update makes the job more appealing now. i dont think people who want to lvl it now should be called pathetic.
              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


              • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                i've took drg to 75 it was fun lots of fun and i'll do it again and again why? cuz i love it an its fun once u get into it. and this patch prolly wont change my veiw plain out srry if i stole the thread from u guys but i love drg ok
                The Last and Only Samurai, All Shall Die at My Blade


                • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                  the only appeal that makes me like drg more, is I'm not a drg for 15 min and a war with a polearm for 1 hour and 45 min after because of a wandering gob or a link.

                  I've wanted to play drg for a long time and i have a lot of respect for those who dealt w/ the crap. when i'm about to log for the night, I don't mind wasting my 2hr, just to use it (for other jobs). when you call your Wyvern and the puller just brings something to your camp and next thing you know somone's zoning an agressive mob thru your camp, (or tries to mpk) what can you do but feel sorry for the one who wasted thier 2hr?

                  i've never bashed drgs, and I've wanted to play one, and i have played one for awhile. however if i want to be a war with a polearm, i'll play war and use a polearm. unlike you others who toughed it out, the up to 1:59:59 without your wyvern, i find something else to do while waiting for the cool down. that's your choice, and that's mine, don't bash me because i don't feel like a drg without my wyvern.
                  Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
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                  San Doria Rank 6
                  ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

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                  a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                  #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                  • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                    I also apologize for generalizing.

                    My rant was not especially aimed at everyone interested in Dragoon now, but more so at the elitist bastards who used every chance they got to put Dragoons down and just now suddenly decide to level it. So, If you do not fit this category, don't take my words personally.

                    It still seems sort of strange to me that Dragoon is lacking and "isn't your cup of tea" before we get a new 2-Hour and when we do, we're suddenly "acceptable".

                    However, there's not much say I have in the matter. SE finally fixed another job, and that's the important thing. I'll unfortunately have to take the good with the bad >.>


                    • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                      Originally posted by Cyborg
                      woot go draco, it is a hard job to learn and when played right you get far with it drg is 52 and many poeple hate us but all drg's that lost there perivous glory come back to our high flying world and embrace the damage once again. drg linkshell- 8000 gil, getting sushi to lvl drg to 40+ 25,000 gil a stack, seeing how poeple will treat us after the update priceless

                      lol i hope....
                      Haha, true to that and I'll toast to it myself.

                      Originally posted by nanatsu
                      Care to explain yourself?


                      • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                        I'm still a newbie on this game... (not even have a subjob lol) but a friend showed me many videos from all classes months ago (about 6 months ago) and dragoon was some kind of... godlooking... anyway he always told me Dragoon class was always a bit "forgotten" by other classes...

                        I always told him "don't looks that bad... I would like to try it", but also wanna try Paladin...
                        Anyway... first of all I have to "unlock" (?) em... how do I do that?



                        • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                          Originally posted by Draco Dagon
                          Care to explain yourself?
                          Why is drg that much more special than any other job? What makes it so uberly complex that it's only meant to be played by a few people who enjoy it to make it "truly shine"? I don't think SE meant that for any of the jobs really. An argument could be made for smn because it seemed to made as an end game job when it was first introduced, but they nipped that with the level 20 battles.

                          When you get down to it, everyone can make a blanket statement like that about their own job with the exception of a couple of dedicated DD. There is complexity enough (if you can call what we do in our jobs complexity. Even drg suffers from repetitve acts just like any other job in ffxi) in just about every job, provided you put the effort into it and don't just stand there and do whatever. A great deal many rdms out there don't do their job properly or to their fullest extent. And there are a lot of rdms out there. So does that mean that rdm should be a job played by only the few who truly enjoy it in order to make it truly shine? I don't believe that. And I also don't believe that drg is this masterpiece of complexity that SE believed only a precious few could properly use. I like the drg job. I respect the power and ability it can have. But by no means is it that much more higher in the use of skill than any other job. That's all i'm saying.
                          My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                          Which FF Character Are You?
                          Originally posted by Balfree
                          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                          • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                            Originally posted by Auron517
                            I also apologize for generalizing.

                            My rant was not especially aimed at everyone interested in Dragoon now, but more so at the elitist bastards who used every chance they got to put Dragoons down and just now suddenly decide to level it. So, If you do not fit this category, don't take my words personally.

                            It still seems sort of strange to me that Dragoon is lacking and "isn't your cup of tea" before we get a new 2-Hour and when we do, we're suddenly "acceptable".

                            However, there's not much say I have in the matter. SE finally fixed another job, and that's the important thing. I'll unfortunately have to take the good with the bad >.>

                            i actually am not so concerned about the 2hour but the fact that drg gets 20min wyvren now. as someone else put so nicely...

                            a drg without a wyvren is just a war with a polearm.

                            if i play drg, i want to feel like a drg.
                            this is my reasoning. nothing strange about it.

                            Double Post Edited:
                            Originally posted by Draco Dagon
                            As others said though, I hate that there are going to be a bunch of DRG-job sheeps in FFXI just because of the patch. DRG is not a job the many should play, the DRG is supposed to be a complexity so that the few who truly enjoy it would make it shine. (Don't take what I said as a complaint though!)
                            i agree with nanatsu.

                            you swear theres something about drg that no one else can learn/find out about. the career drg has more understanding and experience than someone that plays another job. thats a given. thats like saying i know more about being a doctor to someone who is a lawyer. duh! if someone has taken drg to 75, there is no secret complexity that makes one 75drg 'shine' over another 75drg other than his ability to get great equipment.

                            Double Post Edited:
                            Originally posted by kosko99
                            I'm still a newbie on this game... (not even have a subjob lol) but a friend showed me many videos from all classes months ago (about 6 months ago) and dragoon was some kind of... godlooking... anyway he always told me Dragoon class was always a bit "forgotten" by other classes...

                            I always told him "don't looks that bad... I would like to try it", but also wanna try Paladin...
                            Anyway... first of all I have to "unlock" (?) em... how do I do that?

                            if you goto you should be able to search for a quick walk through on how to unlock the quest. somepage also has a lot of other goodies to read up on and search as well!
                            Last edited by Omni; 12-01-2005, 03:29 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • Re: Changes to the Dragoon Job

                              Originally posted by nanatsu
                              Why is drg that much more special than any other job? What makes it so uberly complex that it's only meant to be played by a few people who enjoy it to make it "truly shine"?
                              Because, my opinion is my opinion and I've known what a dragoon is long before Squaresoft was heard of. Everyone has their opinion, and mine is that DRG is and should remain a complexity in and of itself.
                              Last edited by Draco Dagon; 12-07-2005, 08:35 AM.

