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Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

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  • Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

    Quote PlayOnline:
    Starting today, visitors to this site will be able to see a preview of new content from the new FINAL FANTASY XI expansion that was unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show (September 16-18)!

    Click for a glimpse of new areas and a whole new style of adventuring!

    Last edited by PiNG; 09-20-2005, 01:24 AM.
    白75 | 黒64 | シフ25
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  • #2
    excuse my I'm only a level 10 MNK and rather insignificant memeber of the forums but is this yet anotehr high level area that I won't get to see for years as it takes ages to level up?

    Apologise for the cynicism. My bad. :-(

    Carter :-)
    Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


    • #3
      Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

      Well if they do like CoP did, then likely there will be other areas were players of lower level can also go to. The missions to it will probably start off at around lv. 30 needed and the further in you go the higher the level requirement would be.

      CoP released quests as well as a good wealth of Exp'ing areas that are good from lv. 30 and up. On top of this they even upgraded the cap areas were even if you are above the Level restricting the EXP you gain is still of a great amount to make the areas very viable for exping. Especially since ENMs give huge quantities of EXP and there are ones for Lv. 30s to do, not to mention death in ENMs is 0 EXP lost yet winning one regardless of level EXP gain is same for all. So you could bring a Lv. 75 to a Lv. 30 ENM (will be restricted to lv. 30), and after winning everyone that's alive (iirc you can be raised for this) gets like 2000 exp.

      2000 exp for a 15min. or so ENM fight is quite good not to mention the money rewards you can get with them. Then you also have the Phonemina Aqueducts another level restricted zone, exp gain is quite decent there as well even if you are above the limit.

      Shoot those ENMs if you can beat 1 with a 5 man party then you could tail a 6th member to help him level faster, between like 20-30 getting 2k exp in 1 shot should level you very fast.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

        My biggest concern about adding more expansions is how do we get there. If it's mission based (like CoP), then it's far less desirable and more or less the part of "you gotta get a party to do this before you see this" sort of deal. I hated that part in CoP since I wanted to see Tavnazia (since it's a new area like Norg). I mean, why introduce a new area, where the only way to access it is through a Mission. It defeats the purpose of actually buying the expansion unless otherwise stated. I still know a lot of people that has skipped CoP due to this reason alone. They can go to sky, and have access to everywhere, except CoP. I would hope that if there is a new area, that they make it so that everyone has access to it (like Kahzam and Norg in the Zilart expansion), not make it mission related like CoP. If there is gonna be a mission based area, make it for the level 65+ ones. That's all.


        brave; integritous; commanding
        New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
        75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
        ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


        • #5
          Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

          Hey guys just wanted to apologise for yesterdays post but it was a looooong day, I was tired and can't seem to view the little movie for the expansion.

          I'm just a bit down about this game atm as it's difficult levelling up you (probably better than I do still down at level 10!) but last night I was just killing creatures and could only find five other people in the entire region within one level of me - none of which were within liveable range. I don't mind travelling but you know what its like trying to run it...sometimes you make it sometimes you don't...

          Anyway, I'm sorry for the negative posting just got a bit fed up. I've got both the other expansions but can't see myself seeing any of their content for ages is all...

          "OH NO! A BOURGEOIS BIG-BOLLOCKED BOILER!!!!! THATS ALL I NEED", Conker The Squirrel, 2001

          Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


          • #6
            Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

            Np Carter, its easy to be overwhelmed at the beginning of this game, seem like theres so much to do and all. You may try heading to Valkurm Dunes soon, for a lvl 10 who is new to the game and doesnt have a lot of contacts in game to help him out, it is usually a fairly easy place to get a party and start xp'ing. Try finding someone of higher lvl to help you get there if you need to.
            Originally posted by JP_Ikari
            My biggest concern about adding more expansions is how do we get there. If it's mission based (like CoP), then it's far less desirable and more or less the part of "you gotta get a party to do this before you see this" sort of deal. I hated that part in CoP since I wanted to see Tavnazia (since it's a new area like Norg). I mean, why introduce a new area, where the only way to access it is through a Mission. It defeats the purpose of actually buying the expansion unless otherwise stated. I still know a lot of people that has skipped CoP due to this reason alone. They can go to sky, and have access to everywhere, except CoP. I would hope that if there is a new area, that they make it so that everyone has access to it (like Kahzam and Norg in the Zilart expansion), not make it mission related like CoP. If there is gonna be a mission based area, make it for the level 65+ ones. That's all.

            There are still lots of places you can get to w/o doing the promy missions:
            Ulugeurand Range (sp?)
            Bibiki Bay
            Oldton and Newton Movalpolos
            And getting to sky is the same thing. You have to do missions and such to gain access to it. You cant just walk in there as a beginner. I'm sure there will be areas immediately accessible, just as there will be areas that will require you to go through missions to get to. I also doubt that you will have to complete any of the previous storylines to start ToAU missions. You dont have to be rank 10 to do RoZ and you dont have to complete that to stat CoP. You dont have to do any missions to enjoy parts of the new expansion. But with the task of performing missions unlocks the rewards of other new areas.

            I am curious to see what the required lvl will be to unlock the new jobs. A lot of people seem to think you may have to be 60 to begin playing the new jobs. Who's to say yet?

            Also, with the addition of new jobs, what will the requirements be to attain Maat's cap? Everything I've read just says defeating Maat with all jobs. Could it be they'll just leave it as beating it with whatever the current number of available jobs is? 12 jobs I think? Just a thought.
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #7
              Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

              what r the new jobs?


              • #8
                Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

                Crater, the start at Lv1 with no sub jobs is a bit tough. Once you hit 18 and get a sub job it'll start to pick up pace. You'll even notice the second job you level when you have a sub to it can make you wonder what the difficulty of those lower level zones were.

                When I started I was BLM lv. 1 - 18 no sub was pretty long. Took me nearly 1-2 months I think to get there, once I got a sub which was WHM the first thing I noticed was that I reach lv. 18 with WHM in only 3 days. Most of the annoyance then was the travel distance with walking, that was alliveated some once I hit 20 with the chocobo's.

                At the same time though lv. 20 has a zone right in Jeuno (Town you do the Chocobo License quest in) that works great for their level, so you don't have to travel to far at all. At 30 you'll get the advanced jobs and notice your ability to level the previous just getting faster and faster. Then also when you hit 30 you'll notice the pace of leveling and all to really increase.

                The game will pick up a lot more once you get through those inital levels you are in. The story in game picks up a lot more once you start the Rank 5 for the nations, RoZ missions, or CoP missions.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by souichi
                what r the new jobs?
                Well only known one so far is Blue Mage.
                Last edited by Macht; 09-23-2005, 12:53 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

                  i heard there might be geomacer do u think that might be true?


                  • #10
                    Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

                    ihave some questions for people to think about
                    when BLU comes out what kind of spells do u think it will have?
                    will it be a mix of all the other mages?
                    will it be like the other mages and need to have another mage as sub or put a different sub like thf or sumthin?
                    will they add any new cool spells or just have the same kind of spells that all the other mages have
                    and will they try and make it so that all the BLU's armor is far east and try and make a new set of it just for BLU?

                    just some stuff thats been goin through my head for a while now
                    i cant wait for BLU to come out!
                    iiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm back
                    i m finally playing ffxi again after a few month break

                    of Ragnarok
                    -lord of theives-


                    • #11
                      Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!


                      I get the feeling you haven't played to many Final Fantasy games, considering you don't know what Blue Mages or Blue Magic is about.

                      Blue Magic is using monsters magic/abilities as if it was your own. You'll see on the links provided by thread starter photo's of the Blue Mage using the spiders web ability that slows everyone around it, and then also using a fire breath that Wyverns, Raptors, and Lizards use.

                      So a Blue Mage will use ability or spells that other players could not use, this includes variations of a spell or ability effect. For example Yagudo's Spin Kick causing an AoE stun, Goblin Rush, Mighty Blow (from Worms), Big Sissiors (from Crabs or Scorpions?), Healing Winds (from Dhamels), Jet Stream (from Bats), etc...

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

                        Hey has anyone found out if there is a release date for the expansion Treasure of Aht Urhgan? I'm in the US and i'm really curious about when it's coming out... Also, does anyone know what the 3 jobs are that they are adding? I know a Blue Mage for sure but i'm unsure about the others... If anyone knows the release date or jobs send me a message, k? thanks much.



                        • #13
                          Re: Treasures of Aht Urhgan: A Wealth of New Content!

                          If there was a release date, you could have easily found it here, but their isn't.

                          Also, does anyone know what the 3 jobs are that they are adding?
                          3 jobs? There is no two other jobs. If SE decides to release more than Blue Mage into the game, then you'll see it. Otherwise, pretend Blue Mage is the only job.

