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New Expansion Pack Revealed.

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  • #76
    Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

    Originally posted by hamiko
    So let me get this straight, if SE makes the game a tad easier and balance out Ballista(or add a PvP arena) the game becomes a wow clone? Ok.

    and by the way just to let you know not everyone can spend 5hrs a day playing an MMO(wich 2hrs out of those 5 are spent sitting in Jeuno waiting for a party and another hour for planning and the 2hrs left you only gain 30% exp).
    I believe he was referring to your desire to make every job soloable etc. That is basically what WoW is. Pt's are really only needed for instances, and then you get pt's that make the most noobish of dunes pt's look like super experienced veterans.

    Also, if you dont have as long to xp, try getting a static together. Atleast the 3 or 4 critical jobs you need, then just grab a cpl DD's or whatever and start xp'ing.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #77
      Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

      Originally posted by Caspian
      I believe he was referring to your desire to make every job soloable etc. That is basically what WoW is. Pt's are really only needed for instances, and then you get pt's that make the most noobish of dunes pt's look like super experienced veterans.

      Also, if you dont have as long to xp, try getting a static together. Atleast the 3 or 4 critical jobs you need, then just grab a cpl DD's or whatever and start xp'ing.
      the thing is i never mentioned anything about making all the jobs soloable, i simply said make the game more soloable-more streamlined(meaning maybe you can -actually- solo more than 15lvls )


      • #78
        Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

        Originally posted by hamiko
        you know what i think? SE needs to stop adding un-needed things and maybe think about making the game more stream-lined and easier for newcomers to get into.up the XP x2 times hell even x3 , make the game more soloable and not dependant on other people 95% of the time(please don't flame me saying "it's an mmo, you have to interact with other people!! etc etc.)i mean it gets really annoying when you have to wait hours to get into a party.FFXI is the only reason i'm still playing MMOs, there are a few wich im looking forward to but for the time being i can only depend on FFXI to keep me interested.I mean come on is it too hard to make the game more enjoyable?

        ps.don't get me wrong i like the idea of new jobs etc etc.but how about fixing more important things like balance in ballista? or adding a real PvP arena? any blackmage can dominate's sad.
        ^^ I think Ballista is pretty balanaced now, I got whupped by a Dark once, he caught me off guard. Then I abused a paladin with para + spinning dive ^^.

        I liek the fact that some jobs cant beat others, or do you mean balance in another way?

        Originally posted by Caspian
        I believe he was referring to your desire to make every job soloable etc. That is basically what WoW is. Pt's are really only needed for instances, and then you get pt's that make the most noobish of dunes pt's look like super experienced veterans.
        LMAO^^ keke~

        as far as soloin I solo quite well, making basically average PT experience solo in Ifrits. 1500-2k an hr. My rat cant many of Vanadiels monsters since i can just keep doing Healing Ruby+ Spirit Takers.. I get mp back pretty well. And with an npc I can solo pretty well in Attowha also.

        If thats what you mean then cool I agree "some" soloable monsters should be available to exp on with npc(pokemon). maybe met 72 exp with chains netting 100?
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #79
          Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

          i want to try blue mage so bad XD i want to use veiwtiful gaze O_O and... the thing the crawlers use in CN O_O that will b so kool ^-^


          • #80
            Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

            @tazirai, I meant balance as in every class has a chance to win a pvp battle ^^


            • #81
              Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

              That would be really hard to do considering their party roles...
              Its easy to give everything damage stuff and make it all nice in PvP but then in party play when you're exping it gets unbalanced


              • #82
                Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                Yeah, Nullify is on the right track. You can't exactly balance out everything for Ballista without harming things in a PT situation. Take your idea of BLM in PvP for instance. It seems to me (pardon for the assumption) that you would make their spells weaker to avoid their lethality potential in Ballista, but the thing is, monsters you fight in PTs have more HP and are typically stronger than the average player character their corrisponding lvl (to get good XP you must fight mobs at a higher lvl than your character), and thus, weakening a BLM's magic to be suited for damage against a player would make them worthless in a PT situation. I'm sure there may be some things they could change, however, but in my opinion PvP is balanced enough. Also, from what I've seen, every class does have a chance to win at PvP, so long as the player knows what he or she is doing. (I've witnessed a BST pwn the shit out of a WAR/NIN using the Sabotender pet and 1000 Needles)
                Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
                Current Mission
                San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
                Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
                Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
                "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


                • #83
                  Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                  I'd hate to see WHM balanced for pvp then see a group of 6 whms owning it up (party exping)
                  Last edited by Keji; 09-20-2005, 06:50 PM.


                  • #84
                    Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                    I'd hate to see WHM balanced for pvp then see a group of 6 whms owning it up
                    and any Whm who reads that already knows that they can "Own it up" =P
                    its been done before, I've killed a rdm! and I'ma taru & him hume! whm ftw! (ok, done with that now. . .)

                    Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                    Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                    80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                    • #85
                      Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                      I meant a group of whms in agroup xping


                      • #86
                        Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                        It's not always 1vs1 or free for all. Different classes have different uses and their drawbacks.

                        Balista royale finalists mostly had no blms. Most of them knew given the level of playing and the item usage, blms would get in trouble quick and fast, and risky tactic to play.

                        The two finalist teams that had blms both lost I think. Their blms got raped badly everytime they respawned. I felt bad for the taru blm in the C block one..think it was cerberus. He got KOed spawn after spawn. He only did 1 useful thing in at the start with a blizga KO, but after that, he was WS bait over and over, easily kill. I think he was using an ice staff instead of a earth, bad choice if he was.

                        The human blm in the B block one faired better, and even did some damage with 2hr spam, but she went down many times as well.

                        Of course royale is very different rules, with no 2 of the same classes, lvl 60 restriction, etc, but it shows you the value of classes and tactics used.


                        • #87
                          Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                          yay they are adding enemy skill materia into the game haha
                          TaruKabob <Can I have it>


                          • #88
                            Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                            hay is there a way to downlode ffx1


                            • #89
                              Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.


                              but you wont be found playing a version you downloaded.

                              gtfo btw ^^
                              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                              • #90
                                Re: New Expansion Pack Revealed.

                                i have the disc but i need to downlode it from and that site is hard as #$% to figer out

