Lots of informative details, mew!!!!
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New side quests have been added.
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
Quest Required Level and Location
An Overgrown Ambition Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:12 Y:19)
NPC: Tetchy treasure hunter
Things Are Getting Sirius
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet
A Vanu Vanu settlement and corresponding beast tribe quests have been added to the Sea of Clouds.
Free Company names can now be changed.
To change Free Company names, players must speak with the OIC administrator at Grand Company Headquarters.
* Only the master of the Free Company can make changes to the name.
* Once the Free Company name has been changed, it will not be possible to do so again for 30 days (Earth time).
New furnishings have been added.
Lord of Verminion has been added to the Gold Saucer.
The following mounts can now fly:
Ahriman / Bomb Palanquin / Logistics System / Kirin / Magitek Armor / Gilded Magitek Armor / Draught Chocobo / Ceremony Chocobo / Amber Draught Chocobo
(Magitek Armor too????)
It is now possible to ride mounts other than the personal chocobo while your companion is summoned.
* Riding a mount will not dismiss your companion.
[2.0] New aesthetician hairstyles have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New emotes have been added.
Two new poses, accessed via the /changepose command, are now available when sitting on the floor.
An aethernet has been added to Idyllshire.
* In accordance with this change, the goodly adventurer no longer transfers players to different locations.
[3.0] Players may ride mounts in Idyllshire.
* Mounts cannot fly in Idyllshire.
The visual effect displayed while affected by Darkside can now be disabled.
This setting can be configured under Battle Effects Settings in the Character tab of the Control Settings panel in the Character Configuration interface.
[2.0] In keeping with balance changes for certain dungeons and trials, the rate at which the Limit Break Gauge fills has been adjusted as follows:
Dungeons and trials accessible solo via the Duty Finder:
The Limit Break Gauge will no longer fill more slowly when multiple members of the same class/job are in the party
New trials have been added.
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Alys
Players must complete the quest "Heavensward."
The alliance raid dungeon The Void Ark has been added.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement Average item level 175 or above
Party Size 24 players (three parties of eight)
Time Limit 120 minutes
Entry Requirements
Quest Prerequisites
To Rule the Skies Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Sea of Clouds (X:25 Y:5)
NPC: Utata
Players must first complete the quest "Sky Pirates."
Exploratory missions have been added, as well as a the Diadem, a new group of islands for airship exploration.
Exploratory missions allow individual adventurers and free companies to journey to faraway locations via airship.
Entry Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60*
Item Level Requirement Average item level 179 or above
Party Size Entering via company workshops:
2~24 (three parties of eight)*
Entering via Ishgard's airship landing:
Time Limit 90 minutes
Prerequisites Players must complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward"
* Disciples of the Land are not required to be level 60.
* Please note that while players may enter the Diadem as an alliance, upon entering, the group will not be treated as an alliance, but as three separate parties.
Entry Requirements
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward." To undertake exploratory missions with a free company, players can access them via the company workshop. To undertake exploratory missions without a free company, players must first speak with the NPC Aurvael in the Pillars (X:14 Y:10).
The Diadem
Players can explore the Diadem for hidden treasure coffers by slaying creatures and gathering rare items. While exploring the Diadem, players will find unique pieces of gear whose appearance and parameters are random. Up to nine parties (72 players) can explore in a single instance.
Players can undertake exploratory missions via free company workshops or from the airship landing in Ishgard.
Changing Class and Jobs
After entering the Diadem, players can freely change between classes and jobs when out of combat.
Experience points earned in the following dungeons has been increased:
The Dusk Vigil / Sohm Al / The Aery / The Vault / The Great Gubal Library
Enemies in the following dungeons will now yield experience points when playing as a class or job at level 50 or above
The Wanderer's Palace / Castrum Meridianum / The Praetorium / Amdapor Keep / Pharos Sirius / Copperbell Mines (Hard) / Haukke Manor (Hard) / The Lost City of Amdapor / Halatali (Hard) / Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) / Hullbreaker Isle / The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) / The Stone Vigil (Hard) / Snowcloak / Sastasha (Hard) / The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) / The Keeper of the Lake / The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) / Amdapor Keep (Hard)
and lots more, mew =^^=

Show some spoiler pics
New side quests have been added.
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
Quest Required Level and Location
An Overgrown Ambition Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:12 Y:19)
NPC: Tetchy treasure hunter
Things Are Getting Sirius
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet
A Vanu Vanu settlement and corresponding beast tribe quests have been added to the Sea of Clouds.
Free Company names can now be changed.
To change Free Company names, players must speak with the OIC administrator at Grand Company Headquarters.
* Only the master of the Free Company can make changes to the name.
* Once the Free Company name has been changed, it will not be possible to do so again for 30 days (Earth time).
New furnishings have been added.
Lord of Verminion has been added to the Gold Saucer.
The following mounts can now fly:
Ahriman / Bomb Palanquin / Logistics System / Kirin / Magitek Armor / Gilded Magitek Armor / Draught Chocobo / Ceremony Chocobo / Amber Draught Chocobo
(Magitek Armor too????)
It is now possible to ride mounts other than the personal chocobo while your companion is summoned.
* Riding a mount will not dismiss your companion.
[2.0] New aesthetician hairstyles have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New emotes have been added.
Two new poses, accessed via the /changepose command, are now available when sitting on the floor.
An aethernet has been added to Idyllshire.
* In accordance with this change, the goodly adventurer no longer transfers players to different locations.
[3.0] Players may ride mounts in Idyllshire.
* Mounts cannot fly in Idyllshire.
The visual effect displayed while affected by Darkside can now be disabled.
This setting can be configured under Battle Effects Settings in the Character tab of the Control Settings panel in the Character Configuration interface.
[2.0] In keeping with balance changes for certain dungeons and trials, the rate at which the Limit Break Gauge fills has been adjusted as follows:
Dungeons and trials accessible solo via the Duty Finder:
The Limit Break Gauge will no longer fill more slowly when multiple members of the same class/job are in the party
New trials have been added.
Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Alys
Players must complete the quest "Heavensward."
The alliance raid dungeon The Void Ark has been added.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement Average item level 175 or above
Party Size 24 players (three parties of eight)
Time Limit 120 minutes
Entry Requirements
Quest Prerequisites
To Rule the Skies Disciple of War or Magic level 60
The Sea of Clouds (X:25 Y:5)
NPC: Utata
Players must first complete the quest "Sky Pirates."
Exploratory missions have been added, as well as a the Diadem, a new group of islands for airship exploration.
Exploratory missions allow individual adventurers and free companies to journey to faraway locations via airship.
Entry Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60*
Item Level Requirement Average item level 179 or above
Party Size Entering via company workshops:
2~24 (three parties of eight)*
Entering via Ishgard's airship landing:
Time Limit 90 minutes
Prerequisites Players must complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward"
* Disciples of the Land are not required to be level 60.
* Please note that while players may enter the Diadem as an alliance, upon entering, the group will not be treated as an alliance, but as three separate parties.
Entry Requirements
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Heavensward." To undertake exploratory missions with a free company, players can access them via the company workshop. To undertake exploratory missions without a free company, players must first speak with the NPC Aurvael in the Pillars (X:14 Y:10).
The Diadem
Players can explore the Diadem for hidden treasure coffers by slaying creatures and gathering rare items. While exploring the Diadem, players will find unique pieces of gear whose appearance and parameters are random. Up to nine parties (72 players) can explore in a single instance.
Players can undertake exploratory missions via free company workshops or from the airship landing in Ishgard.
Changing Class and Jobs
After entering the Diadem, players can freely change between classes and jobs when out of combat.
Experience points earned in the following dungeons has been increased:
The Dusk Vigil / Sohm Al / The Aery / The Vault / The Great Gubal Library
Enemies in the following dungeons will now yield experience points when playing as a class or job at level 50 or above

The Wanderer's Palace / Castrum Meridianum / The Praetorium / Amdapor Keep / Pharos Sirius / Copperbell Mines (Hard) / Haukke Manor (Hard) / The Lost City of Amdapor / Halatali (Hard) / Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) / Hullbreaker Isle / The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) / The Stone Vigil (Hard) / Snowcloak / Sastasha (Hard) / The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) / The Keeper of the Lake / The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) / Amdapor Keep (Hard)
and lots more, mew =^^=