Lots of things are added, mew.
[3.0] New side story quests have been added.
Quest Required Level and Location
A Song of Steam and Steel Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Wandering Minstrel
Players must first complete the quests "Enigma" and "The Ultimate Ballad."
[2.0][3.0] FATEs have been adjusted as follows:
The level sync of FATEs in the areas surrounding Ishgard has been increased from three levels higher than the recommended level to four levels higher.
Experience awarded by FATEs in the areas surrounding Ishgard has been increased by 50%.
The difficulty of FATEs based on the previous number of participants has been adjusted. In the event a significant amount of time is required to complete a FATE, or players fail to complete it, the strength of enemies will be reduced when the FATE next appears.
Treasure Hunt
[3.0] Players will now receive Allagan tomestones of esoterics from wyvernskin treasure maps and dragonskin treasure maps.
[3.0] The amount of Thavnairian silk received from dragonskin treasure maps has been adjusted.
[3.0] New crafting materials have been added as rewards for tradecraft temple leves.
Grand and Free Companies
[3.0] Players can now exchange company seals for the following items:
- Maelstrom
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Storm Lieutenant
- Order of the Twin Adders
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Serpent Lieutenant
- Immortal Flames
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Flame Lieutenant
[3.0] The number of items requested for alchemist supply missions has been adjusted.
[3.0] New NPCs have been added to certain areas.
Battle System
[3.0] The raid dungeon Alexander: Gordias (Savage) has been added.
Progress within Alexander: Gordias (Savage) is saved as you advance through each area. Party members who have completed a given area may challenge it again if they meet the entry requirements.
* Progress is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. (PDT).
However, in the event all party members have completed a given area, they cannot re-enter until progress is reset. Players may only enter if at least one party member has yet to clear the area.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement -
Party Size Eight players(*)
Time Limit 90 minutes
* After forming a group of eight players, speak with Redbrix in the Dravanian Hinterlands (X:23 Y:26) to enter.
- Entry Requirements
Quest Required Level and Location
A Song of Steam and Steel Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Wandering Minstrel
Players must first complete the quests "Enigma" and "The Ultimate Ballad."
- Rewards
Treasure coffers that appear upon completing areas in Alexander: Gordias (Savage) will yield gear. In addition, players will receive a page of the Gordian Manifesto from each area, which can be exchanged for gear of your choosing.
* Players will only receive one page of the Gordian Manifesto per area each week upon completing said area for the first time.
If your party contains players replaying an area prior to the weekly reset, the number of treasure coffers appearing upon completion will decrease. Furthermore, players will be ineligible for rewards from treasure coffers as well as pages of the Gordian Manifesto when replaying an area prior to the weekly reset.
* If there are one to four players in your party replaying an area, only a single treasure coffer will appear. If there are five to seven players in your party replaying an area, no treasure coffers will appear. Players in the party who have yet to complete a given area in Alexander: Gordias (Savage) prior to the weekly reset will receive a page of the Gordian Manifesto.
- Item Exchange
By speaking with Sabina in Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5), players can exchange pages of the Gordian Manifesto from Alexander: Gordias (Savage) for corresponding gear.
Item Type Required Token Number of Tokens
Arms Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 8
Gladiator's Arm Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 5
Shield Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 3
Head Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 6
Body Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 8
Hands Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 6
Waist Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 4
Legs Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 8
Feet Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 6
Accessories Gordian Manifesto - Page 1 4
Illuminati Gobdip Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 4
Illuminati Gobtwine Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 4
Illuminati Gobcoat Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 4
[2.0][3.0] The following actions and traits have been adjusted:
/Job Action/Trait Adjustment
Dragoon Fang and Claw ・Potency has been increased from 100 to 200.
* Potency when attacking from the rear has not been adjusted.
Wheeling Thrust ・Potency has been increased from 100 to 200.
* Potency when attacking from the rear has not been adjusted.
/Black Mage Thundercloud ・Chance to activate the effect of Thundercloud has been increased from 5% to 10%.
Thunder ・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 240 to 270.
Thunder II ・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 295 to 330.
Thunder III ・Potency has been increased from 60 to 70.
・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 340 to 390.
Enochian ・Reusing the action Enochian while still under its effect will now reset the timer to 30 seconds.
Astrologian Lightspeed ・Now reduces MP cost of spells by 25%
・Reduction to magic potency now only affects attack magic.
・Duration has been reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
The Ewer ・Effect has been changed from MP cost reduction to MP refresh.
・Duration has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
The Spire ・Effect has been changed from TP cost reduction to TP refresh.
・Duration has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
Royal Road ・Arrow and Spear:
Now doubles the duration of the next card drawn.
・Ewer and Spire:
Now reduces the potency of the next card drawn by 50%, and extends the effect to nearby targets.
Spread ・Can now be used outside of combat.
Shuffle ・Recast time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.
Collective Unconscious ・Potency of the regen effect from Diurnal Sect has been increased from 150 to 200.
[3.0] New elite marks have been added.
[3.0] Allagan tomestones of esoterics have been added.
Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of esoterics per week, up to a maximum of 2000 tomestones.
Moreover, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of esoterics after reaching level 60 with at least one class or job.
* Speak with Hismena in Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5) to exchange Allagan tomestones of esoterics for gear.
* Speak with Seika in Idyllshire (X:6 Y:7) to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of esoterics.
[2.0][3.0] The number and type of Allagan tomestones received from Duty Roulette has been adjusted as follows:
Before After
Duty Roulette: Expert 80 Allagan tomestones of law -> 60 Allagan tomestones of law
35 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: High Level 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of law -> 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of law
Duty Roulette: Leveling 100 Allagan tomestones of law -> 100 Allagan tomestones of law
5 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: Trials 60 Allagan tomestones of law -> 60 Allagan tomestones of law
10 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: Frontline 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics -> 50 Allagan tomestones of law
20 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
[2.0][3.0] The name for "Duty Roulette: Low Level" has been changed to "Duty Roulette: Leveling" as it includes level 51-59 content.
[3.0] Level 60 dungeons, trials, and raids unlocked after completing the 3.0 main scenario quests will now yield Allagan tomestones of esoterics.
[3.0] The number of Allagan tomestones of law received for the first time completion bonus upon completing certain duties has been adjusted.
[2.0] The PvP rank requirement for item level 100 and 110 PvP gear has been removed.
[2.0][3.0] Item level 180 PvP gear has been added.
[2.0] The maximum PvP rank has been increased to 50.
[3.0] The PvP encounter Seal Rock (Seize) has been added to Frontline.
Players who have yet to unlock Frontline can do so by accepting one of the following quests corresponding to their Grand Company:
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Maelstrom) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Limsa Lominsa – Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Order of the Twin Adders
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Twin Adder) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Scarlet
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Immortal Flames
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Immortal Flames) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Ul'dah – Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:9)
NPC: Mimio Mio
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Seal Rock (Seize) will be unlocked automatically upon unlocking Frontline.
- Requirements
Time Limit 20 minutes
Required Level Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement Average item level 150 or above
Item Level Sync Average item level 150
The Say, Shout, Yell, Party, and Alliance chat channels can be used during Frontline. However, players can only see messages from comrades of their own Grand Company.

[3.0] New side story quests have been added.
Quest Required Level and Location
A Song of Steam and Steel Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Wandering Minstrel
Players must first complete the quests "Enigma" and "The Ultimate Ballad."
[2.0][3.0] FATEs have been adjusted as follows:
The level sync of FATEs in the areas surrounding Ishgard has been increased from three levels higher than the recommended level to four levels higher.
Experience awarded by FATEs in the areas surrounding Ishgard has been increased by 50%.
The difficulty of FATEs based on the previous number of participants has been adjusted. In the event a significant amount of time is required to complete a FATE, or players fail to complete it, the strength of enemies will be reduced when the FATE next appears.
Treasure Hunt
[3.0] Players will now receive Allagan tomestones of esoterics from wyvernskin treasure maps and dragonskin treasure maps.
[3.0] The amount of Thavnairian silk received from dragonskin treasure maps has been adjusted.
[3.0] New crafting materials have been added as rewards for tradecraft temple leves.
Grand and Free Companies
[3.0] Players can now exchange company seals for the following items:
- Maelstrom
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Storm Lieutenant
- Order of the Twin Adders
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Serpent Lieutenant
- Immortal Flames
Item Type Required Seals Rank
Grade 6 Dark Matter x5 Catalyst 1,725 Second Flame Lieutenant
[3.0] The number of items requested for alchemist supply missions has been adjusted.
[3.0] New NPCs have been added to certain areas.
Battle System
[3.0] The raid dungeon Alexander: Gordias (Savage) has been added.
Progress within Alexander: Gordias (Savage) is saved as you advance through each area. Party members who have completed a given area may challenge it again if they meet the entry requirements.
* Progress is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. (PDT).
However, in the event all party members have completed a given area, they cannot re-enter until progress is reset. Players may only enter if at least one party member has yet to clear the area.
Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement -
Party Size Eight players(*)
Time Limit 90 minutes
* After forming a group of eight players, speak with Redbrix in the Dravanian Hinterlands (X:23 Y:26) to enter.
- Entry Requirements
Quest Required Level and Location
A Song of Steam and Steel Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Wandering Minstrel
Players must first complete the quests "Enigma" and "The Ultimate Ballad."
- Rewards
Treasure coffers that appear upon completing areas in Alexander: Gordias (Savage) will yield gear. In addition, players will receive a page of the Gordian Manifesto from each area, which can be exchanged for gear of your choosing.
* Players will only receive one page of the Gordian Manifesto per area each week upon completing said area for the first time.
If your party contains players replaying an area prior to the weekly reset, the number of treasure coffers appearing upon completion will decrease. Furthermore, players will be ineligible for rewards from treasure coffers as well as pages of the Gordian Manifesto when replaying an area prior to the weekly reset.
* If there are one to four players in your party replaying an area, only a single treasure coffer will appear. If there are five to seven players in your party replaying an area, no treasure coffers will appear. Players in the party who have yet to complete a given area in Alexander: Gordias (Savage) prior to the weekly reset will receive a page of the Gordian Manifesto.
- Item Exchange
By speaking with Sabina in Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5), players can exchange pages of the Gordian Manifesto from Alexander: Gordias (Savage) for corresponding gear.
Item Type Required Token Number of Tokens
Arms Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 8
Gladiator's Arm Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 5
Shield Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 3
Head Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 6
Body Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 8
Hands Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 6
Waist Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 4
Legs Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 8
Feet Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 6
Accessories Gordian Manifesto - Page 1 4
Illuminati Gobdip Gordian Manifesto - Page 4 4
Illuminati Gobtwine Gordian Manifesto - Page 3 4
Illuminati Gobcoat Gordian Manifesto - Page 2 4
[2.0][3.0] The following actions and traits have been adjusted:
/Job Action/Trait Adjustment
Dragoon Fang and Claw ・Potency has been increased from 100 to 200.
* Potency when attacking from the rear has not been adjusted.
Wheeling Thrust ・Potency has been increased from 100 to 200.
* Potency when attacking from the rear has not been adjusted.
/Black Mage Thundercloud ・Chance to activate the effect of Thundercloud has been increased from 5% to 10%.
Thunder ・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 240 to 270.
Thunder II ・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 295 to 330.
Thunder III ・Potency has been increased from 60 to 70.
・Damage over time potency has been increased from 35 to 40.
・Potency when triggering Thundercloud has been increased from 340 to 390.
Enochian ・Reusing the action Enochian while still under its effect will now reset the timer to 30 seconds.
Astrologian Lightspeed ・Now reduces MP cost of spells by 25%
・Reduction to magic potency now only affects attack magic.
・Duration has been reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
The Ewer ・Effect has been changed from MP cost reduction to MP refresh.
・Duration has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
The Spire ・Effect has been changed from TP cost reduction to TP refresh.
・Duration has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
Royal Road ・Arrow and Spear:
Now doubles the duration of the next card drawn.
・Ewer and Spire:
Now reduces the potency of the next card drawn by 50%, and extends the effect to nearby targets.
Spread ・Can now be used outside of combat.
Shuffle ・Recast time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.
Collective Unconscious ・Potency of the regen effect from Diurnal Sect has been increased from 150 to 200.
[3.0] New elite marks have been added.
[3.0] Allagan tomestones of esoterics have been added.
Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of esoterics per week, up to a maximum of 2000 tomestones.
Moreover, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of esoterics after reaching level 60 with at least one class or job.
* Speak with Hismena in Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5) to exchange Allagan tomestones of esoterics for gear.
* Speak with Seika in Idyllshire (X:6 Y:7) to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of esoterics.
[2.0][3.0] The number and type of Allagan tomestones received from Duty Roulette has been adjusted as follows:
Before After
Duty Roulette: Expert 80 Allagan tomestones of law -> 60 Allagan tomestones of law
35 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: High Level 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
100 Allagan tomestones of law -> 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics
120 Allagan tomestones of law
Duty Roulette: Leveling 100 Allagan tomestones of law -> 100 Allagan tomestones of law
5 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: Trials 60 Allagan tomestones of law -> 60 Allagan tomestones of law
10 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Duty Roulette: Frontline 50 Allagan tomestones of poetics -> 50 Allagan tomestones of law
20 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
[2.0][3.0] The name for "Duty Roulette: Low Level" has been changed to "Duty Roulette: Leveling" as it includes level 51-59 content.
[3.0] Level 60 dungeons, trials, and raids unlocked after completing the 3.0 main scenario quests will now yield Allagan tomestones of esoterics.
[3.0] The number of Allagan tomestones of law received for the first time completion bonus upon completing certain duties has been adjusted.
[2.0] The PvP rank requirement for item level 100 and 110 PvP gear has been removed.
[2.0][3.0] Item level 180 PvP gear has been added.
[2.0] The maximum PvP rank has been increased to 50.
[3.0] The PvP encounter Seal Rock (Seize) has been added to Frontline.
Players who have yet to unlock Frontline can do so by accepting one of the following quests corresponding to their Grand Company:
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Maelstrom) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Limsa Lominsa – Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Order of the Twin Adders
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Twin Adder) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Scarlet
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Immortal Flames
Quest Required Level and Location
Like Civilized Men and Women (Immortal Flames) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Ul'dah – Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:9)
NPC: Mimio Mio
Players must first complete the quest "A Pup No Longer" for any of the three Grand Companies.
Seal Rock (Seize) will be unlocked automatically upon unlocking Frontline.
- Requirements
Time Limit 20 minutes
Required Level Disciple of War or Magic level 60
Item Level Requirement Average item level 150 or above
Item Level Sync Average item level 150
The Say, Shout, Yell, Party, and Alliance chat channels can be used during Frontline. However, players can only see messages from comrades of their own Grand Company.