Getting ready, mew
* Players must progress through the main scenario quests introduced in patch 3.0 to access new areas.
* Players who log out in these new areas cannot log back in using a platform that has not registered Heavensward.
[3.0] The city of Ishgard has been added.
- Foundation
- The Pillars
[3.0] New field areas have been added.
- Coerthas Western Highlands
- The Dravanian Forelands
- The Churning Mists
- The Sea of Clouds
- The Dravanian Hinterlands
- ???
- ???
[3.0] New city and field aetherytes have been added.
* Patch 3.0 introduces myriad quests in addition to the main scenario. As such, there may be cases where the patch notes only cite the initial quest in a series, or omit quests entirely to prevent spoilers. We encourage players to explore the ever-growing realm of Eorzea and discover what new stories and adventures await.
[3.0] New main scenario quests have been added.
Quest Required Level and Location
Coming to Ishgard Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Intercessory (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Alphinaud
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
* The entrance to the Intercessory is located in Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26 Y:17).
[3.0] Level 50 main scenario quests introduced prior to patch 3.0 will now grant experience points upon completion.
[2.0] The number of experience points granted by main scenario quests up to level 49 has been increased.
[2.0] Certain item and gil rewards for main scenario and job quests have been adjusted to accommodate returning players.
[3.0] Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.
[3.0] New side story quests have been added.
[3.0] New side quests have been added.
These new side quests are available upon progressing through the 3.0 main scenario quests.
[2.0] The roulette required to complete the quest "Morbid Motivation" has been changed from Duty Roulette: Expert to Duty Roulette: High Level.
[3.0] New job quests have been added.
- Paladin
Quest Required Level and Location
An Exemplary Example Paladin level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10 Y:11)
NPC: Jenlyns
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Keeping the Oath"
- Warrior
Quest Required Level and Location
Better Axe Around Warrior level 50
Eastern La Noscea (X:30 Y:22)
NPC: Curious Gorge
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "How to Quit You"
- Monk
Quest Required Level and Location
The Legend Continues Monk level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10 Y:13)
NPC: Erik
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Five Easy Pieces"
- Dragoon
Quest Required Level and Location
Sky's the Limit Dragoon level 50
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25 Y:28)
NPC: Alberic
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Into the Dragon's Maw"
- Ninja
Quest Required Level and Location
Strangers in a Strange Land Ninja level 50
Eastern La Noscea (X:20 Y:26)
NPC: Oboro
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Master and Student"
- Bard
Quest Required Level and Location
On the Road Again Bard level 50
South Shroud (X:21 Y:21)
NPC: Jehantel
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Requiem for the Fallen"
- Black Mage
Quest Required Level and Location
Black Books Black Mage level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12 Y:13)
NPC: Lalai
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Always Bet on Black"
- Summoner
Quest Required Level and Location
A Fitting Tomestone Summoner level 50
Old Gridania (X:10 Y:6)
NPC: Y'mhitra
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Primal Burdens"
- White Mage
Quest Required Level and Location
Taint Misbehaving White Mage level 50
South Shroud (X:18 Y:27)
NPC: Raya-O-Senna
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Heart of the Forest"
- Scholar
Quest Required Level and Location
The Green Death Scholar level 50
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11 Y:6)
NPC: Alka Zolka
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "The Beast Within"
[2.0] Beast tribe daily quests have been adjusted as follows:
The maximum number of daily allowances has been increased from 6 to 12.
The Allagan tomestones rewarded upon completing beast tribe daily quests has been adjusted.
Quests that rewarded Allagan tomestones of soldiery will now reward Allagan tomestones of poetics.
Quests that previously rewarded Allagan tomestones of poetics will reward additional tomestones.
[3.0] Players can now undertake "Temple Leves," a new form of guildleves, in new areas.
As with the regular guildleves, players can select from battlecraft leves, fieldcraft leves, and tradecraft leves. Furthermore, players may undertake large-scale levequests which require ten leve allowances. While much more difficult than normal levequests, they offer far greater experience points and rewards.
Unlike levequests in the original 2.0 areas, rather than being transported back to the levemete, players will be transported to a nearby hamlet upon the completion of temple leves.
* The difficulty of temple leves can only be increased to +1. In the event your character is two or more levels higher than that of the levequest, you will suffer a penalty to rewards.
* Reattempting a large-scale temple leve will require an additional 10 allowances.
When undertaking battlecraft leves, players may come across treasure coffers which sometimes contain amber-encased vilekin. These rare items can be exchanged with the following NPC:
Foundation (X:10 Y:10)
NPC: Amber Trader
[2.0] Guildleves have been adjusted as follows:
When selecting levequests, placing the cursor on class icons will now display class names in the Levequests interface.
Certain gamepad controls have been adjusted to improve usability of the Levequests interface.
[3.0] New FATEs have been added.
[2.0] In accordance with the increased level cap, the difficulty of the FATE "Steel Reign" has been adjusted.
Treasure Hunt
[3.0] Three types of timeworn maps have been added.
[2.0] The type of Allagan tomestones rewarded from timeworn leather, goatskin, toadskin, boarskin, and peisteskin maps has been adjusted.
Timeworn maps that rewarded Allagan tomestones of soldiery will now reward Allagan tomestones of poetics.
[2.0] Timeworn maps and leather buried treasure maps that rewarded Allagan tomestones of poetics will now reward additional tomestones.
Grand and Free Companies
[2.0] Grand Companies have received the following adjustments:
Players can now exchange company seals for dark knight, machinist, and astrologian arms.
New items have been added.
[2.0] Players can now exchange company credits for items by speaking with the OIC Quartermasters at each Grand Company Headquarters, and the resident caretaker in any housing district.
[2.0][3.0] Company Workshops have been implemented.
Workshops can be used to craft company projects such as aetherial wheels, housing materials, and airships for your free company. Airships built by your free company can then be deployed on exploratory voyages.
- Company Workshops
In order to craft company projects, players must first purchase a company workshop. The option to purchase a company workshop is available at the entrance to private chambers.
* A company workshop can only be purchased by the free company leader or members with the authorization to build or remove a workshop.
- Company Crafting
Company projects may require the cooperation of free company members depending on the amount of materials required. The materials required for any given project can be confirmed by opening the company crafting log via the fabrication station.
- Schematic Board
The schematic board is used to draft new projects. After gathering the required items, select the plan you wish to create. A new plan will then be added to the company crafting log automatically.
- Company Airships
Company workshops can also be utilized to craft and register airships using requisite components and flight credits.
[2.0][3.0] Exploratory Voyages have been implemented.
- Undertaking Exploratory Voyages
Registered airships can be deployed to explore uncharted lands in the Sea of Clouds. These explorations are carried out automatically, with airships returning after a fixed amount of time. Upon completion of an exploratory voyage, you will be provided with a voyage log detailing the results. You will also receive various items depending on the results of the voyage.
- Charting a Voyage
As you continue to deploy airships on voyages, you will eventually discover new areas to survey.
- Airship Performance
The combination of parts used to build an airship will determine the distances it can travel, as well as the rewards you will receive from voyages.
When a voyage is complete, airships will gain experience points depending on its selected flight path, and eventually increase in rank. Higher rankings will allow you to outfit airships with new components to improve their performance on future voyages.
The parameters of an airship affect the distance it can travel, the time required for voyages, as well as the rewards received from voyages. Parameters of an airship can be altered by changing its components.
- Airship Components
Airships are comprised of four primary parts—the hull, rigging, forecastle, and aftcastle. Bear in mind that durability of these parts will be depleted when sending airships out on exploratory voyages. When the durability of any given part reaches zero, it will need to be replaced or repaired.
The rank required to use airship components.
Component Costs and Airframe Capacity
When assembling an airship, the total cost of the components cannot exceed the airframe capacity. The airframe capacity increases with the rank of the airship.
- Ceruleum Tanks
Airships require ceruleum tanks to be deployed on exploratory voyages. They can be purchased using company credits from the resident caretaker in any of the housing districts.
* Your free company must own a house before purchasing a workshop or undertaking exploratory voyages. The size of the house has no effect on crafting or exploration.
[2.0] New company actions have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New furnishings have been added.
[2.0][3.0] Grade 2 and 3 aetherial wheels have been added.
[2.0] Players can now play Triple Triad inside housing with the Triple Triad board furnishing.
* Setting the Triple Triad board as indoor furnishing will allow players to play Triple Triad anywhere within the house excluding private chambers. A separate Triple Triad board is required to play within private chambers.
* Please note that regional rules will not apply to matches held within housing. Furthermore, matches held within housing will not count toward Triple Triad tournaments.
[2.0] Crafting facility furnishings can now be used by crafting classes up to level 50.
[2.0] The order of items that appear in the Indoor/Outdoor Furnishings window has been adjusted.
The Manderville Gold Saucer
[2.0] The display of racing times and experience received in the chocobo race results window has been adjusted.
[2.0][3.0] New Triple Triad cards have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New NPC opponents for Triple Triad have been added.
[3.0] Players can now engage in Triple Triad matches in new areas.
[2.0] The method for calculating Triple Triad tournament points has been adjusted.
[2.0] When selecting a deck for a Triple Triad match, the cursor will now default to the last deck selected.
[3.0] Players will be temporarily unable to challenge Tataru to Triple Triad matches after reaching a certain point in the main scenario.
* Tataru will be available to challenge again after completing the main scenario.
[2.0] Players can now purchase up to three mini cactpot tickets per day.
* The first ticket requires 100 MGP, the second ticket requires 200 MGP, and the third requires 300 MGP. The possible rewards for subsequent tickets will not change.
* The count for tickets purchased will reset daily at 8:00 a.m. (PDT).
[2.0] Au Ra dancers have been added to the GATE "The Time of My Life".
[2.0] The dancers that perform in the GATE "The Time of My Life" will now appear in several variations.
[2.0] New items have been added to Greg's inventory at the main counter in the Gold Saucer (X:5 Y:6).
[2.0] New prizes are available for purchase using MGP.
[3.0] New pages have been added to the sightseeing log.
[3.0] Players can now select the Au Ra race.
Upon registering FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward to your service account, the Au Ra will be a selectable race when creating new characters, editing your character's appearance using fantasia, or hiring a retainer.
[2.0] New aesthetician hairstyles have been added.
[3.0] Skywatcher NPCs have been added to the new areas.
[2.0] Players can now view a weather forecast for new areas.
[3.0] Flying mounts have been implemented.
[3.0] The level cap for all Disciples of War and Magic has been raised to 60.
In accordance with this change, the experience required from level 50 to 51 has been adjusted.
[3.0] The dark knight, machinist, and astrologian jobs have been added.
These new jobs have no corresponding classes and begin at level 30.
Dark Knight
Quest Required Level and Location
Our End Disciple of War or Magic level 50
The Pillars (X:13 Y:8)
NPC: Ishgardian citizen
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
Savior of Skysteel Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Foundation (X:8 Y:10)
NPC: Stephanivien
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
Stairway to the Heavens Disciple of War or Magic level 50
The Pillars (X:15 Y:10)
NPC: Jannequinard
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
[2.0][3.0] New PvP actions have been added.
[2.0][3.0] The limit break has been adjusted as follows:
The limit break for ranged physical DPS has been changed to an attack to all targets in a straight line before the caster. Furthermore, level three limit breaks can now only be used by jobs.
The effect of the limit break depends on your role: tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS, caster, or healer.
[2.0] Player attributes have been adjusted as follows:
[2.0] Pets have been adjusted as follows.
[2.0] The armoury bonus when below level 50 has been increased to a 100% increase in experience points gained.
[3.0] New dungeons have been added.
[3.0] New trials have been added.
[2.0] Gear for dark knight, machinist, and astrologian has been added to previously existing dungeons, trials, and raids.
[2.0] In accordance with the increase in level cap, the distribution of experience points in the following dungeons has been adjusted:
The Sunken Temple of Qarn / Cutter's Cry / Stone Vigil / Dzemael Darkhold / Aurum Vale
[2.0] The mechanics of certain dungeons have been adjusted.
[2.0] In the event your character is incapacitated when exiting an instance, your character will now be revived before leaving.
[2.0] Level sync will now reduce the parameters of gear based on the values of high quality gear rather than normal quality gear.
[3.0] Allagan tomestones of law have been added.
[2.0] The NPC Auriana in Revenant's Toll will now give players the option to exchange Allagan tomestones of soldiery for Allagan tomestones of poetics.
[2.0] The requirements to unlock Duty Roulette: Trials has been changed. Players can now participate in this roulette after unlocking any two trials listed under this category.
[2.0] Loot rules can now be set when entering a duty while meeting the party size requirements or when using the undersized party option.
[3.0] New enemies have been added.
[2.0] Following the implementation of flying mounts, the behavior of monsters when attacked from locations they cannot reach has been adjusted.
[3.0] New elite marks have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New items have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New recipes have been added.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian weapons have been added to the inventories of multiple traders.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian gear has been added to the inventory of Hunt billmasters.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian equipment is now available from the Maelstrom traders outside the Wolves' Den.
[2.0][3.0] New minions have been added.
[3.0] A market board has been placed in Ishgard.
* Players must progress through the main scenario quests introduced in patch 3.0 to access new areas.
* Players who log out in these new areas cannot log back in using a platform that has not registered Heavensward.
[3.0] The city of Ishgard has been added.
- Foundation
- The Pillars
[3.0] New field areas have been added.
- Coerthas Western Highlands
- The Dravanian Forelands
- The Churning Mists
- The Sea of Clouds
- The Dravanian Hinterlands
- ???
- ???
[3.0] New city and field aetherytes have been added.
* Patch 3.0 introduces myriad quests in addition to the main scenario. As such, there may be cases where the patch notes only cite the initial quest in a series, or omit quests entirely to prevent spoilers. We encourage players to explore the ever-growing realm of Eorzea and discover what new stories and adventures await.
[3.0] New main scenario quests have been added.
Quest Required Level and Location
Coming to Ishgard Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Intercessory (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Alphinaud
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
* The entrance to the Intercessory is located in Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26 Y:17).
[3.0] Level 50 main scenario quests introduced prior to patch 3.0 will now grant experience points upon completion.
[2.0] The number of experience points granted by main scenario quests up to level 49 has been increased.
[2.0] Certain item and gil rewards for main scenario and job quests have been adjusted to accommodate returning players.
[3.0] Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.
[3.0] New side story quests have been added.
[3.0] New side quests have been added.
These new side quests are available upon progressing through the 3.0 main scenario quests.
[2.0] The roulette required to complete the quest "Morbid Motivation" has been changed from Duty Roulette: Expert to Duty Roulette: High Level.
[3.0] New job quests have been added.
- Paladin
Quest Required Level and Location
An Exemplary Example Paladin level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10 Y:11)
NPC: Jenlyns
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Keeping the Oath"
- Warrior
Quest Required Level and Location
Better Axe Around Warrior level 50
Eastern La Noscea (X:30 Y:22)
NPC: Curious Gorge
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "How to Quit You"
- Monk
Quest Required Level and Location
The Legend Continues Monk level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10 Y:13)
NPC: Erik
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Five Easy Pieces"
- Dragoon
Quest Required Level and Location
Sky's the Limit Dragoon level 50
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25 Y:28)
NPC: Alberic
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Into the Dragon's Maw"
- Ninja
Quest Required Level and Location
Strangers in a Strange Land Ninja level 50
Eastern La Noscea (X:20 Y:26)
NPC: Oboro
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Master and Student"
- Bard
Quest Required Level and Location
On the Road Again Bard level 50
South Shroud (X:21 Y:21)
NPC: Jehantel
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Requiem for the Fallen"
- Black Mage
Quest Required Level and Location
Black Books Black Mage level 50
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12 Y:13)
NPC: Lalai
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Always Bet on Black"
- Summoner
Quest Required Level and Location
A Fitting Tomestone Summoner level 50
Old Gridania (X:10 Y:6)
NPC: Y'mhitra
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Primal Burdens"
- White Mage
Quest Required Level and Location
Taint Misbehaving White Mage level 50
South Shroud (X:18 Y:27)
NPC: Raya-O-Senna
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Heart of the Forest"
- Scholar
Quest Required Level and Location
The Green Death Scholar level 50
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11 Y:6)
NPC: Alka Zolka
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "The Beast Within"
[2.0] Beast tribe daily quests have been adjusted as follows:
The maximum number of daily allowances has been increased from 6 to 12.
The Allagan tomestones rewarded upon completing beast tribe daily quests has been adjusted.
Quests that rewarded Allagan tomestones of soldiery will now reward Allagan tomestones of poetics.
Quests that previously rewarded Allagan tomestones of poetics will reward additional tomestones.
[3.0] Players can now undertake "Temple Leves," a new form of guildleves, in new areas.
As with the regular guildleves, players can select from battlecraft leves, fieldcraft leves, and tradecraft leves. Furthermore, players may undertake large-scale levequests which require ten leve allowances. While much more difficult than normal levequests, they offer far greater experience points and rewards.
Unlike levequests in the original 2.0 areas, rather than being transported back to the levemete, players will be transported to a nearby hamlet upon the completion of temple leves.
* The difficulty of temple leves can only be increased to +1. In the event your character is two or more levels higher than that of the levequest, you will suffer a penalty to rewards.
* Reattempting a large-scale temple leve will require an additional 10 allowances.
When undertaking battlecraft leves, players may come across treasure coffers which sometimes contain amber-encased vilekin. These rare items can be exchanged with the following NPC:
Foundation (X:10 Y:10)
NPC: Amber Trader
[2.0] Guildleves have been adjusted as follows:
When selecting levequests, placing the cursor on class icons will now display class names in the Levequests interface.
Certain gamepad controls have been adjusted to improve usability of the Levequests interface.
[3.0] New FATEs have been added.
[2.0] In accordance with the increased level cap, the difficulty of the FATE "Steel Reign" has been adjusted.
Treasure Hunt
[3.0] Three types of timeworn maps have been added.
[2.0] The type of Allagan tomestones rewarded from timeworn leather, goatskin, toadskin, boarskin, and peisteskin maps has been adjusted.
Timeworn maps that rewarded Allagan tomestones of soldiery will now reward Allagan tomestones of poetics.
[2.0] Timeworn maps and leather buried treasure maps that rewarded Allagan tomestones of poetics will now reward additional tomestones.
Grand and Free Companies
[2.0] Grand Companies have received the following adjustments:
Players can now exchange company seals for dark knight, machinist, and astrologian arms.
New items have been added.
[2.0] Players can now exchange company credits for items by speaking with the OIC Quartermasters at each Grand Company Headquarters, and the resident caretaker in any housing district.
[2.0][3.0] Company Workshops have been implemented.
Workshops can be used to craft company projects such as aetherial wheels, housing materials, and airships for your free company. Airships built by your free company can then be deployed on exploratory voyages.
- Company Workshops
In order to craft company projects, players must first purchase a company workshop. The option to purchase a company workshop is available at the entrance to private chambers.
* A company workshop can only be purchased by the free company leader or members with the authorization to build or remove a workshop.
- Company Crafting
Company projects may require the cooperation of free company members depending on the amount of materials required. The materials required for any given project can be confirmed by opening the company crafting log via the fabrication station.
- Schematic Board
The schematic board is used to draft new projects. After gathering the required items, select the plan you wish to create. A new plan will then be added to the company crafting log automatically.
- Company Airships
Company workshops can also be utilized to craft and register airships using requisite components and flight credits.
[2.0][3.0] Exploratory Voyages have been implemented.
- Undertaking Exploratory Voyages
Registered airships can be deployed to explore uncharted lands in the Sea of Clouds. These explorations are carried out automatically, with airships returning after a fixed amount of time. Upon completion of an exploratory voyage, you will be provided with a voyage log detailing the results. You will also receive various items depending on the results of the voyage.
- Charting a Voyage
As you continue to deploy airships on voyages, you will eventually discover new areas to survey.
- Airship Performance
The combination of parts used to build an airship will determine the distances it can travel, as well as the rewards you will receive from voyages.
When a voyage is complete, airships will gain experience points depending on its selected flight path, and eventually increase in rank. Higher rankings will allow you to outfit airships with new components to improve their performance on future voyages.
The parameters of an airship affect the distance it can travel, the time required for voyages, as well as the rewards received from voyages. Parameters of an airship can be altered by changing its components.
- Airship Components
Airships are comprised of four primary parts—the hull, rigging, forecastle, and aftcastle. Bear in mind that durability of these parts will be depleted when sending airships out on exploratory voyages. When the durability of any given part reaches zero, it will need to be replaced or repaired.
The rank required to use airship components.
Component Costs and Airframe Capacity
When assembling an airship, the total cost of the components cannot exceed the airframe capacity. The airframe capacity increases with the rank of the airship.
- Ceruleum Tanks
Airships require ceruleum tanks to be deployed on exploratory voyages. They can be purchased using company credits from the resident caretaker in any of the housing districts.
* Your free company must own a house before purchasing a workshop or undertaking exploratory voyages. The size of the house has no effect on crafting or exploration.
[2.0] New company actions have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New furnishings have been added.
[2.0][3.0] Grade 2 and 3 aetherial wheels have been added.
[2.0] Players can now play Triple Triad inside housing with the Triple Triad board furnishing.
* Setting the Triple Triad board as indoor furnishing will allow players to play Triple Triad anywhere within the house excluding private chambers. A separate Triple Triad board is required to play within private chambers.
* Please note that regional rules will not apply to matches held within housing. Furthermore, matches held within housing will not count toward Triple Triad tournaments.
[2.0] Crafting facility furnishings can now be used by crafting classes up to level 50.
[2.0] The order of items that appear in the Indoor/Outdoor Furnishings window has been adjusted.
The Manderville Gold Saucer
[2.0] The display of racing times and experience received in the chocobo race results window has been adjusted.
[2.0][3.0] New Triple Triad cards have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New NPC opponents for Triple Triad have been added.
[3.0] Players can now engage in Triple Triad matches in new areas.
[2.0] The method for calculating Triple Triad tournament points has been adjusted.
[2.0] When selecting a deck for a Triple Triad match, the cursor will now default to the last deck selected.
[3.0] Players will be temporarily unable to challenge Tataru to Triple Triad matches after reaching a certain point in the main scenario.
* Tataru will be available to challenge again after completing the main scenario.
[2.0] Players can now purchase up to three mini cactpot tickets per day.
* The first ticket requires 100 MGP, the second ticket requires 200 MGP, and the third requires 300 MGP. The possible rewards for subsequent tickets will not change.
* The count for tickets purchased will reset daily at 8:00 a.m. (PDT).
[2.0] Au Ra dancers have been added to the GATE "The Time of My Life".
[2.0] The dancers that perform in the GATE "The Time of My Life" will now appear in several variations.
[2.0] New items have been added to Greg's inventory at the main counter in the Gold Saucer (X:5 Y:6).
[2.0] New prizes are available for purchase using MGP.
[3.0] New pages have been added to the sightseeing log.
[3.0] Players can now select the Au Ra race.
Upon registering FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward to your service account, the Au Ra will be a selectable race when creating new characters, editing your character's appearance using fantasia, or hiring a retainer.
[2.0] New aesthetician hairstyles have been added.
[3.0] Skywatcher NPCs have been added to the new areas.
[2.0] Players can now view a weather forecast for new areas.
[3.0] Flying mounts have been implemented.
[3.0] The level cap for all Disciples of War and Magic has been raised to 60.
In accordance with this change, the experience required from level 50 to 51 has been adjusted.
[3.0] The dark knight, machinist, and astrologian jobs have been added.
These new jobs have no corresponding classes and begin at level 30.
Dark Knight
Quest Required Level and Location
Our End Disciple of War or Magic level 50
The Pillars (X:13 Y:8)
NPC: Ishgardian citizen
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
Savior of Skysteel Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Foundation (X:8 Y:10)
NPC: Stephanivien
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
Stairway to the Heavens Disciple of War or Magic level 50
The Pillars (X:15 Y:10)
NPC: Jannequinard
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"
[2.0][3.0] New PvP actions have been added.
[2.0][3.0] The limit break has been adjusted as follows:
The limit break for ranged physical DPS has been changed to an attack to all targets in a straight line before the caster. Furthermore, level three limit breaks can now only be used by jobs.
The effect of the limit break depends on your role: tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS, caster, or healer.
[2.0] Player attributes have been adjusted as follows:
[2.0] Pets have been adjusted as follows.
[2.0] The armoury bonus when below level 50 has been increased to a 100% increase in experience points gained.
[3.0] New dungeons have been added.
[3.0] New trials have been added.
[2.0] Gear for dark knight, machinist, and astrologian has been added to previously existing dungeons, trials, and raids.
[2.0] In accordance with the increase in level cap, the distribution of experience points in the following dungeons has been adjusted:
The Sunken Temple of Qarn / Cutter's Cry / Stone Vigil / Dzemael Darkhold / Aurum Vale
[2.0] The mechanics of certain dungeons have been adjusted.
[2.0] In the event your character is incapacitated when exiting an instance, your character will now be revived before leaving.
[2.0] Level sync will now reduce the parameters of gear based on the values of high quality gear rather than normal quality gear.
[3.0] Allagan tomestones of law have been added.
[2.0] The NPC Auriana in Revenant's Toll will now give players the option to exchange Allagan tomestones of soldiery for Allagan tomestones of poetics.
[2.0] The requirements to unlock Duty Roulette: Trials has been changed. Players can now participate in this roulette after unlocking any two trials listed under this category.
[2.0] Loot rules can now be set when entering a duty while meeting the party size requirements or when using the undersized party option.
[3.0] New enemies have been added.
[2.0] Following the implementation of flying mounts, the behavior of monsters when attacked from locations they cannot reach has been adjusted.
[3.0] New elite marks have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New items have been added.
[2.0][3.0] New recipes have been added.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian weapons have been added to the inventories of multiple traders.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian gear has been added to the inventory of Hunt billmasters.
[2.0] Dark knight, machinist, and astrologian equipment is now available from the Maelstrom traders outside the Wolves' Den.
[2.0][3.0] New minions have been added.
[3.0] A market board has been placed in Ishgard.