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Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
So you guys actually went, but you're rather slow to give us anything so I guess it's up to me to get the ball rolling.
Flying Mounts!
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Link to the stream:
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Forum ate my original post so I will keep it short.
Mal it's 2am and I just got back, Jarre is still travelling. Pics and info and shit will come tomorrow, calm the fuck down.
- EU Players are getting an EU server hub. No more being forced to do Primals with high ping as an EU player.
- Dark Knight Confirmed for 3.0.
- Personal Airships confirmed for 3.0.
- Flying Mounts confirmed for 3.0. About 6-8 according to Yoshi-P.
- Atma Drop Rates finally fixed.
- 2 new Beast Races and 2 new Primals confirmed. Bismark was teased to be an aerial battle where the airship rails can fall off.
- Cash shop confirmed to be for purely cosmetic items like pets and costumes
- New Treasure hunt items
- Barefisted option for Monks teased at the Live Q&A
- Seriously, you watched the stream, you should know this Mal
The Primals closed the show playing all of the Primal songs, including Moggle Mog and the Shiva song ^___^.
And a couple of pics I pulled from my Facebook page where I've been uploading pics as stuff happens:
Live QA with the devs. Jarrre got one of his questions answered.
The Merch queue SUCKED (you will find out why I'm posting this later from Jarre)
The Primals soundchecking before the Closing Ceremony.
Some pretty sweet fanart
Odin Challenge, Firewind's PoV (Spoiler Free)
Swag Bag
The Primal Roulette Challenges were fun. I ended up healing Garuda with a hand tied behind my back, tanking Ifrit as a Summoner, solo healing Titan, and doing Gilgamesh while randomly Mandervilling and switching seats with players. The ones we didn't do was Leviathan in walking mode, or Ramuh with no raises allowed.
Odin is a fun fight, lots of AoE to dodge, and the melee actually have to pay attention for once in a Primal fight, so expect lots of lolDRG antics and people bitching about lag because they didn't move in time.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Erm mal thats because I have just literally within last 10 minutes got home from it, 4 hour drive each way + hour on train, tube etc. will post the pics up when i get up again today which includes yoshi-p coming to pose with fans for photos who were in the merchandise que where we qued for 3 hours (though as firewind says, I'm dps so used to quing). It was only supposed to be VIP's on teh friday night that could meet and great and pose but he took it on himself as the waits were so long between dev panels to mingle. Now my bed is callinh its 230am and I have been up since 530am!
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
I didn't see the entire stream, I joined late - after the Q&A. I basically tuned in right around time for the cosplay lol. I found out about DRK from the forums, and then checked to see if the event was live. I honestly didn't think the live stream for the event would in the middle of the day for me
Besides I was only poking fun, you guys are all butthurt
Sounds like you had a good time though ^_^
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
So I met someone while stuck in the merch queue...
It was really awesome of him to do that. Basically he came out and personally apologised to everyone stuck in that line because we were all missing important things. It's actually why he was also late for the second Dev Panel, because we would be missing that.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Ok firewind shared some of it, I didn't take to many photos, which you always regret but the key ones I got.
As were british were used to quing but this gives an idea of how many people went, we went this was after at least 1/3rd of people qued up had got in we felt sorry for the people at the back where it meandered down the tow path of the canal.
Yosh-p (Naoki Yoshida) in his black mage costume during the opening ceremony.
Confirmation of hardware servers to be located in europe for EU players to speed up latency issues and make it a better game play experience for EU players who have suffered lagg issues etc. since launch.
A clearer pic of the Dark Knight announcement
It was also announced that this job can be started without any other requirements straight from release of the new expansion so players can play from 1-60 imediately on release.
They released images of new primals one being a fight from airships with the primal Bismark
The other primal is brand new to series called Ravana
Dev panel Naoki Yoshida (Producer) Hiromichi Tanaka & Michael Christopher Koji Fox
Inside Carline canopy food hall
Inside ODIN battle arena 8 person fight.
The merchandise que was massive we were in it for at least 3 hours. Yoshi-p in seeing how long people were spending to buy shit decided to mingle and pose either for a photo with fans or sign something. Firewind and I decided to get a photo with him as below. (no jealousy please!)
As firewind said we managed to do 3 Hard mode battles (with a surprise handicap) and odin. For each you had 15 minutes only to complete.
Garuda (hard) (playing only able to use mouse no keyboard, (non mouse hand behind back)
Ifrit (hard) Tanks were changed to sumoners so no proper tanks!
Giglimesh - This was fun, basically the job you started with one of the staff would suddenly tell you to do something. One was physically stand up and do the manderville, blow a kiss to person next to you, then she would say Move to the machine to the left or 2 machines to the right etc. so you end up having to take over a whole new class set up by another and carry on that job and other things like that. (the fight was continuing and not paused while we did these actions so we had to speedily do it and try not to wipe in the process!) we didnt wipe and after being turned into a frog while moving back to BLM it took 3 goes before I could release the limit break to win.
All in all it was a great experience and hopefully the will come back to London next year.
Heres is all the info in quick form and questions and answers from both dev panels I've had to hunt this online as firewind and I were still in merchandise que when dev panel 2 was on so an austrian gamers was streaming it live on twitch on his ipad.
EU Data Center announcement.
Location is being discussed
No release date, but please look forward to it.
Optional Item Sales Controversy
No Pay To Win
Will Future Minions become Cash Shop items if it succeeds? No
Won’t be selling Dungeons
Using funds to help develop vanity items in game.
Profits towards more servers and more housing options.
Funds help fund new data center
Flying Mounts
Black Chocobo will be beginner flying mount
Single Person Airships
Seemless flying in new areas.
Floating Islands are super common
Currently six flying mounts in development.
One mount will be important in the story.
May be included with CE of the game in the form of a figurine.
Looking for treasure on floating islands will be one of the many “play stylesâ€
New Beast Tribes/Primals
Primal is Bismarck
May be fought on an airship with no rails
Bug Looking Beastmen
Ravana Primal
Brand new in FFXIV.
Lord of War
Designed with Odin in mind
New Job
Dark Knight
No base class at all
Magic wielder
Gun Job teased via 007 shirt
Live Q&A With dev panel
Q1.) The RP community would love to have an RP icon next to their name in game. Have you ever thought of adding something like this?
A: Server Load Issues lol Would like to do it once they overcome this issue.
Q2.) Can you give us Monks the option of fighting bare handed?
A: Mmmmm...Tattoos on your bare fights to replace weapons potentially for people who want to do this.
Q3.) When will we see Direct X11?
A: Coding is done, in the process of final optimization. Working directly with the chip programmers to make sure we can ensure great graphics for a wide variety of machines. Hoping by the end of the year that we’ll have something to show you to compare the old DX9 graphics with DX11. Very soon, please look forward to it, Hai!
Q4.) Can you please allow melee dps to show TP instead of MP on the party list so its easier for party members to keep track of my TP?
A: When we designed our current UI, we tried to keep it as simple as possible. However, we now realize the importance of adding this option, especially for Bards so they know when they to switch songs. We are looking into making this change, we just need to ensure there isn’t more clutter on the UI.
Q5.) When will you discontinue support for the Playstation 3?
A: We will support the Playstation 3 at least through Heavensward. 4.0 and on we may have to consider dropping support depending on what we want to add for the players. We have to see if the Playstation 3 is capable of certain things, so we’ll re-evaluate then.
When we were designing Heavensward, we had to make sure the Playstation 3 could handle what we were adding. So everything in Heavensward will work on the Playstation 3.
Q6.) Will we get more options to configure the floating text in combat?
We’ll have to talk to our UI lead and see if we can add some more options for this. There would probably be a lot of bugs, but we will definitely consider it.
Takai: I’ll get on it right away.
Q7.) If someone wanted to apply for a Job in Square Enix in Japan, where should they start?
A: First visit our recruitment page (laughs). Decide which project you’d like to apply for, though I’m sure its FF14 you’re talking about. And then on the XIV page, decide which position is best for yourself. The hiring process is very different depending on the position. What would you be applying for?
“I’d be applying for Level Designerâ€
If you’re going down that path, you will definitely want to enjoy the game you are working on and have played a LOT of different games. If its XIV you are interested in particularly, be sure you are 100% familiar with the current maps and levels in the game. We don’t put a lot of emphasis on history in the industry, just passion for the game. However, trying to become a programmer would probably be the most difficult. Takai here will be doing your interview if you’re a designer though! If you’re doing Localization...theres a lot of text waiting for you.
Q8.) Is there any chance that rankings currently on the lodestone will be reflected in game?
A: That would be...kinddaaaa difficult. The thing with XIV is that we are constantly overcoming challenges. So while it might be difficult to do now, we will keep trying again and again as time goes on.
Q9.) So...there was a lalafell with a Spriggan hat back in the spring around the easter event. I’ve looked really hard for it and never found it. Is it even in the game?
A: *Takai and Yoshi-P think hard on it* (Its in XIVDB but no comment on where to get it) Didn’t we add this? I THINK this might be a veteran reward. We’ll make it a treasure map reward if not.
Q10.) Is there any item you can add to make retainers bring back better items from Ventures? Currently all they bring me is fish.
A: What races are your retainers? *Roegadyn and Lalafell* Mmmm, if it was a Mi’qote it would make more sense but if not...perhaps its just a matter of lowering the amount of fish they bring back.
Q11.) When doing high level raids, can you add a way to prevent us from getting the same weapon over and over and over and over and over again?
A: We touched upon this a bit with Mr. Gondai back in Las Vegas. While it won’t necessarily be happening in the Final Coil, we have mentioned a Token system where you can get a Token to trade in for items you actually need. We hope to have a system like this for Heavensward, where the drops are specialized.
Q12.) Is it possible that we could get a 4 man raid similar in difficulty to the Coils? Like if we got a 4 man version of the Second Coil of Bahamut
A: While it is possible to create, its not something we have planned currently. If we did this, the amount of responsibilities each member would take up would be very, very high. But it would also be easier to get a group together and your roles would be very clearly defined. Rewards would probably have to be scaled down though, since its much easier to find 4 people than it is to find 8.
Q13.) Could Bards a Limit Break thats not a healing LB?
A: Maybe we can have some kind of new Limit Breaks by the time Heavensward comes around…the original idea was that if you have two healers and they both die, or 1 healer dead and the other healer focusing, the Bard could be used as a backup plan. But thats not how it ended up working out. So we’d like to make Limit Breaks more independant of the individual jobs and not grouped together like they are now.
Q14.) Can we please make the numbers behind the stat values a bit more transparent? For example I have 512 crit but I have no idea what my Critical Hit % actually is.
A: Uhhhhhhh….we know a lot of other games flat out say these kinds of things. We don’t want to talk about it too much now, but we will consider it as we approach the release for Heavensward. For right now, there are players and websites that have calculated these kinds of things.
Q15.) Would you ever consider doing a competition for fans to design items or enemies in game, with the winner having their design implemented into FFXIV?
A: We’ve done something like this before with a ring design contest and a lot of those made it into the game. We’d like to this again and its heavily requested, especially in Japan. Its not as simple as it sounds though due to all of the potentially issues that come with clipping and theme. If we do this there will likely be a disclaimer saying Square Enix can change things to make it fit if needed.
Q16.) Its very difficult to get a rank 20 chocobo, is there any plans for some sort of reward for doing this? Such as a Chocobo LB?
A: We want to consider some sort of reward for this. There aren’t a lot of people at level 20 yet though. Maybe a fat chocobo LB? We’ll consider it!
Q17.) Will you ease up on the end-game lockouts?
A: We will be looking to add a new system in Patch 2.45.
Q18.) Name Change system being implemented?
A: This is almost ready and will be added soon.
Q19.) Would it be possible to add Hildibrand’s Emote to other races? Maybe an emote that plays his theme?
A: We will talk to the team and see if we could work on implementing something like this!
Q20.) Will beast tribes without primals such as goblins and qiqirns play a bigger role in the story?
A: Just because these races havent revealed their primals doesn’t mean they don’t have them. We can’t say much more but please look forward to learning more in Heavensward.
Q21.) How did the Warrior in the Heavensward trailer get his Axe back after dropping it back during the End of the Era trailer?
A: I mean...hes just a regular adventurer. He could just go talk to the Calamity Salvager if he needed his weapon again!
Q22.) Will the graphics of your relic ever REALLY change? Not just get shinier?
A: The Nexus is pretty yeah...if we can’t make it any shinier...maybe the next step in the Zodiac System will look different.
Q23.) When ARR came out you didn’t want long hair due to clipping. However, with other implementations have you started considering this?
A: We are all for trying new things. We are working on implementing things we weren’t able to implement before and long hair is definitely something we are looking to add in the future. Longer beards too!
Q24.) How much time do you spend playing FFXIV outside of the office?
A: Actually quite a lot. Basically if I’m not working, eating or sleeping I’m playing!
Q25.) Would you ever consider having Hildibrand and characters from the mains scenario quests interact?
A: The moods for the two are very different so as much as people love Hildibrand I don’t think the two would fit together very well. However, it might be easier to have main scenario characters appear in Hildibrand’s quests instead of the other way around.
Q26.) *Data Centers in Europe Question. Already touched on it earlier*
Q27.) Will there be a hard mode for the Crystal Tower?
A: Maybe something like making 2 parties challenge the Crystal Tower would work, but we are still on the fence on if players really want a hard core raid version of CT? I mean I’m a hardcore player myself, but how MANY people really want that? And how do we reward the players? Its a lot of things we need to consider before we could implement something like this.
Q28.) Can you make it so we can place our fish in ponds or fish tanks?
A: Thats a lot of different fish and data...probably gonna have to wait a bit for this.
Q29.) When will you implement a Card Game?
A: Triple Triad in the Gold Saucer.
Q30.) Will you implement a gun-wielding class?
A: *Makes 007 sound* Yoshi-P was wearing a shirt earlier...he kept making gun motions with his hands...we want to say more but we have to wait until Japanese Fan Festival.
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Originally posted by Firewind View PostOdin Challenge, Firewind's PoV (Spoiler Free)
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Sadly we didn't win the Odin fight because we only had the time for one run at it. I think we would have gotten it with another go at it. We did get the shirt but fuck the shirt, we got to meet Yoshi-P!Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
We found a chocobo!
Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
Awesome stuff guys! Again, glad you both had such a good time and it continues to annoy me that Canada got nothing (we never do...)maybe next year.... (Hell the NA servers are hosted here ffs)
3 best things I gleaned out of that Q&A were definitely potentially dropping PS3 support (goodbye limitations), new system to replace the lockouts and potentially getting job-specific LBs I REALLY like that prospect. Actually it'd be pretty sweet if that question about crit ever comes about as well, I hate having 500+ crit but no actual hard numbers on what my % is.
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Re: Fan Festival London - Firewind & Jarres pictures and info
So according to some of my ingame friends. Me showing off at the archery range appeared on the livestream ^_^
A couple of others also recognised me from the Fanfest too, and some spotted me and Jarre on the livestream a couple of times.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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