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JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

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  • #16
    Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

    It's not so much the attack itself as the fact that even a sliver lag will screw you over, and by extension the entire party. I despise any abilities that as long as they catch just 1 party member, the whole effort is then a lost cause. It doesn't matter how good you are, or the other 6 people in your party for that matter if that last member can't get it right, and THAT is what has been repeatedly barring me from beating Titan EX and Twintania.

    T1~5 is absolutely scripted, not sure how you find it isn't. At least with those fights though you're constantly progressing to a different stage of the fight, whereas with the Primals it's just and endless cycling of the same patterns until 1 side wins.

    Fucking derps in i100+ who can't even do conflags right, pisses me the Hell off. Twintania's not even that complicated really. It is a lot to absorb at first but I more or less had it down pat (at least up until the snakes) within a few tries. It's just stupid shit like people not paying attention to the blue/red signals or failing to dodge dive bombs which while it seemed daunting at first is actually incredibly simple...

    Green arrow pops, run up and then back down ASAP. OOOOOh, THAT'S JUST SO F'ING HARD ERMAGERD!!!!


    I did rather enjoy LotA for a while, though the 1 drop per week killed my interest in it very quickly. At least this time with Syrcus it's i100 armor, though even still I guess that works out to be about the same as before with i80 vs i90.

    Seriously, why put a weekly lockout like that on gear that isn't even top-tier? That more than anything is what kills my interest in XIV's end game, and people have been yelling at SE about it forever now. If we want to raid, then fucking let us raid. At least in XI the lockouts weren't quite as egregious with stuff like dynamis or einherjar/assault (not to mention Assault was just so much fun people didn't really care and you could cheat the system by holding a 4th tag).

    I do *NOT want to go back to XI, I'd just like to see what XI did right make it into more aspects of XIV.

    Speaking of XI, holy crap a lot of the new reforged AF & Relic is just obscene, but the game seems to be getting even grindier. More than that though it's gear swapping. If nothing else I prefer XIV to XI's gameplay for eliminating gear swapping as a battle mechanic and I refuse to go back to that archaic bullshit. Sure it's incredibly useful for various situations but it's just too much micromanagement both in terms of inventory and macros. A big part of why I quit when I did was because I was hitting something like 10~12 macros on my samurai PER GODDAMN WEAPONSKILL. Constantly switching gear, stacking abilities in the right order and timing my WS etc. etc.... it just got to be overly complicated and it depressed me quite a bit because I still enjoyed playing SAM quite a bit, especially once I'd gotten my 85 Empy. But I left XI in a good place and much as I'd love to try out RUN & GEO, just no - I left it gracefully and I don't want to tarnish the memory.

    Would like to see more of what we got in 1.23 for XIV though as I maintain that was the superior build of the game.



    • #17
      Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

      You do know that Syrcus Tower drops Sands of Time, Oils of Time and Unidentified Allagan Tomestones right?

      The weekly lockout prevents people from getting a full lv110 set of gear by farming content that isn't even the top tier content. My friends and myself practically live in Syrcus Tower, and all of us by now would have a full set of iLv110 gear by now if we could grab stuff freely.

      ST is there to grab yourself some sidegrades for your main, and some upgrades for other Lv50's that you have. Except now you have a shot at a LOT of BiS gear as well thanks to Sands, Oils and UATs dropping. CT was there because T5 can't be done in Darklight, and there was a Weekly Myth Cap. T9 can be done in ilv90 gear, which you should have since you don't even need to think about capping Myth any more. I have capped Myth twice this week just by running friends though the new dungeons and ST a few times, and I work full time. By the look of it iLV110 gear s for doing Savage Coil for bragging rights.

      Big difference really.
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • #18
        Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

        Do you have to pick between the i100 stuff and oils etc?

        You can from those from Hunts too apparently (though very slowly) in addition to coil. In LotA it was just the gear though and only getting 1 drop per week was lame.



        • #19
          Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

          It's one drop per week and you have to pick between i100 or Upgrade Item
          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
          Reiko Takahashi
          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
          Haters Gonna Hate


          • #20
            Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

            That sucks even harder than LotA then.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

              So you want a free set of iLv110 handed to you with no work? Got it.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • #22
                Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

                No, I'm saying that LotA was bad enough with the loot pools on top of having to compete with other people for 1 item a week. At least if the armor had its own restriction and then 1 misc. item that'd be a bit better.

                Shit's worse than Dynamis :/

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #23
                  Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

                  So... Jumped back into the game and missed two patches worth of content... Tier 1 gear is now farmed in the same fashion Darklight was... Are they really removing an entire tier of gear every time they add a new one?

                  What the Hell... Why even bother?


                  • #24
                    Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

                    ^ yes they are, that's what you get with vertical progression and it's a big part of why my interest in the game is dying off.

                    Not that I want gear to stay #1 like it did in XI forever, but every single patch is the opposite extreme.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #25
                      Re: JP Player Summarizes the Main Issues with XIV

                      I need to say this much, Hunts are fucking stupid and whoever developed the idea on Yoshi's Team needs to get the hell out. I've never seen such stupidity happen all in one place. (Coerthas). There are witch hunts going on now against players who are using the radar app and warping hacks that bots use to get to mining nodes. It's stupid/childish and the idea of hunts needs to go away. The new i100 Syrcus Tower gear is damn near useless now. Everyone is running hunts to get Sands/Oils. I think I'm going to just give up the game at his point. Since it's going to be nothing but bad players in good gear bitching they're the best when they can't even learn simple mechanics. Like in Mog EX when you tell DPS to stay out of the middle due to Mog Delta.

                      You. Fucking. Morons.

                      That is my take on our community right now. Simple pathetic and quite frankly, I'm not surprised people are getting their clears with this 20% Echo buff. Soon i100 will be the new i90 come 2.4. There is no buffer at this point and, I think I'm going to unsub and go play Destiny when it releases. I don't pay 15 a month to put up with childish bullshit over people's incompetent behavior. I'm actually wondering if being in a Free Company is worth it now considering if you're in one people try to tear you down due to this hunt business. They will run and tattle to my FC leader and then I get bitched at for pulling a hunt. You serious mate? Like this was such a bad patch that it just....fuck it. I have no more words. This game is going in the wrong direction and 2.38 or any 2.xx releases will do it no justice. Let alone 2.4
                      Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12

