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Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

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  • Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

    Rogue and ninja

    EDIT: Additional source:

    E3 2014: Square Enix Reveals FFXIV: A Realm Reborn's Rogue and Ninja Classes, New Trailer - CraveOnline

    Those 2 shots are screens taken from today's live stream so yeah, this is 100% legit. Well time to drop DRG lol :/ (and all that work for my animus... ugh)

    EDIT: Okay, so Ninjutsu basically works by weaving hand signs called "Mudra" - and this is all done by the player. Depending on what signs you weave, you will get a different effect or even fail.

    EDIT: and here's the official trailer.

    LOVE that crystal tower theme!
    Last edited by Malacite; 06-10-2014, 02:25 PM.


  • #2
    Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

    MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!!! mew mew mew mew MEEEEEEEW!!!!

    *faints* *hits desk* *wakes up*

    MEEEEEEW!!!! =^^= The mew mew ninjaness reaches a new level!!


    • #3
      Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!


      EDIT: English summary of the letter (looks like DNC might be Rogue's other job after all, just as I figured)

      Final Fantasy XIV E3 English Producer Letter | Middle of Nowhere Gaming

      YP says the expansion will have new healers and tanks, as in more than 1 of each so I would guess RDM is also a possibility? If I had to wager I'd say they may be planning Samurai as an evasion/parry tank (WAR parries to a degree but is still more reliant on raw HP) and Dancer would fit extremely well into the game IMO. Not sure what the other tank could be. DRK traditionally does have a lot of HP and pretty decent armor, and was only paper-thin in XI (it's surprisingly sturdy in FF3 and X-2) but the question remains which class will get it? Tradition says GLA as it's a sword user, but it could also be MRD because of that class's skill set.
      Last edited by Malacite; 06-10-2014, 06:58 PM.



      • #4
        Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

        One of the videos also had a very small snippet of a women NPC forming an Ice sword, possible shiva Primal?


        • #5
          Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post

          EDIT: English summary of the letter (looks like DNC might be Rogue's other job after all, just as I figured)

          Final Fantasy XIV E3 English Producer Letter | Middle of Nowhere Gaming

          YP says the expansion will have new healers and tanks, as in more than 1 of each so I would guess RDM is also a possibility? If I had to wager I'd say they may be planning Samurai as an evasion/parry tank (WAR parries to a degree but is still more reliant on raw HP) and Dancer would fit extremely well into the game IMO. Not sure what the other tank could be. DRK traditionally does have a lot of HP and pretty decent armor, and was only paper-thin in XI (it's surprisingly sturdy in FF3 and X-2) but the question remains which class will get it? Tradition says GLA as it's a sword user, but it could also be MRD because of that class's skill set.
          I'd like to see Paladin split out so that you've got the more traditional straight sword and board tank, and you've got the white magic paladin tank.


          • #6
            Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

            Shiva is coming later in 2.8 according to the Live Letter. Mostly because they still have no beast tribe to assign them to. The Gigas are already tied to CT so I wouldn't put it past them to shoehorn in them as the Shiva Race.

            Class predictions:

            Healer = Gunner -> Chemist
            Tank = Most probably Samurai if Ninja isn't going to be an evasion tank.
            Damage = Samurai if Ninja is the evasion tank. Dark Knight if Samurai is the tank.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate


            • #7
              Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

              both Rogue & Ninja were confirmed in yesterday's show to be DPS, and Shiva will be introduced in 2.3 but won't be available to fight until after we have full access to Ishguard (and yes that was her at the end of the trailer, damn she looks cool).

              I'm still thinking Dancer will be the healer for several reasons;

              - Alchemist is already a class so yeah
              - It fits extremely well with how XIV runs, as opposed to XI where 1 weaponskill would eat all your TP
              - Dancer would function as a unique dps/healer hybrid which would really help with speed runs. SCH can dps to an extent but is clearly more support oriented.

              And there IS a Gun class on the way as well. YP is being sketchy with the details, might hear about it tomorrow but it was confirmed a while back to be in the works. Chemist could very well still be 1 of the jobs (and that'd be neat) but personally I would really like to see Gun Mage come back.

              And all this just further emphasizes my major beef with the armory system vs XI's straight up job system. It puts in too many needless restrictions on job design and while the original incarnation in 1.0 at least encouraged some flexibility, the system as it is now is all too rigid and stifles creativity/build diversity. Like Dak said, I'm rather disappointed that it's no longer viable to dump a bunch of MND into PLD and make it more healing oriented, or STR for an offensive tank. We still don't have anything akin to talent trees/merits to further distinguish one player from the other, it basically only comes down to gear and skill which is boring.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                Merits and the Talent Tree system that spawned from those earlier systems did nothing like that. You always went for "You use this cookie cutter build or you are holding back the group by not being optimal". It was just less noticeable in XI because all XI fights are "Throw more bodies at it" or "Just brew it" when it comes to tactics.

                Why do you think WoW did away with Talent trees entirely in Mists, and games like TERA and XIV didn't even bother with them? This illusion of choice is still giving you no choice at the end of the day. You can polish a turd but it's still a turd.

                A lot of modern MMOs like The Seret World, Wildstar, TESO and to some extent GW2, do have a system where slot abilities (think Blue Mage gameplay) where you do end up with a bit of flexibility, though most of them are about finding which skillsets synergise best and then we are back to "This skillset is the best for this role with this class, use it or you will not be optimal".

                One of the things TESO surprisingly got right was that there were a LOT of builds that were actually pretty optimal, though that game was balanced for ZergvZergvZerg PvP gameplay, and the side that has the Emperor always wins anyway. Still, running around as a Rogue in full plate and sneak attacks with a two handed axe was always hilariously funny.
                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                Reiko Takahashi
                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                Haters Gonna Hate


                • #9
                  Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                  I don't agree with that really because of games like Diablo 2 and 3.

                  Sure there are "standard" cookie cutter builds, but there's also room for diversity and you can find items that encourage wonky builds that might not otherwise work.

                  That's what I'd like to see in XIV when it comes to job-specific gear and bonus attributes. Screw the haters.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                    more info, mew.

                    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Frontline Preview (06/16/2014)

                    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | [Breaking News] The Latest from E3! (06/10/2014)


                    • #11
                      Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                      The warsteed looks like a horse with chocobo-head barding.


                      • #12
                        Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        I don't agree with that really because of games like Diablo 2 and 3.

                        Sure there are "standard" cookie cutter builds, but there's also room for diversity and you can find items that encourage wonky builds that might not otherwise work.

                        That's what I'd like to see in XIV when it comes to job-specific gear and bonus attributes. Screw the haters.
                        Pre-LoD D2 maybe.

                        Post-Lord of Destruction Diablo 2, and pretty much all the variations over time of Diablo 3 are cookie cutter "might be 2-3 viable builds for each class, at most".

                        XI goes down the same route; there's only really a couple of viable builds for each job class in most cases, though a few jobs have a number of interesting and flexible subjob choices available to them, and occasionally interesting gear you can build around.

                        You have to look pretty far afield for a game that really gives you viable character customization that doesn't significantly impact your ability to do well at the game. Maybe Final Fantasy Tactics?



                        • #13
                          Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          You have to look pretty far afield for a game that really gives you viable character customization that doesn't significantly impact your ability to do well at the game. Maybe Final Fantasy Tactics?

                          When a game like this is found, I feel the "equalness" somehow comes through as "sameness" and every customization combination feels much too alike for the game to be enjoyable.


                          • #14
                            Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                            Pre-LoD D2 maybe.

                            Post-Lord of Destruction Diablo 2, and pretty much all the variations over time of Diablo 3 are cookie cutter "might be 2-3 viable builds for each class, at most".

                            XI goes down the same route; there's only really a couple of viable builds for each job class in most cases, though a few jobs have a number of interesting and flexible subjob choices available to them, and occasionally interesting gear you can build around.

                            You have to look pretty far afield for a game that really gives you viable character customization that doesn't significantly impact your ability to do well at the game. Maybe Final Fantasy Tactics?

                            Cookie cutter builds is really why Mists was a huge step forwards for WoW when they nuked the talent trees, and gave you the stuff you would always take as passive abilities, or rolled them into the abilities they altered. The talents you picked were utility abilities mostly and were all more sidegrades. You couldn't fuck up a build in Mists because you could roll with whatever build you wanted and still be viable.

                            The Secret World didn't do a bad job of it. You had to deliberately build a character poorly for your build to really gimp you. That game was all about finding skills that synergise well together in order to make your build, and you would sometimes find an odd Weapon/Skill combo that worked well.

                            Payday 2 actually does pretty well with your class builds. Death Wish is built around highly optimised class and weapon builds though but lots of odd things are viable on hard, V. Hard and even Overkill depending on the mission and what builds the party are using, as well as your general skill at the game.

                            I guess Borderlands 2 counts too since there's plenty of ways you can build and at the very least clear all the content.
                            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                            Reiko Takahashi
                            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                            Haters Gonna Hate


                            • #15
                              Re: Rogue & Ninja CONFIRMED!!!!

                              Not really, BL2 suffers from the same crap D2 did with LoD actually.

                              Once you get into even just True Vault Hunter, nevermind Ultimate, certain builds will just fail miserably. Moreover, BL2 was never for a moment balanced around SP - it's MP or die in that game which is a big part of why I stopped enjoying it. Even with just 2 people it can be stupidly difficult. I don't understand why they didn't balance it properly around 1 player and then just have everything scale progressively with more players like any other sane RPG would.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

