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Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

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  • Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

    Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014)

    Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014)

    Hello again, to all of you FFXIVers out there! Yoshi-P here, bringing you my fifty-sixth Letter from the Producer.

    Hot off the heels of Patch 2.2─Through the Maelstrom, April saw the release of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn on the PlayStation®4! Unfortunately, an issue has prevented a number of North American and European users from registering their product codes. We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask for your patience as SCE works to resolve the issue. In the meantime, if you are unable to register your code, we encourage you to contact the support center.

    Despite this problem, however, the PS4â„¢ version has offered us new insight into how the game is played. Making use of the Share function, we've been watching players stream on the large monitor next to the dev team booths.

    Whether they're fledgling adventurers new to the realm, or seasoned veterans battling the likes of Leviathan and Titan, players are constantly streaming, and the team and I are enthralled with what we've been seeing. In particular, watching new players navigate the world and experience dungeons for the first time is as enjoyable as it is enlightening.

    In the past, game developers, curious to see how their games were received, could only go to game stores on release day and watch customers purchase their product. The times have certainly changed, and words cannot express how happy we are to see players enjoying the world we've created firsthand. To those of you who've recently joined us on the PS4â„¢, I hope you enjoy your adventures in Eorzea for months and years to come!

    The PS4 version is safely out the door, but this is no time to rest—not with patch 2.25 and the Chinese version release right around the corner.

    Patch 2.25 will focus on additions and adjustments to the Wolves' Den, as well as a new system involving materia.

    I know some of our players have been looking forward to the continuation of the Zodiac Weapons quests that I mentioned in the recent letter LIVE, but the release of these new quests has been postponed. Our reasoning for this decision is, in brief:
    • Many players still have yet to obtain an Animus weapon.
    • We would like to incorporate feedback regarding the difficulty of the Zodiac Weapon quests.
    • We are working to increase the number of locations where materials for the next upgrade can be obtained.

    I apologize for the delay, but those of you looking to obtain the power of "Novus" will be able to do so in patch 2.28, scheduled to release in May.

    Where Animus upgrades focused heavily on the accumulation of Allagan tomestones of mythology, Novus upgrades will revolve around the use of sphere scrolls. We are working to ensure that the required materials can be obtained through various means, so we ask that you wait just a little longer until everything is properly balanced.

    As I mentioned, we're also working on the Chinese version of FFXIV, and as you'll see below, PR has done a wonderful job of spreading the word.

    This is an internet cafe in Shanghai, and one of the flagship shops for FFXIV. In fact, all of the decorum here is FFXIV themed.

    We were surprised to find that Chinese FF fans had prepared a bouquet of flowers for our arrival.

    Here I am talking with players in the PvP room. If you're looking for a challenge, this is the place to be.

    And here we have representatives from Shanda Games, the company that has helped us to make the Chinese version possible.

    The following day, we held a media event using a 4K theater projector. It was impressive, to say the least. Everything is progressing smoothly as we aim to start service in China this summer.

    Now as many of you know, Golden Week, a string of national holidays in Japan, is coming up soon. The FFXIV team will be hard at work, however, in preparation for the Niconico Choukaigi 3 being held this upcoming weekend. Niconico Choukaigi brings together internet video and gaming fans from across the country, and this year we plan to leave our mark with a F.A.T.E. in Tokyo event. I'll be attending, along with assistant director Hiroshi Takai and lead UI artist Hiroshi Minagawa─the daring Hiroshi duo─sound director Soken, and other members of the team. We look forward to meeting our fans, and answering more of the questions burning on everyone's lips.

    But we’d be remiss to limit our events to Japan when we have so many wonderful and devoted fans across the globe. Two days after Niconico Choukaigi 3, I'll be embarking on our first ever Oceania media tour, taking a trip to meet players in Australia. I'll also be making an appearance at this year's Japan Expo in Paris, France and Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. We have exciting plans for another big fan event in the works as well, so keep an eye out for future updates!

    I've reached the end of my letter, but allow me to close with a message of congratulations. Exceeding our expectations by leaps and bounds, we were astounded to find the final turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut has been cleared by an intrepid group of players hailing from the Order of the Blue Garter! Congratulations─your skill and commitment is an inspiration to adventurers everywhere. We look forward to seeing more players rise to the challenge of the Second Coil and triumph against the greatest dangers in the realm.

    It's time for me to get back to work, but I'll see you next time, at the F.A.T.E. in Tokyo, and in the next Letter from the Producer Live!


  • #2
    Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

    Very informative, mew!!


    • #3
      Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

      lol, mainland china's FF name translation is just... so bad.

      like, you know how you look at "Last Story" and think "I see what you did there"; well, it's like that, only instead of being a clever reference that's so bad it's good, it's just like a bad thesaurus confabulation bandy.


      • #4
        Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        lol, mainland china's FF name translation is just... so bad.
        What's wrong with it? (Other than a couple of annoying, ugly simplified Chinese characters?)
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

          It's just completely literal. Like they may as well translate it as "Terminal Illusion". It just has no ring to it.

          Generally speaking, Chinese (and to a slightly lesser extent, Japanese) titles for everything imported tend to be absolutely awful. Chinese ones also keep zero consistency across regions; some areas will use super literal translations while others just go off the deep end. This makes having to know three or four different titles for the same movie even more of a pain. For example, speed is "LIFE OR DEATH PER HOUR" in China, "Defensive Military Policeman" in Taiwan. Red 2, simple enough you'd think, but no, they have to retitle it "Super Dangerous Special Mission 2: Fierce Battle". James Bond examples tend to be my go-to, since they're so bad they're easy to remember. "You Only Live Twice?" "James Bond Dies Twice" to the Japanese.

          Being literal isn't safe either. I happen to possess a Japanese translation of Catcher in the Rye, translated by Murakami Haruki. The Japanese title? "Kyaccha in za rai".

          What the hell does that even mean?


          • #6
            Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            I happen to possess a Japanese translation of Catcher in the Rye, translated by Murakami Haruki. The Japanese title? "Kyaccha in za rai". What the hell does that even mean?
            It's about as meaningful in Japanese as 「ファイナルファンタジー」, as far as I can tell.

            * * *

            You may be imposing your taste instead of thinking in terms of what would work for the market. (Not that your taste isn't a legitimate starting point for discussion, but SE probably worries more about what works for that market--最終幻想 is known and used, so it's... erm, used. You know, brand recognition and all that.)
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • #7
              Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

              At least we know where all of the Gil Sellers have gone.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • #8
                Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

                Originally posted by ItazuraNhomango View Post
                You may be imposing your taste instead of thinking in terms of what would work for the market. (Not that your taste isn't a legitimate starting point for discussion, but SE probably worries more about what works for that market--最終幻想 is known and used, so it's... erm, used. You know, brand recognition and all that.)
                It's known and used because someone translated it that way. Doesn't mean it's not terrible. In Taiwan, as far as I can tell, the series is simply referred to as "Final Fantasy"; there's no reason it wouldn't work just fine in the mainland as well. Or hell, just completely rename it to something that doesn't sound stupid.


                • #9
                  Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

                  Ever think that's not what SE translated it as, but what the Chinese community called Final Fantasy before they got XIV?

                  I assume I'll get a needlessly abstruse reply.


                  • #10
                    Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

                    It's possible. It would take way too much effort to look up the history of the term; generally, though, imported materials tend to get localized titles standardized only when there's a local distributor. Look at the NA anime scene for what I'm talking about here; there are some cases where fan-translations stick, some cases where there are three or four common titles in use, etc. Given that the Chinese game market has been significantly more restrictive until recently, I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't gotten the early games at all; even if they had, there wouldn't have been much in the way of even BBS for people to discuss them on.

                    Still, they have the ability to change it when they officially release it. And I'm not saying SE chose a shitty title anyway, just that the Chinese title isn't very good, like most Chinese (and many Japanese) titles of foreign things.


                    • #11
                      Re: Letter from the Producer, LVI (04/23/2014) (Zodiak adjustments YAY!)

                      Maybe it's because my preference for more literal translation of anime/manga, 「最終幻想」 doesn't bother me. I can't say what the average Taiwanese gamer would think of it since I don't know any outside of the family. In the family, we call it "Final Fantasy". (We're all pretty Americanized...)

                      Maybe the Chinese government tend to demand things made more 'Chinese' before releasing, whereas the Taiwanese couldn't care less. (Higher percentage of people with Japanese language knowledge and all that; nearly all my aunts and uncles speak Japanese.) SE's partner in China probably advised it to stick to Chinese-fied title.
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku

