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FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

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  • #31
    Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    The luminaries are shit. They have identical stats to AF tools, but take 1000x more effort.
    Probably for bragging rights. I've seen several people hanging around the main crystal in Limsa Lominsa sporting the Luminaries as they AFK.


    • #32
      Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

      Also, to your previous post;

      1) You're not carrying a full set of AF for each crafting class. Really hoping for a new shared set that beats it.

      2) I think you missed my point about perception. What I was railing against was that it doesn't matter how much you add, you can never break that 15% soft cap just by adding perception, only by using abilities. The endgame materials gotten from Unspoiled Nodes are absurdly annoying. There's only 1 node for each group of ingredients, they spawn at specific times of day, and as I said you need astronomical amounts of perception just to get up to 4% HQ rate. Better off just getting enough for 1% and then stacking GP until you reach 600, and then round off a bit with gathering to ensure 100%.

      It really sucks.



      • #33
        Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

        Frustration is understandable, but HQ is suppose to be rare, and it's to protect the financial situation of gathering-centric players. There are players who engage in gathering as a primary activity and choose to make money that way in a legitimate fashion. Now, those players tend to be frowned upon a lot by the rest of the community, but as a crafter, they are a god-send in a pinch, because I can just pay them to get me HQ stuff, as I can make gil faster than farming the stuff myself.

        In a vibrant economy, gatherers, crafters and the combat class should support and aid each other, and in a free-market economy, the gil should constantly be fluid and moving. Of course, those who play outside of the rules (RMT and their customers) tend to fuck it up for everyone else. But in a perfect world, everyone should be able to play what they want, as they see fit.


        • #34
          Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

          ^ just LOL at that.

          Sorry, but even the HQ versions of the materials really aren't that expensive. It's more annoying than anything else, really, as it just makes HQ'ing stuff a bit harder.

          I have to say SE's done a pretty shit job overall when it comes to the game's economy and a few other aspects... The way it is now, Tier IV Materia is obscenely time consuming to obtain, costs ridiculous amounts of gil (and unless you lucked out and got it off a cheap iLv55 item, isn't profitable like it was in 1.0) and for the most part is total trash anyway. SE's claims about HQ crafted gear with melds being better? Utter nonsense. Better off just grinding out the 11 weeks it takes to get a full set of iLV90 gear.

          Shit's a joke, and with each passing day I'm regretting my 6-month sub more and more... I should have tested endgame a lot more in phase 4 1st and/or rushed to finish the story like everyone else. I still love the game at it's core, but I'm starting to second guess YP's decisions a bit. It's not a complete failure, but there are still serious issues (and design choices I just don't care for like their take on SMN & SCH) that need to be addressed ASAP. The fact that the 1st major patch isn't until December is a big turn off as well.

          Meanwhile, XI, which I'd pretty well written off, just got a really good patch - seems Matsui's not totally retarded after all.



          • #35
            Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

            From my point of view, the economy is all whacked up because dungeons drop so many materials. People who speed-run AK and WP are going to end up flooding the market with very specific materials.


            • #36
              Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              ^ just LOL at that.

              Sorry, but even the HQ versions of the materials really aren't that expensive.
              Are you forgetting you're a legacy player? Why don't you quit your main on Excalibur, roll a new character on another server, play it for a bit, preferably to 50, and then come back here.


              • #37
                Re: FFXIV melding and equipment stats caps

                It came down, but for a while HQ copper ore was at 900 gil each. That's pretty easy money for a level 10 character. Steel and Aldgoat are still worth loads and are far easier to obtain.

                The endgame materials are just dumb time sinks covering for bad design.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

