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What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

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  • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

    Fate grinding....

    Don't get me wrong, I love the exepriance fates give, and the seals that you can get, but it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't just a one button spam to get mad exp. It's literally "press instant ranged spell, tab, repeat.". There is no way to mess up in fates, and no repercussions.

    It would he better if mobs hp scaled up with the amount of players so stuff doesn't die as soon as it spawned.

    I would honestly love to see more quest hubs and a lot more quests so people can actually solo. I like to solo at times, but there are no where enough low level quests. Leves are ok, but I like to save them for crafting since you can only do so many a day...

    I hope they fix this with 2.1.


    • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

      Or you know, they could just make guildleves, guildhest and dungeon EXP not totally suck by comparison. Hunting log too - after page 3 the rewards are a complete joke.



      • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

        Is it bad that I read that in completely sarcastic voice?

        But, I do agree, or make the hunting logs repetable. I'd love that.


        • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

          Originally posted by Takelli View Post
          Is it bad that I read that in completely sarcastic voice?

          But, I do agree, or make the hunting logs repetable. I'd love that.
          To be fair, each class has its own log, so it's not the same problem as the quests you find out in every zone where once you've completed them, they're gone for good.

          As for exp gains in dungeons and from guildleves, the development team in charge of that have already stated that they plan to increase the exp, but did not provide specifics. Those were slated for the 2.1 Patch. Guildhests provide the first time bonuses, but beyond that, it's plain to see that it's not really worth doing anymore (but you can argue that no one would want to re-do the normal primal fights either since there's no incentives to do so, other than to help friends and free company members out)

          I think the exp pacing is a bit too fast for crafting, spot on for gathering, and a bit weak for DoW/DoM (for all non-FATE grinding activities) I wouldn't be surprised to see the team make some adjustments down the road, but considering this is SE we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised to see none at all.


          • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

            I know that the hunting logs are class/job specific, but once it's done, it's done. I would love to repeat it over and over. Some times I like to just solo, and kill mobs, but not just sit there, and wait for fates to pop, it's just... Boring.

            As for fates, they need to lower exp gained per fate completed, increase how much exp a mob of level gives (15% perhaps?).

            Make people have more of incentive to do dungeons as they level (slight monatary gain at lower levels, and a garunteed chance at a single, useful, level appropriate peace of gear, or something.). Add more mobs, increase exp mobs give, and add another DD slot to lower wait time ( although, it's more of a player fault for the wait.)

            As for crafting... Giving an HQ item gives WAY too much exp. Increase non HQ exp gained by 25% lower HQ exp to 150% or even just 100% more.

            DoL classes seem to level at a slightly slower pace than others, even with food. Increase exp gained by harvesting 25% and that would fix it. But then again I like to just some times sit there and farm 4-5.stacks of materials at times and relax, enjoying it.

            I just wish they would either remove the leve resets, and have no cap on it.


            • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

              The hunting logs don't need to be repeatable, that would be silly.

              They DO however need a substantial EXP boost past page 3. Pages 4 and 5 are a complete joke relative to the EXP needed per level. Even page 3 is hardly worth doing quite frankly, as that's time that could have been spent doing FATE.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                Why would repeatable hunting logs be silly?

                I specifically remember (can't emember where it was said.) that the hauntings are to train your skills against. From either a npc, or a help menu. If you dont keep training, you lose your edge, they should be imho.


                • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                  Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                  I know that the hunting logs are class/job specific, but once it's done, it's done. I would love to repeat it over and over. Some times I like to just solo, and kill mobs, but not just sit there, and wait for fates to pop, it's just... Boring.
                  I fail to see how making a log repeatable be less ... boring. The incentive, if you're saavy enough, is to target mob grinding on certain monster drops. Fleece, Marbol Vine, Sinew drops, etc., are all good money makers AFAIK. Certain leve monsters also drop rare items, like that pudding one, which is required for level 45 ALC quest, and sells upwards of 50K or so, depending on availability and server. There's lots you can do and is no different than in FFXI. With all the complaining I see, it's still far and away less grindy than it was in FFXI. Even crafters who moan and whine about the "grinding" shouldn't complain, because they'd still be stuck in their 20s if this was FFXI.


                  • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                    lol crafting is a complete f'ing joke in XIV, so easy to level off leves.

                    The problem with combat roles is it's dull as nails and mind-numbing. FATE grinding is just boring, and Dungeons aren't so hot either (mainly because you only get about 3 "good" drops per run and on top of that the EXP isn't nearly as good as FATE). In some ways I actually prefer the old grind in XI. At least there was more of a social element plus people learning how to do their jobs.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                      I can't bring myself to log in and grind the 300 tokens for the week. Just. Can't.


                      • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                        Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                        I fail to see how making a log repeatable be less ... boring. The incentive, if you're saavy enough, is to target mob grinding on certain monster drops. Fleece, Marbol Vine, Sinew drops, etc., are all good money makers AFAIK. Certain leve monsters also drop rare items, like that pudding one, which is required for level 45 ALC quest, and sells upwards of 50K or so, depending on availability and server. There's lots you can do and is no different than in FFXI. With all the complaining I see, it's still far and away less grindy than it was in FFXI. Even crafters who moan and whine about the "grinding" shouldn't complain, because they'd still be stuck in their 20s if this was FFXI.
                        To me, grinding hunting logs isn't boring. I enjoyed it when I was leveling my paladin, I would love to keep grinding off of hunting logs if I could.

                        What's the difference between leveling off of a repeatable hunting log, than fates? Gates just give co, some money, and seals.

                        Logs give pure exp, but is only once. I love to sometimes just log on, find a little spot by my self and just solo kill everything there is as I am grinding if I want to play solo. But, this game doesn't fully support a solo play.

                        Yea, you can quest, bit once that's done, it's done. You can do Leves, but only three a day. That's not right... What's left? Fates and dungeons? Dungeons as dps takes too long to pop, and not solo. Fates, I'm just sitting there with the map open waiting for one to pop, boring. Oh, and to get the best exp, you need a party, but there is also the whole lag and latency issue, and the ps3 not loading mobs. Also, to top it off, if you aren't ranged, or a instant cast spell, say good bye to silver or gold.

                        As much as it's a mmo, they need pure solo content too.


                        • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                          I get gold all the time as MRD in FATEs, but I digress ... I get your point concerning the other parts of the combat roles, and increasing the exp for leves may help a little bit, but dungeons won't help if the queues are still as long. My only suggestion was to grind mobs based on economical advantages, which may or may not be an incentive in itself. I do know that this area needs way more help than, say gathering (which doesn't need much help) and crafting (which needs a nerf, to be honest, but it's far too late to do so now)

                          More adjustments needs to be made before any kind of level cap lifting, but it could be that this is the one-trick pony and that ARR will end up a good run, but fall short of what it could've been. The longer Patch 2.1 gets delayed, the more likely the scenario of a second failure will play out.


                          • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                            Well, that brings up 2 points:

                            - How much can they buff dungeon EXP without making it the new go-to option, rather than simply a competitive alternative.

                            - This is why having ALL the major content centered around instances via the DF is a crock of shit and while I like having it as an option, it does make me miss the old days of XI where you would get people together and just run out to the dungeon or even solo it. The cue for the DF is too short for one thing; I hate missing it simply because I was doing something else or was interupted for literally a minute, since they only give you like 45~48 seconds to click "commence" which is fucking nonsense and outright rage inducing after seeking for 30+ minutes.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                              I for one do not at all miss the "good old days" where you would only get an XP/Merit grind party if you had very specific jobs, had to constantly compete with those very limited grinding spots with other groups (making levelling on the weekends a no go), it taking several hours to even get one level and most of your work being undone on a wipe, and running all the way to a mission instance only to wipe because that idiot random you brought along as too cheap to buy Anima or Polymer Pumps.

                              The more time I spend away from XI, the more I realise how little that game respected my time as a gamer. The amount of time and sheer boredom that I had to sit through in that game to get anything done was something I regret doing to this day.

                              Seriously, adding XI style levelling to XIV would make things even worse. You know that huge FATE zerg? Where the fuck are they all going to go? All that will happen is all mobs will spawn dead in all zones. It would also make Hunting logs impossible to do. Making Hunting logs repeatable would pretty much do the same thing.

                              And if the queue for the DF is too short, why are you queueing if you aren't ready? Better yet, why aren't you queueing with your FC/friends? I get instant pops every night on BLM because I just make my own WP/AK/HM Primal Groups, bringing people I know who aren't idiots.

                              They are boosting XP in Guildleves and Dungeons in 2.1 though. And Dungeon XP is pretty good, you far FAR more XP/kill than you would in a FATE (we are talking ten times more per kill), it's just FATE XP is the path of least resistance, which is the path you want to take while stuck in a grind.
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                                Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                                I get gold all the time as MRD in FATEs, but I digress ... I get your point concerning the other parts of the combat roles, and increasing the exp for leves may help a little bit, but dungeons won't help if the queues are still as long. My only suggestion was to grind mobs based on economical advantages, which may or may not be an incentive in itself. I do know that this area needs way more help than, say gathering (which doesn't need much help) and crafting (which needs a nerf, to be honest, but it's far too late to do so now)

                                More adjustments needs to be made before any kind of level cap lifting, but it could be that this is the one-trick pony and that ARR will end up a good run, but fall short of what it could've been. The longer Patch 2.1 gets delayed, the more likely the scenario of a second failure will play out.

                                I get most of your points that you made, but I just have onething to add.

                                On my arcanist, I was level 23 killing the level 28 drags. Fast, easy, and not even getting hit. With in the span of 30 minutes or so, I got about 5% exp. Turn around, a fate pops, not even 5 minutes, I obtained 10% exp. Fates are way too fast.

