Not sure if we had a thread like this, but I'm making one anyways. Here's mine.
Fuck Ifrit Primal Fight. God damn japanese can't even coordinate properly to me to at least hint what strategy they're going to pull. Ended up fucking bum rushing him and watched Ifrit breathe on them and get wiped the hell out. I sat there and tanked him on Carbuncle for 20 minutes straight before I said fuck it and gave up. I was not amused.
The lack of fucking healers on Ixion is ridiculous. Even among the english players, only like 2-3 people have a fucking healer. You shitting me? I'm now forcing myself to go Scholar so I can fix this issue. In the mean time, here's something fun I did with my new toon I made last night.
Fuck Ifrit Primal Fight. God damn japanese can't even coordinate properly to me to at least hint what strategy they're going to pull. Ended up fucking bum rushing him and watched Ifrit breathe on them and get wiped the hell out. I sat there and tanked him on Carbuncle for 20 minutes straight before I said fuck it and gave up. I was not amused.