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What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

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  • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

    Originally posted by Firewind View Post
    Tam-Tara HM...Fuck those ending cutscenes and the torn pages from the diary you find are why I am still up at 2am. Just don't watch the quest's final cutscene with any kids or you will not get them to sleep. The Red Wedding references did make me chuckle though. THe dungeon is a bit of a slog but it has the most fun, unique and interesting boss fights of the three.
    Lol I did it for the first time last night the first boss, just don't AOE or the zombies eat you all and its an instant wipe!


    • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

      It was a neat twist on what was largely a minor side bit in the main scenario. I enjoyed reading the notes (they got progressively more disturbing lol) and IIRC in the last live letter they said they may continue that plot in a future update.



      • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

        Getting tired of entitlement babies during Hunts.
        Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


        • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

          Goddamn f'ing stupid Twintania.

          Just had a group where everyone was pretty much i95+ (except the tanks...) and we still couldn't beat the bitch even with full echo.

          We got to Twisters twice but couldn't get past that. I don't know wtf to do anymore (to be fair some of them were pretty bad I mean holy crap dive bombs are not hard...)



          • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

            mewwww.... psn is hacked. -.-; but they should fix it soon. =^^= but there is more maintenance tommorrow. -.-; and then can play more afterwards =^^=


            • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

              I wouldn't call a DDoS a "hacking," but okay.


              • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                So glad I play on pc....


                • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                  It's been said before, but Tanks that insist on huge pulls when the party really does not have a good makeup for it. Basically you want something like this:

                  WAR, SCH, BLM, BRD (Second BLM or DRG is fine too)

                  What I have been seeing tanks trying is trying to pull everything as a PLD with a WHM healing, or two Monks as DDs, then whining that people die, or the healer runs out of MP, or they de because they didn't mitigate a series of crits and PLDs need to burn cooldowns like crazy to survive tanking multiple enemies.

                  Today I had to deal with this:

                  PLD, MNK, MNK, SCH (Me since Adventurer in Need was Healer)

                  The PLD insisted on pulling everything, then when I asked him to do smaller pulls because of the MNKs always being out of TP, and him clearly not being in a class suited for huge pulls, I was called a BAD HEALER for "Not being able to heal big pulls at your iLv". Een though it had nothing to do with heal output and everything to do with him pulling huge packs when we have single target DDs and a single target tank.

                  He spent the entire rest of the party pulling everything and deliberately moving everything out of my Shadow Flares and Sacred Soils.

                  Also people that get hit in the last boss of SV HM. It is a very simple boss, every move is highly telegraphed and it follows this basic pattern:
                  1. Target Random Player.
                  2. Use 2 random attacks on Player.
                  3. Target Random Player.
                  4. Repeat.

                  That is it. That is all the boss does. People still don't get it and stand in all of the attack. This is the entire strategy for the boss fight:
                  1. Stand at the side of the boss.
                  2. Do damage. Don't heal, don't try and tank it. Just. Fucking. Hit. It.
                  3. When it targets you, kite around until it stops.
                  4. Stand at the side of the boss.
                  5. Do damage.
                  6. Repeat.

                  People still somehow fuck that one up...
                  Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                  Reiko Takahashi
                  - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                  Haters Gonna Hate


                  • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                    ^ yeah I ran an expert roulette last time I was on and the Tank was pulling like 15+ mobs at a time, when the dps was myself (DRG) and I believe a MNK - so very little (effective) AoE. I mean seriously do they even think at that point or is it just all auto-pilot?! If you don't see at least a BRD, if not a BLM or SMN present DO NOT PULL HUGE SWATHES OF ENEMIES! As a DRG I have to get in close to use my AoE which means getting hit by *their* AoE in return, not pretty (to say nothing of DRG aoe doing crap damage)

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                      What? So long as you have the TP to burn, Dragoons can do pretty awesome AoE damage in a short period of time.


                      • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                        LOL no. Even Bard will outstip us easily enough. Doom Spike's AoE is too narrow (and TP intensive) and I forget the other one's name atm (the one that combos off heavy thrust) but it's potency is terribly weak without the combo, and doing the combo over and over is neither damage nor TP efficient. It's basically there as a desperation/last resort tool more than destroying hordes of enemies.

                        You wanna AoE, get a damn BLM or SMN. Maybe at some point we'll have a melee dps that can effectively AoE (DRK? NIN is a possibility as well but I doubt it)

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                          Actually saying DRG has bad AoE does prove to me that you don't play the game and you don't play DRG. Basically it's Doomspike Spam, or Ring of Thorns Spam. Please note that RoT and DS both hit for more than my Fire II's do.

                          Doomspike: You have two options here, you can open with HT-RoT-DS then Doomspike spam until it's HT refresh time, or you can just skip the RoT and go HT-DS spam. DRGs have 1500 TP thanks to Invigorate and TP regens at 60TP/Tick, and that doesn't even count a BRD's song.

                          Rng of Thorns: Basically HT-RoT until out of TP which takes a while with the DRG's TP pool.

                          Remember that you have 1-14 other DDs with you depending on the fight as well. That is kind of an important thing to remember.

                          That said its not like AoE even matters in this game, which is why the BLM is worthless in endgame content. My original post was more pointing out that you only do huge pulls of you have two BLMs or BLM and BRD/DRG/SMN.
                          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                          Reiko Takahashi
                          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                          Haters Gonna Hate


                          • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                            That's funny because even at i90 both BLM and SMN outstripped me by a good margin in T4 a few patches back and it's not like I was slacking. I don't find the potency increase from HT combo to be worth it since it's a huge drain on TP - 2 combos (4 actions) does 300 potency of AoE damage for 380 TP. In the same time I could just Ring 3x for 360 TP for the same amount and 1 fewer action. Doomspike will do more damage upfront and doesn't require any combo shenanigans, but it's AoE range is much shorter and will generally hit fewer enemies - RoT is more reliable for hitting a group. The only major advantage DS has is that I can pop it from outside of the mob's AoE where as RoT requires I put myself at risk.

                            As for Bard using TP song, that means they're doing less damage with their AoE so while the DRG is free to spam a bit more, it basically evens out. By contrast a BLM can just spam fire 2 into flare (or Quad-Flare if they really want to spike damage) and utterly eclipse a DRG. SMN can also pull a lot of AoE damage with Bane in a very short amount of time. Don't go spewing BS about me not playing the game or understanding the Job I play, DRG is geared for single target dps and to that end I'd actually rather we got the old Dragonfire Dive back as it was way, way stronger in 1.23 :/

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                              Name a fight that matters where Flare Spam rotations are even viable without destroying your own damage. Or even Flare itself, I only find myself ever using it in T6 on the central Bramble, and that is only if Swiftcast is up (it won't be, not in that fight). Whereas on my SMN I can just go Bane > Tab > Fester > back to Raffy, or just stick Garuda on it for a couple of Wind Blades before siccing her back on Raffy

                              I think the only time Flare Spam is ever viable is on T6 trash, but if you are having to Flare Spam there, the DDs are idiots for not burning down the crystals.
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • Re: What's your pet-peeve in FFXIV: ARR?

                                Oh for fucks sake. Why do people insist on lotting on UAT's when other people need them. Went into Turn 6 today. I announced it, 3 FUCKING TIMES "I need the UAT." I proceeded to exclaim this at the party was being built. After we went in and we waited for the tank to pull, then again when we won the fight. The OT was like "SORRY MAN." You fucking pigheaded moron, you have your UAT weapon while I still have my T5 weapon. Stupid fuck. But RNGeesus was nice to me today, I ended up getting a UAT in ST.

                                Funny story, I went into ST expecting not to get shit.
                                Defeated Amon. Oil drops. UAT drops.
                                Me> Rolls a 43 on UAT. - FUUUUUUUUUUCK!
                                Me> Rolls a 99 on Oil - Thank you RNGeesus

                                We beat the last boss. Loot goes out.
                                You obtain an Unidentified Allagan Tomestone.

                                Me > O_O WTF?!

                                The Summoner that was in the party with me rolled a 84 on the Tomestone and yet I still got it? I don't understand this concept. Shouldn't I have gotten the Oil instead? But I'm not complaining since I am sitting at 1.1k Soldiery and waiting for the reset. Also sitting on 650 hunt seals. Only need 100 more until I can get my Oil and unweather the son of a bitch.
                                Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12

