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Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

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  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

    I wanted to do it before 2.2 as I wanted to stream all the new content and well, I have to cancel my sub again right as it ends due to my current RL circumstances... figures too, right as the game is actually looking interesting again (I was seriously losing all interest in it) I get cock slapped by real life. Gives me something to look forward to at least.



    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

      After 6 months of doing Coil every week, I finally got a fucking Black Mage item to drop. So I now have the BLM gloves for BLM Allagan stuff.

      And 2.2 is coming this week, so the whole thing just seemed pretty hollow TBH.

      I did get into a new FC after being a solo player for a few months. They're a pretty friendly bunch but are mostly American so getting into a Static is pretty tough due to their playing times. That and I swear to god they just don't sleep.

      Also that moment when you realise that your alt (iLv82 SCH) has more BiS gear, and is far more desirable for Statics than your main (iLv90 BLM), because let's face it, nobody would take a BLM for ranged when a SMN or BRD is an option.
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

        2.2 is wonderful!! More interesting stories!! =^^= Fun Leviathan battle ("Oh look, mew, Levi.."SPLOOSH!!), more amazing Hildebrand adventures, and the hint at.... *gasp* thieves and ninjas???? =0.0=


        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

          So myself and a SMN buddy are officially 0-30 on T4 runs for any sort of caster gear or the Healer ring. My luck with the RNG has become a running joke in my new FC

          New FC is really nice and friendly, already done more with them in one week than I did in three months with my old FC. With their help I basically have T1-5 on Farm Status, and can get Soldiery capped in one day. It's pretty cool since it means I can basically cap on Tuesday and spend the rest of the week doing the stuff I actually want to do (Clearing Primal EX, and Levelling BRD, FSH and BOT mostly).

          It's mostly American players, who have just about every kind of work schedule you can think of as well so there always seems to be someone online no matter what time I log on. FC chat can be a bit of a dramafest though, but the Teamspeak Channel is always really nice and friendly.

          Also Day 6 of Atma Farming and I'm still at 0/12. The only endgame person remaining in the Free Company finally got one of his last night and squeed like a teenage girl on Teamspeak, it was pretty funny.
          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
          Reiko Takahashi
          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
          Haters Gonna Hate


          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

            I'm happy for you Firewind! I really hope your T4 curse gets broken after maintenance

            We had a nail biter tonight on T1. We enraged and pulled just as the maintenance notification went off. Got it to down to 40% before SE thought they waited long enough and booted me and then one by one, the rest of the raid. Good times.


            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

              Finished my 1st book yesterday for +2 crit rate on my Gae Bolg Atma. Holy crap 1500 is just too much for these, the books themselves have more than enough objectives and when you consider it's still only an i100 weapon when finished, the time and effort involved is completely unwarranted. The high allagan weapons utterly crap all over Animus weapons with a base damage difference of FIVE! Also this time around they got the spear right, giving it +CRIT and +DET in very large amounts making it one seriously nasty weapon.

              They screwed up the armor though, 4/5 of the pieces of skill speed on them (eww) and in the case of the body (and possibly legs I think too) both allagan and the tome gear have skill speed. Nobody wants SS square, not even monks and least of all us DRG.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                Finally got my first Atma drop. It only took 6 days .

                The new Chest Piece for Casters is awesome though with all the extra Main Stat and DET. I broke my current BLM crit records with it.

                Fire 1: 1.4k (FR and Raging Strikes up, no INT pot)
                Fire III: 2.0k (FR and Raging Strikes up, no INT pot)
                Flare: 2.1k (FR and Raging Strikes up, no INT pot)
                Thunder III 1.9k (No FR, no Raging Strikes, no INT pot)

                Also pretty much shattered my Triple Flare damage record too. Total of 25.2k damage against 4 targets total in the space of 10 seconds. The tank's response when he saw the parse was something like "You know there's people asking for BLM to be buffed right?".

                - - - Updated - - -

                EDIT: For the record, that damage total is basically 2.5x the DPS of a BLM's LB III on the same number of targets. Though to be fair, using absolutely anything else does better DPS than a BLM's LB. All three need a massive buff.
                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                Reiko Takahashi
                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                Haters Gonna Hate


                • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                  Yeah I mean I guess they figured since it's AoE it should be toned down, but it honestly doesn't do that much damage and generally speaking it's often used to wipe out 2~4 mobs at once during a boss encounter, and not scores of enemies like Astral Flow in XI.

                  Speaking of, still wish they'd just rehaul ACN entirely and ditch the DoT spells for more emphasis on controlling the pet (Enkindle is a fucking joke ability. So's Dragonfire Dive for that matter, at least compared to how it was in 1.23. DRG in general was a lot stronger then...)

                  Currently i92 and probably just gonna dick around until my sub runs out on the 14th. PS4 beta starts tomorrow so I can finally see how things handle with my current character on it and hoping that goes well ^_^

                  *sigh* maybe NIN will make up for how shitty SMN is in this game. Still worse than it was in XI as far as I'm concerned.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                    The biggest hurdle with SMN and SCH is learning to micro the pets. There's some pretty ridiculous stuff you can do as a SCH or SMN. The main hurdle to SMN Micromanagement though is the fact that Garuda's main spammable ability has an odd cast time to it so it's kind of hard to get used to the rhythm of it like you would with Embrace from Eos/Selene.

                    I would honestly say that SMN and SCH need toning down slightly. SMN's damage is just utterly ridiculous, and pets scale stupidly well with gear. The single target burst healing from SCH is fucking insane:

                    Aldolquim = 1.2-1.4k Crit (I've has a 1.6k crit on a Warrior with FL and Conv up. Physick crits for even more but lacks the barrier, and let's face it, spot healing is the WHM's job)
                    Embrace = 900-1k Crit (about 1.4k with Rouse up)
                    Lustrate = +25% HP

                    You can pretty much have all three hitting the tank at once if you hit Embrace part way through the Aldolquim cast so it's hitting as you Lustrate. Rouse + Fey Light + Whispering Dawn also heals for more over time than Medica II, and is actually better for burst healing due to each tick hitting for over twice as much (Medica II does last longer though).
                    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                    Reiko Takahashi
                    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                    Haters Gonna Hate


                    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                      SMN feels great to me. I'm not a parser person, but the people I know who are say smn tends to destroy other deeps. Probably to related to the fact that they keep much of their DPS when dodging or the mob is otherwise untargetable. Extending Raging Strikes DoTs with Contagion is pretty badass, too, and you can squeeze in two Festers in that time for so much damage. The only problem is that it takes a smn 10-20 seconds to be awesome, so if other dps are performing, you're pretty much stuck spamming Ruin or Tri-disaster on trash mobs, which of course are both ass. XD But so long as the mobs are melting, who cares? You kick ass on the bosses.

                      And man, I've gotta say that in boss fights, nothing feels more like red mage to me. The staggered durations of the DoTs are very reminiscent of the Refresh/Haste cycle to me. Rouse/Spur is kindof the same thing. I have a useful buff and debuff to cast. I'm useful for backup healing, and have Swiftcast+Rez for scraping up dumb people to save the real healers that precious MP. And the great thing about tossing Physicks is I'm not even losing much damage output by doing so. Oh noes, I'm not casting Ruin, but the dots are still ticking away and the Eggy is still doing its thing.

                      It's really easy to be terrible at both smn and sch though, if like FW said you don't control your pet properly. I was in a Cutter's Cry the other night that absolutely could not get past the Princess due to just that thing. The sch left their fairy on Heel, so while they were kiting all the adds around were were getting zero cures. When we decided to do it the "normal" way since the sch was terrible at kiting, I was left to basically solo the Marshal as blm because the smn wouldn't switch his Eggy's target. And of course, neither was using Obey, so all of their cooldowns were spent at the start of the fight, and not available when adds spawned and we needed them.

                      Anyway, as far as an accomplishment, the garden is super sparkly:

                      We got some Azeyma Rose seeds from this harvest, so our weavers will be able to start making Coronal Wristbands soon, which are basically the Gala Corsage of XIV as I see it. Possibly that'll be a server first, if anyone cares about that kind of thing for vanity items. XD I was really hoping to get Glazenut seeds so we could start making broom and pillow minions. Maybe next harvest.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                        If you're going to leave a pet on Auto then Selene and Ifrit are the safest ones, but you will wipe the party if you do that shit on a boss fight that requires interrupts..
                        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                        Reiko Takahashi
                        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                        Haters Gonna Hate


                        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                          I've never felt comfortable using Silent Dusk, having seen Garuda's slow reaction times when I give her direct orders. I mean, I HAVE stunned things with Shockwave, but things with fairly long cast times, and I wouldn't want to rely on it.

                          What I do with Selene is put her on Sic between fights so she leads each fight with a buff, and then switch to Obey to make sure she doesn't waste the other buff at the end of the fight if the kills take too long. Ifrit is the opposite. Obey to get him into position, then Sic. Eos and Garuda you pretty much have to go full manual on, since all of their abilities have a right time to use, and are wasted or detrimental when used at wrong times.

                          -- Added --

                          But for the love of Holy, at least Place the fairy, especially if you're going to be running around.
                          Last edited by Taskmage; 04-04-2014, 10:08 AM.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                            It's so much that SMN or SCH feel under powered, I just don't like how they play in XIV at all.

                            I much prefer their XI incarnations and would have preferred something similar but with sensible adjustments. SMN's big problem in XI was that it simply spent too much MP for the performance it got out of it. With the way MP recovery functions in XIV I feel like XI's version of SMN could get away with murder. It'd also be a lot more fun (to me).

                            Also just once it'd be cool if SMN's super ability allowed you to actively control the damn thing like in FFX or XII and just romp around the battlefield for a short time as an all-powerful God :D

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                              Soloed Haukke normal last boss with 2 adds still up (eye died) ... yeesh. So much for the heals who didn't heal the 2 dragoons and all 3 enjoyed a lengthy entertainment courtesy of my warrior.

                              Did Coil 1, T1 & T2 last night, which were both interesting fights. Tanked T1 on my warrior and then switched to paladin for T2 and solo tanked that portion. Still need a relic for my paladin ... but can't really devote so much time to simultaneously gear both so am forced to just save up soldiery and buy a single tanking set.


                              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment in FFXIV - ARR Edition

                                Most of the tanking gear is solid for both of them anyway. There's just a few pieces where AF is better for 1 of them.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

