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FFXIV: ARR - Phase 4 Beta Time Confirmed?

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  • FFXIV: ARR - Phase 4 Beta Time Confirmed?

    Well I did some more digging and I found this on Reddit.

    Beta Phase 4 to begin at 9am GMT : ffxiv

    I figured I'd give it some attention, I don't know if anyone can read german to confirm that guys letter or not, but what got to me is the lower coment.

    Originally posted by Melody View Post
    [–]One Eternal on Excalibur1thenumber 62 points 2 days ago
    Just to clarify, this means Phase 4 starts on Friday morning at: 2 AM Pacific Time 5 AM Eastern Time
    This means I am probably going to get only 2 or 3 hours of sleep before work the next day.

    The post was made 2 days ago. So 2 days is now today. So I am guessing the sign up for Phase 4 begins @ 5 AM tomorrow or if you're like me, and stay up all night. So any thoughts on this?
    Last edited by Melody; 08-16-2013, 11:36 AM.
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