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Melody's FF XIV Question

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  • #31
    Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

    i got my code!
    75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
    RANK 10 Bastok
    CoP: Done
    ZM: Done
    ToA: Done
    Assault rank: Captain
    Campaign Medal: Medals
    Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

    Originally posted by Etra
    This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


    • #32
      Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

      That's weird, so I think I should try Gamestop then for my early access code...I'm kind of confused.
      Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


      • #33
        Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        Ah, so I'll get an e-mail from SE on the 20th then? ^^

        Also, why did you pick Leia as your avatar? She's such a ditz @.@ (useful as hell though for farming items! Hope ARR gets a THF class soon.)
        I don't want to spoil the story, but you'll learn about it later (my experience from the JP version)

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by Melody View Post
        That's weird, so I think I should try Gamestop then for my early access code...I'm kind of confused.
        If they haven't given you ANY code, then yes, go and threaten to cancel their pre-order (or don't even bother trying to pay for it and block your credit card with them) ... because they're just BS'ing you. It's why I don't shop most of those retailers/e-tailers ... they think ALL pre-orders work the same way, and end up screwing over customers who need to have EAs. I suggest you shop elsewhere (or just go with


        • #34
          Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

          o.O I totally just realized that's Teepo in your sig... is that a gif from Xillia 2? That doesn't look like Elize so...



          • #35
            Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            o.O I totally just realized that's Teepo in your sig... is that a gif from Xillia 2? That doesn't look like Elize so...
            Yeah, I made the animated gif out of the ToX2 OP.


            • #36
              Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

              Ok. So I'll cancel today, I'll take a ride over there and do it, because Gamestop is BSing me at this moment. Also, does anyone know if our old PlayOnline Viewer accounts can be used or is it a totally different registration process? PoV was a load of shit. Also the open Beta for PS3 is from the 17th to the 19th, so 3 days. Where do I register so I can get an account and just begin playing? God SE doesn't shed light on shit do they? Also does EA bite into people's 30 day Trial? I would imagine it would.
              Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


              • #37
                Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                PoL is no more. Thank God.
                FFXIV Balmung Server
                Tenro Matashi


                • #38
                  Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                  Woot! Got my code. So Gamestop HAS them, but if your ordered before the game before the codes were being given out (Like I did) you had to redo your transaction. I redid mine at the store and they gave me my code. Just to make sure, my code is supposed to have 18 Alphanumeric characters in total right? Now where would I put this?
                  Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                  • #39
                    Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                    The format for my code goes:

                    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                    Reiko Takahashi
                    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                    Haters Gonna Hate


                    • #40
                      Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                      Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                      The format for my code goes:


                      Yup! Now, the Open Beta starts in 2 days. My question is, where do I sign up so I can join into it? Also, since it's a fresh new game to those of you who tested the game how much experience can you grind? God I am so excited! >3< I'm not sure if Taskmage put in a sign-up page, but if someone can give me a direct sign up page, it'd be much appreciated! Also I'd like to play XIV with you Firewind.
                      Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                      • #41
                        Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                        Well in Phase 3 it was difficult to grind past 20-25 unless your 1.0 character was already past that. Basically quests dried up and the only way to grind was by doing leves which start hitting a diminishing return pretty quickly at the high end of the level limit due to XP given. Sort of understandable really to stop people from playing everything in the beta. Once you finished the available story quests though there were NPCs to talk to to instantly get every class to 15 for the purposes of testing, which is why a lot of us got to test so many classes in group play in such a short time.

                        It wouldn't surprise me if they did have another "Soft Cap" for this beta since IIRC they are rolling this data over into Early Access. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume about 20-25 again or 30 as a sort of "Soft Cap" until the game goes live.

                        Basically quests are the best source of XP and there is a variety of different kinds so not everything is a fetch quest. You pick a class at the beginning and sadly your class in the beta seems to be tied to starting city, but as soon as you hit Lv10 you unlock the ability to switch classes, and once you get to about 15 in the Storyline, you unlock airship travel. Classes are unlocked by visiting the relevant guild and honestly? It only takes a couple of hours to get there anyway. Basically if you hate the starting class you picked then it's pretty easy to switch so pick the starting city you like the most.

                        I'll be on Balmung, mostly due to the good sized EU population and Roleplayers being there. The community there seems pretty friendly too (for an MMO).
                        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                        Reiko Takahashi
                        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                        Haters Gonna Hate


                        • #42
                          Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                          Originally posted by Melody View Post
                          Yup! Now, the Open Beta starts in 2 days. My question is, where do I sign up so I can join into it? Also, since it's a fresh new game to those of you who tested the game how much experience can you grind? God I am so excited! >3< I'm not sure if Taskmage put in a sign-up page, but if someone can give me a direct sign up page, it'd be much appreciated! Also I'd like to play XIV with you Firewind.
                          1. Turn on PS3
                          2. Sign on PSN
                          3. Go to Account Management
                          4. Go to Enter Codes
                          5. Enter your code
                          6. You will see a window from the PSN Store confirming a download
                          7. Download the client (6.4GB)
                          8. If you don't already have an SE account, visit their website (under FFXIV, NOT SE Members NA site!) and create a new account.
                          9. ???
                          10. Profit


                          • #43
                            Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                            Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                            It wouldn't surprise me if they did have another "Soft Cap" for this beta since IIRC they are rolling this data over into Early Access. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume about 20-25 again or 30 as a sort of "Soft Cap" until the game goes live.
                            They have already stated a level cap of 20 for beta phase 4.
                            FFXIV Balmung Server
                            Tenro Matashi
                            PLD|GLD - MIN|BOT - ALC|ARM|BSM|CRP|GSM|LTW|WVR


                            • #44
                              Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                              Seems pretty reasonable and you would probably have to play nonstop for the entire weekend to hit 20 anyway. Plus it gives you the chance to grind other jobs to cherry pick the low level abilities useful to your main.

                              Thinking of getting THM as far as I can, then going back to pick up the Pugilist and Archer DD Cooldowns and the utility spells from CNJ. Cure, Protect and Raise are really nice to have if your group doesn't need the extra damage from the Pugilist and Archer stuff. Especially if there's an Archer in the party and SE didn't nerf it. Let's face it in P3, if there was an Archer in the group, none of the other DDs had anything relevant to do.
                              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                              Reiko Takahashi
                              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                              Haters Gonna Hate


                              • #45
                                Re: Melody's FF XIV Question

                                First thing I'm doing is trying out Arcanist and Fishing.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

