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Swedish WoW magazine says FFXIV ARR will defeat and surpass WoW

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  • Swedish WoW magazine says FFXIV ARR will defeat and surpass WoW

    It's a 10 page article

    SÃ¥ ska A Realm Reborn besegra World of Warcraft

    Some say it translated to:

    How A Realm Reborn will defeat World of Warcraft

  • #2
    Re: Swedish WoW magazine says FFXIV ARR will defeat and surpass WoW

    I ran this by my cousins and the literal translation put into context is more "So ARR beats WoW".

    It's basically supposed to be what the Miqo'te bard mascot is saying to WoW fans. Magazines do stuff like that all the time to be controversial and sell copies while also keeping the Games Publishers happy by showing their games in a positive light.
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • #3
      Re: Swedish WoW magazine says FFXIV ARR will defeat and surpass WoW

      Well, they might have a chance, seeing that the last Blizzard conference call announced a 1.3 million account decline from 3 months earlier in the year (down to 8.3 million) If that trend keeps continuing (and the luke-warm reception towards Patch 5.3 over on the PTR seems to indicate so) then it wouldn't be inconceivable that Blizzard will continue to see subscription declines heading into Blizz-Con later this year.


      • #4
        Re: Swedish WoW magazine says FFXIV ARR will defeat and surpass WoW

        Also, it's worth noting that when FFXI was set to come out here, everyone thought it was going to clean house - people were surprised as hell initially that WoW beat out FFXI so thoroughly (in terms of subscriptions) given the relative popularity of Warcraft vs Final Fantasy; Blizzard has always been popular in North America, but that's cheefly been due to Diablo and Starcraft, and FF trumps both of those (or at least it did back in the day).

        So who knows. Personally, I think ARR will do just fine. Dunno if it will "beat" WoW, but it's certainly looking better than some of the other MMO's that are out or due out soon (IMO).


