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Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

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  • #16
    Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

    Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
    well even the best RP community means nothing if people aren't interesting in WoW or Smiften, or something. But ya, there is a whole spectrum of RPing. The most common are "half measures" but still overall, people can find RP groups and stuff in generally all mmorpgs, mew. what level of RP they are looking for, that is a different case, but RPing is fully capable in basically all mmorpgs in various levels. Even if people isolate themselves in RP linkshells, they can make some degree of RP work, mew.
    The level you brought up and everyone is discussing is "full RP" or what I call "committed RP". This means that there is a rule or guideline to which players who wish to participate must follow or otherwise the whole thing falls apart. World of Warcraft has several full servers of thousands of committed RPers and that's why I said what I said. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. As long as any game provides direct support to a full fledged RP community then it will thrive. IIRC, Blizzard provided that connection and support from the very first day and has encouraged and fostered that community through special contests and server events (for those servers and communities) and even their GM/employees routinely participate.


    • #17
      Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

      god i hated balmung for this very reason

      I have nothing against RP'ers, infact i think more games should offer more content designed for RP'ers, but I, myself, me, shepard, am not an RP'er.

      I was on Fabul, wasn't playing because god fucking hell FFXIV 1.0 is/was horrible (it got better, i admit, and i played it for 3 months, and got my character maxed out, etc.) but they did the server merger, when i wasn't playing, and Fabul was the server that got combined with the RP server and named Bahlmung.

      So i come back about july, and i can't find competent players, I can't find a LS that has dedicated runs, I can't find but 2-4 other people who seriously give a fuck about being successful at this game. But damned if i can't find a bunch of Lalafel's talking all weird in say in The Adder's Nest.
      I was like "wtf is going on???" and "are these people NPC's?"
      So general asking around I find out that Bhalmung is the Roleplay server for XIV. and that "title" basically detered anyone who wanted to be "good" (i.e. do speed runs, not wear 5/5 AF, beat garuda, work on relics) from ever picking that serever. And there's no server transfers....

      I have since moved on to GW2 and i'm having a blast, tbh.


      • #18
        Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

        Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
        (it got better, i admit, and i played it for 3 months, and got my character maxed out, etc.)
        You got all jobs to level 50? In 3 months? wow
        75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
        RANK 10 Bastok
        CoP: Done
        ZM: Done
        ToA: Done
        Assault rank: Captain
        Campaign Medal: Medals
        Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

        Originally posted by Etra
        This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


        • #19
          Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

          Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
          So general asking around I find out that Bhalmung is the Roleplay server for XIV. and that "title" basically detered anyone who wanted to be "good" (i.e. do speed runs, not wear 5/5 AF, beat garuda, work on relics) from ever picking that serever. And there's no server transfers....

          I have since moved on to GW2 and i'm having a blast, tbh.
          Calling bullshit on this. I've been on plenty of Rp servers across multiple MMOs where the RP community were more than happy to take part in all aspects of endgame like PvE instances, PvP and whatnot.
          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
          Reiko Takahashi
          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
          Haters Gonna Hate


          • #20
            Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

            Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
            I have since moved on to GW2 and i'm having a blast, tbh.
            This will end when you look around for an actual challenge and find nothing. You'll find another game that can provide an adequate challenge.


            • #21
              Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

              It's less that GW2 it too easy and more they axed healers and tanks from the game entirely. You are basically a Damage Dealer, Utility or Damage Support so they pretty much have to balance the game around the fact that avoiding a hit is the only way to survive. As soon as you work out what to avoid and what hits you can afford to take, encounters are pretty shallow and some can get as bad as post-Cataclysm WoW boss fights (pretty much all of the fights were "You need X gear to beat the enrage and stay out of the fire") which is a shame really.

              Don't get me wrong. Guild Wars 2 is fun. But there are definitely parts of the game that make me happy that it doesn't have a subscription fee.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • #22
                Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

                Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                It's less that GW2 it too easy and more they axed healers and tanks from the game entirely. You are basically a Damage Dealer, Utility or Damage Support so they pretty much have to balance the game around the fact that avoiding a hit is the only way to survive. As soon as you work out what to avoid and what hits you can afford to take, encounters are pretty shallow and some can get as bad as post-Cataclysm WoW boss fights (pretty much all of the fights were "You need X gear to beat the enrage and stay out of the fire") which is a shame really.

                Don't get me wrong. Guild Wars 2 is fun. But there are definitely parts of the game that make me happy that it doesn't have a subscription fee.
                I agree completely, and yeah the PvP portion is what has me hooked atm

                Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                Calling bullshit on this. I've been on plenty of Rp servers across multiple MMOs where the RP community were more than happy to take part in all aspects of endgame like PvE instances, PvP and whatnot.
                See, I believe that. However in the case of XIV, the fact that the game was so horrible built, and it was litterly so hard to play it effectively/efficently, drove the nail into the coffin for the RP server ever being successful at multiple groups of people successfully and consistently winning these events.
                I mean when the game gives you an hour to finish a dungeon, and to get the best run possible you have to complete said dungeon in under 17:00 mins it doesn't really lend itself to the Role player who only wants to role play as a paladin. (because paladin had 1-2 spots it could fit in in CC/AV, and if all you had was pld, you weren't going because to make the under 17 min run, you had to have other jobs also)

                I believe there are RP'ers who can handle even the hardest content with their eyes closed, but there weren't on balmung. I mean you litterly could count the number of groups that were beating garuda 80% of the time on one hand, on that server. It was painful to hear that garuda was PUG'able (pick up group) on Aegis/gugnir/other servers. I joined over 90 different shout runs for garuda (before my group started winning consistently) and not a single one of them was successful.

                And yeah 3 months to get all my DOW/M/H to 50. My mining is 50 too, but my botany is 15, and fishing is only 1. DoH is pretty simple/mindless if you have the funds to just spam synth stuff.


                • #23
                  Re: Roleplayers band together for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, mew!

                  Hello, I got here doing a search for XIV RP, and after reading the thread just wanted to chime in. There are still RPers who want XIV: ARR to succeed, and who are even good at the actual game. :3 My guild (TALE), has beaten every instance in the current game, though we consider ourselves a mashup RP/endgame guild and not just pure RP. The roleplaying community is pretty fractured right now, but a lot of us are hoping that with the relaunch, we'll get people coming back to the game to give it another shot, and help rebuild the RP community on all servers, not just one. ^.^v

                  Until the game comes back up though, you'll find me and my guild in GW2 lol. That game is so amazing!

