Re: 25th Anniversary Translation (MASSIVE CHANGES ON THE WAY)
Summoner is going to function completely independant of that system - and it's not actually like Dark Ixion. What Yoshi said in an interview is they plan to have randomized, hidden instances that you need to find. It's a lot better this way since you don't have to worry as much about getting the claim and not dieing - you just have to find the fight location and get people there.
But again, this in no way involves summoner and is a completely separate thing. SMN will learn skills and abilities like any other job - through quests. I imagine this will probably involve fighting each primal and earning their power just like in XI. They have 4 Primals planned for SMN atm - Ifrit, Garua, Titan & Ramuh so I imagine they will each be a quested job ability (or they could be separate from the job quests, idk this is just my best guess based on what's been put forward so far) and as usual, the final quest will grant you your "2 hour" and AF Body.
This way we still get to have fun with the summons, with their full power being extremely limited - I'm not a huge fan either, but the best way to think about I would say is this:
Think of it as doing "Awakening the beast" from XI, against the "true" forms of each avatar - only the reward each time is a chance to actually call forth that summon at their full strength, instead of a weapon.
Originally posted by Yygdrasil
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Summoner is going to function completely independant of that system - and it's not actually like Dark Ixion. What Yoshi said in an interview is they plan to have randomized, hidden instances that you need to find. It's a lot better this way since you don't have to worry as much about getting the claim and not dieing - you just have to find the fight location and get people there.
But again, this in no way involves summoner and is a completely separate thing. SMN will learn skills and abilities like any other job - through quests. I imagine this will probably involve fighting each primal and earning their power just like in XI. They have 4 Primals planned for SMN atm - Ifrit, Garua, Titan & Ramuh so I imagine they will each be a quested job ability (or they could be separate from the job quests, idk this is just my best guess based on what's been put forward so far) and as usual, the final quest will grant you your "2 hour" and AF Body.
This way we still get to have fun with the summons, with their full power being extremely limited - I'm not a huge fan either, but the best way to think about I would say is this:
Think of it as doing "Awakening the beast" from XI, against the "true" forms of each avatar - only the reward each time is a chance to actually call forth that summon at their full strength, instead of a weapon.