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Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

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  • Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

    [patch 1.23a] Patch 1.23a Notes

    [patch 1.23a] Patch 1.23a Notes

    • [dev1001][dev1002] The following sidequests have been added:

      Quest Name Quest NPC NPC Location
      Living on a Prayer Louisoix Gridania (6,2)
      Monster of Maw Most Massive Dural Tharal Ul'dah Merchant Strip (6,3)
      The Raven, Nevermore Serpent Private Dauremant Gridania Landing (6,6)
      Mysteries of the Red Moon Kopuru Fupuru Ul'dah Merchant Strip (6,5)
      Prophecy Inspection - Any of the following:
      The Hourglass (Ul’dah)
      The Roost (Gridania)
      The Mizzenmast Inn (Limsa Lominsa)
      * The sidequest "Living on a Prayer" will become available upon completing the quest "To Kill a Raven."

      * The sidequest "The Raven, Nevermore" will be triggered upon completion of "Living on a Prayer. "

      * Please note the following conditions for triggering the sidequests "Mysteries of the Red Moon" and "Prophecy Inspection":
      • "Mysteries of the Red Moon" will be triggered upon completion of the sidequest "Private Eyes."
      • "Prophecy Inspection" will be triggered by players in possession of the item "unsealed memorandum." Once the item has been obtained, players will need to log out from an inn room, and log back in after a certain amount of time has passed.
        * The item "unsealed memorandum" is needed for the sidequest "Prophecy Inspection." Players who accidentally dispose of the memorandum may obtain another by speaking to one of the innkeeps.

      Players can enter their inn rooms by speaking with one of the following innkeeper NPCs.

      Inn Innkeep Location
      The Hourglass Kopuru Fupuru Ul'dah Merchant Strip (6,5)
      The Roost V'korolon Gridania (6,6)
      The Mizzenmast Inn Mytesyn Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (7,5)
    • [dev1475] New battles against Nael van Darnus entitled "Rivenroad" and "Rivenroad (Hard) " have been added.
      These battles become available after completing the quest "Living on a Prayer."

      *This battle content presents some contradictions when played alongside the main story, as events following the battles are the same as those experienced during the quest "To Kill a Raven." Please note that these battles do not have to be completed to advance the story. "Rivenroad (Hard)" is currently the most punishing battle available in FINAL FANTASY XIV, and we intend for players to enjoy this as a special challenge after completing the main story.

      Rivenroad (Hard)
      Class & Level Requirements Disciples of War or Magic level 45 and above
      Party Size Requirements 8 members
      Party Member Requirements All party members must be Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or above
      Time Limit 30 minutes
      Cooldown Before Reentry (following a victory) 15 minutes
      Cooldown Before Reentry (following a defeat) 5 minutes
      Quest Names The Raven, Nevermore
      Quest Requirements Completed the sidequest "Living on a Prayer."
      * "The Raven, Nevermore" is a repeatable quest. Please note, however, that the quest reward can only be obtained the first time round.
      * Completing the sidequest "Living on a Prayer" unlocks both "Rivenroad" and "Rivenroad (Hard)" repeatable battles. Please note, however, that no further reward will be issued for completing the former.
    • [dev1476] Atomos will appear in the following areas:
      • Brittlebark, Mor Dhona
      • Revenant’s Toll, Mor Dhona
      • Ever Lakes, Coerthas Central Lowlands
      • Glory, Coerthas Central Lowlands
      • Bluefog, Northern Thanalan

    • [dev1477] The location and/or dialogue of certain NPCs have been adjusted.
    • [dev1478] Coinciding with the end of goobbue mount distribution, the wandering minstrel will no longer be found in Eastern La Noscea (36,25).

    • [dev1479] New monsters have been added.
    • [dev1480] Enemy placement in the following areas has been adjusted:
      • Dragonhead, Coerthas Central Highlands
      • Iron Lake, Upper La Noscea

    • [dev1481] New items have been added.

      Item Type Description
      Over-aspected Crystal Panacea A crystalline manifestation of aetheric energy exhibiting an extreme elemental charge. When released, the energy will enhance the physical and mental capabilities of those in contact with the item.
      Lunar Curtain Panacea Unaspected crystals ground into a fine powder that when cast in the air, form a magical barrier by means of absorbing free-roaming aetherial particles and concentrating them in a single point.
      Dalamud Horn Crown Required Level: 50/Suits: All Classes
      White Ravens Earrings Required Level: 50/Suits: All Classes
      Manderville Earrings Earrings Required Level: 20/Suits: All Classes
      Byregot's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Rhalgr's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Llymlaen's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Azeyma's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Althyk's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Menphina's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Nophica's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Nald'thal's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Nymeia's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Oschon's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Thaliak's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Halone's Ring Ring Optimal Level: 1/Suits: All Classes
      Unsealed Memorandum Miscellany Upon this rolled slip of parchment is scrawled the seventh verse of Mezaya Thousand Eyes's Divine Chronicles.
      Deaspected Cluster Crystal This translucent crystal cluster seems to have been completely drained of its elemental aspect.
    • [dev1482] New recipes have been added.
      • Alchemist

        Item Material Crystal
        Lunar Curtain Deaspected Cluster Water Crystal x1
        Lightning Crystal x1
        Lunar Curtain(x4) Deaspected Cluster
        Deaspected Cluster
        Deaspected Cluster
        Deaspected Cluster
        Water Crystal x4
        Lightning Crystal x4

    • [dev1483] New weather conditions have been added.

    Fixed Bugs
    • The following issues have been resolved:
      • An issue wherein Nael van Darnus would use "Fierce Ravensbeak" outside of predetermined conditions.
      • An issue wherein the instanced battle in the quest "How to Quit You" would end abruptly after commencement.
      • An issue within Thornmarch wherein defeating an enemy with a weaponskill that afflicts Stun would cause that enemy to remain.
      • An issue with the faction leve "Wanted: The Maskmaker" wherein wolves would spawn even when the battle against V'dhoramo had not been triggered.
      • An issue wherein the combo effect would fail to trigger if the first blow of a multistrike weaponskill misses the target.
      • An issue wherein players with Walking Mode switched to "Walk" would still be detected by sound-sensitive enemies.
      • An issue with Skirmish wherein players who leave the party could not be invited to join again.
      • An issue with the Recruit feature wherein, under certain conditions, recruitment would not end automatically even if party numbers had been filled.
      • An issue wherein Dalamud was not displaying properly in certain areas.
      • An issue wherein players could not move forward in certain areas.
      • An issue wherein certain NPC messages were incorrect.
      • An issue wherein certain vendor NPC dialog was incorrect.
      • An issue wherein certain system messages were incorrect.
      • An issue wherein screenshots could be taken at the title screen, the character selections screen, and so forth.

    Known Issues
    • An issue with the quest "Prophecy Inspection” wherein the quest item "Bomb Bane" does not appear in the journal.

    So there we have it, White Ravens from the god damned hard version of Nael it would seem... lovely. Thanks for the troll Yoshi. Guess I'm off to flail helplessly against a fight I'll never win.


  • #2
    Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

    +1 to Mal for posting this.


    • #3
      Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

      I still need to beat "To Kill a Raven"... ;_;
      75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
      RANK 10 Bastok
      CoP: Done
      ZM: Done
      ToA: Done
      Assault rank: Captain
      Campaign Medal: Medals
      Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

      Originally posted by Etra
      This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


      • #4
        Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

        I finally beat it last night, found 3 other competent people who understand that rolling around in your 5 pieces of AF gear is un-sat for fights like these. (I don't consider myself super hardcore by any means, I work 0630-1600 M-F)I have noticed that finding 8 like minded people that understand it takes a bit more attention that just logging on and wearing level 28 rings at level 50, is quite hard with the state of the game.

        Now, I'm on Balmung, which I guess when they merged servers back a few months before i started playing, was the default "Role play" server.


        • #5
          Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

          Eh, I managed to win in my PLD AF. My other gear (save my belt, but the next 1 up isn't much of an improvement for the money it costs) is up to date, though not ideal.

          Though I imagine that likely won't fly for the Hard version, I dunno. Skill trumps everything though.



          • #6
            Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

            That's the spirit! Your mew mew aura has leveled up! =^^=


            • #7
              Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              Eh, I managed to win in my PLD AF. My other gear (save my belt, but the next 1 up isn't much of an improvement for the money it costs) is up to date, though not ideal.

              Though I imagine that likely won't fly for the Hard version, I dunno. Skill trumps everything though.
              Yeah you bring up a good point, and this isn't knocking good players who haven't bothered to double meld stuff. If 8 players that know the fight went in with no melded or HQ gear and they have the skill to win, then I highly believe the fight is simple. It took us 4 tries last night with a group made up of 1whm,1brd,3blms,2wars,1drg.
              Whm was usually sitting on 2k MP most of the fights, but bad luck on positioning or missed metors screwed us a couple times.
              Thing is though, you can usually tell good players by their gear, and since alot of games use gear check system's but FFXIV does not, it falls on the players. I mean, I think i'm overall 1/32ish on that fight, and most of the other times people show up with no emnity gear, don't eat food, have no sense of targeting, and don't do research on the fight before hand.
              I mean, baring the first day fight hit the servers, I was watching every video I could, and looking at images and strat's on how to beat it.

              Skill will always trump gear, of this i will not disagree, but the easy way to see if someone is skilled is to check their gear. I have 50pld, with double melded chest, hands, +25 emnity belt, +10earring, +20 sword, +10shield, +9 feet(melded with tIV HP+) HQ Acc Rings, but I won't play pld, cause i have no skill on it. I know if i took the time, i could learn it, but i have focused on other jobs (whm,war,brd(my bard is sick))

              Honestly If i geared out my pld, and showed up to a pickup group they'd probably think they were gonna be fine when it came to the tanking aspect of the fight. And they'd be sorely mistaken, cause i would suck, lol. I don't know the combo's like war/brd, I don't have my skill bars setup in any coherent fashion, and I have no idea about the ammount of acc. I want to bring into certain fights and where i can sacrifice acc for more HP or DMG.

              Anyway, I guess i rambled a bit. My point being is looking at a players gear, often determines their skill level, more so than it does not. Mal, your an exception in this case. /shrug.
              I showed up last night, my friends were 8/8 with 3 random pickups and when i logged on they booted one of the blm's who was wearing 30-40 gear and had no rings on, so i could get into the party. They were nice about it, but also brutally honest. I mean I had to have some help during phase 2 metor shower, and my blm is fairly decent geared (double melds, grand company gear, etc.) That original blm would have been useless.


              • #8
                Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                I have just the opposite issue, my gear is fairly "meh" by most standards but I know how to get the job done. as evidenced by my win against Nael. Everyone in my LS was telling me to just drop PLD and level WAR but guess what? SACRED KITTY FTW! >^. .^<

                ... lol. Not that I wouldn't mind having some decent gear like Heavy Darklight, Thoerman's purpose (sp?) or even the Skirmish Sword to replace my lolCobalt Winglet >.<

                I don't see any point in changing my rings though. My electrum rings have served me pretty well, and I'd really rather not lose the accuracy. Would be nice if I could get a double meld HP belt but the fuck if I'm dropping 2+ mil on that.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                  the lolcobalt winglet is too lol if you meld it with a +22 enmity piece...
                  75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
                  RANK 10 Bastok
                  CoP: Done
                  ZM: Done
                  ToA: Done
                  Assault rank: Captain
                  Campaign Medal: Medals
                  Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

                  Originally posted by Etra
                  This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


                  • #10
                    Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                    The fight was built more for skill than gear. All it was, was general positioning and having a BLM dedicated to meteors. Otherwise, general tank and spank.

                    Just finished the storyline, got the achievement, and the unicorn horn helm thing... My God that thing is crappy in stats. (So is the ring you get...)


                    • #11
                      Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                      You mean the 12 quest?

                      There's also Atomos, who's popping up everywhere merc'n people. The White Ravens have to be from Rivenroad (Hard), but god damn... I want them, but geez...

                      Seriously not cool to make such a boss item a 1-time only deal for such a short period, and so hard to get.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                        Oh look, Cavernous Maws!


                        • #13
                          Re: Patch 1.23a Notes (13/08/2012)

                          No, it's actually just Atomos himself randomly spawning with legions of horrible NMs.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

